inheritance tree
Score.note PitchClassMixin
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Note2 InChordMixinForNote InScaleMixinForNote
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Note RegularTemperamentMixinForNote
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class definition
[concrete class]
class RegularTemperamentNote (Inheritance-free)
feat !InChordMixinForNoteType !InScaleMixinForNoteType !PitchClassMixinType !RegularTemperamentForNoteType
attr chords generatorFactors generatorFactorsOffset generators getChords getScales inChordB inScaleB isRelatedChord isRelatedScale octave pitchClass rank relatedChordBs relatedScaleBs scales
- getAllGeneratorFactorParameters($)
- getAllGeneratorFactors($)
Returns tuple of all generator factors (FD ints).
- getAllGeneratorFactors_list($)
Returns list of all generator factors (FD ints).
- getAllGeneratorParameters($)
- getAllGenerators($)
Returns tuple of all generators (FD ints).
- getAllGenerators_list($)
Returns list of all generators (FD ints).
- getChords(X)
Returns the list of candidate chord objects, i.e. the value returned by the proc set via the getChords init argument.
- getGenerator($ I)
Returns the Ith (int) generator of the regular temperament, measured in cent (FD int). Remember that the octave is always an implicit generator.
- getGeneratorFactor($ I)
Returns the factor (FD int) by which the Ith (int) generator of the regular temperament has been multiplied to obtain the pitch class of this note.
- getGeneratorFactorParameter($ I)
- getGeneratorFactorsOffset($)
- getGeneratorParameter($ I)
- getInChordB(X)
- getInChordBParameter(X)
- getInScaleB(X)
- getInScaleBParameter(X)
- getInitInfo($ ...)
- getOctave(X)
- getOctaveParameter(X)
- getPitchClass(X)
- getPitchClassParameter(X)
- getRank($)
Returns the number of generators of the regular temperament (an int). Remember that the octave is always an implicit generator that is not counted.
- getRelatedChordBs(X)
Returns a list of 0/1-integers returned by {Map {} }. and are the functions given to initInChordMixinForNote.
- getRelatedScaleBs(X)
Returns a list of 0/1-integers returned by {Map {} }. and are the functions given to initInScaleMixinForNote.
- getScales(X)
Returns the list of candidate scale objects, i.e. the value returned by the proc set via the getScale init argument.
- init(...)
see comment in Note, additionally
required arg: generators (list of ints, later perhaps list of FD ints)
optional arg: generatorFactors (list of FD ints, same length as generators), generatorFactorsOffset (int)
- initInChordMixinForNote(...)
- initInScaleMixinForNote(...)
- initPitchClassMixin(octave:Oct pitchClass:PC)
- initRegularTemperamentMixinForNote(generatorFactors:Fs generatorFactorsOffset:Offset generators:Gs)
- isInChord(B)
Returns an 0/1-int which states whether or not the pitch class of self is included in the pitch classes of its related chord. This definition is an alias for getInChordB.
- isInScale(B)
see doc isInChord
- nonChordPCConditions(Conditions)
Defines and applies a 'meta-rule' which conveniently defines a number of conditions which effect self dependent on the value of {self isInChord($)}. Conditions is a list of binary procs expecting self and an 0/1-int (declared within the proc). These conditions form alternative constraints on self. A typical condition example would be a boolean constraint whether self is a passing note, another whether self is a suspension.
If none of the given conditions is true, then self must be 'in' the chord (i.e. 1={self isInChord($)}). Similarily, if self is not in the chord, at least one of the conditions must be true. However, the opposite is not necessarily true: if one or more conditions are the case then self may or may not be in the chord and also if self is in the chord then one or more conditions still may or may not be true.
For instance, this meta-rule never constraints a note to necessarily be a non-chord note. You may however easily do this, e.g, by constraining {self isInChord($)}=0 directly -- which would have the consequence that one of Conditions must be true.
- nonScalePCConditions(Conditions)
see doc nonChordPCConditions
- noteInterval($ MyNote dbFeatures:DBFeats)
Expects a note object MyNote and returns the interval between self and MyNote. If the self is higher than MyNote, then the intervals direction is downwards (i.e. 0). Additional interval features can be specified with the optional argument dbFeatures (default nil).