inheritance tree
class definition
Implements Oz interface to the UNIX program sendOSC (using its interactive mode).
class SendOSC (Inheritance-free)
- init(host:H port:P)
Starts sendOSC in the background. The host H is a VS (e.g., ""), default is localhost. The port P (an Int) defaults to 57120, the port number of the SuperCollider language (i.e., sclang).
- send(Packet timeTagFormatter:TTFormatter)
Sends the OSC packet Packet. Packet can be either an OSC message or a bundle in the format described above.
The optional timeTagFormatter argument expects a function TTFormatter which transforms any timetag in Packet (in case it is a bundle) into an integer specifying the milliseconds since midnight UTC of January 1, 1970 (i.e. UNIX time multiplied by 1000). This allows for other timetag formats in Packet (e.g. beats). The default TTFormatter does no transformation (i.e. every timetag is UNIX time in msecs, e.g., created with TimeNow plus some value).