declare [OSC] = {ModuleLink ['x-ozlib://anders/strasheela/OSC/OSC.ozf']} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% Oz OSC output -> dumpOSC -> sendOSC -> Oz OSC input %%% /* declare MyPort = 1234 %% create dumpOSC and sendOSC interface with same port MyDumpOSC = {New OSC.dumpOSC init(port:MyPort)} %% default host is localhost.. MySendOSC = {New OSC.sendOSC init(port:MyPort)} %% browse stream of all OSC packets received {Browse {MyDumpOSC getOSCs($)}} %% show strings in browser {Browser.object option(representation strings:true)} {MySendOSC send('/foo'(bar 3.14 42))} %% negative number {MySendOSC send('/test'(~3.14))} {MySendOSC send('/test'(~42))} %% bundle (without time tag!) {MySendOSC send(['/foo'(bar 3.14 42)])} %% nested bundle {MySendOSC send([['/foo' '/bar'] '/test'("hi there" follow)])} %% bundle with future time tag {MySendOSC send([{OSC.timeNow} '/foo'(bar 3.14 42)])} {MyDumpOSC close} {MySendOSC close} */ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% addResponder %%% %%% NOTE: no time tags yet .. %%% /* declare MyPort = 1234 MyDumpOSC = {New OSC.dumpOSC init(port:MyPort)} %% default host is localhost.. MySendOSC = {New OSC.sendOSC init(port:MyPort)} {MyDumpOSC addResponder('/foo' proc {$ Timetag Msg} {Browse foo#Msg} end)} {MyDumpOSC addResponder('/bar' proc {$ Timetag Msg} {Browse bar#Msg} end)} %% show strings in browser {Browser.object option(representation strings:true)} {MySendOSC send('/foo'(hi))} {MySendOSC send('/bar'(there))} %% bundle {MySendOSC send(['/foo'(some test)])} */ /* %% %% store incoming OSC messages in a buffer -- except for the message /trigger, which emties the buffer and sends its content somewhere (here, it is just browsed) %% declare MyPort = 1234 MyDumpOSC = {New OSC.dumpOSC init(port:MyPort)} %% default host is localhost.. MySendOSC = {New OSC.sendOSC init(port:MyPort)} MyBuffer = {New OSC.buffer init} %% addDefaultResponder matches any OSC packet for which no other responder exists {MyDumpOSC setDefaultResponder(proc {$ Timetag Msg} {MyBuffer put(Msg)} end)} {MyDumpOSC addResponder('/trigger' proc {$ _ /*Timetag*/ _/* Msg */} {Browse {MyBuffer getAll($)}} end)} %% show strings in browser {Browser.object option(representation strings:true)} {MySendOSC send('/foo'(bar 3.14 42))} %% bundle (without time tag!) {MySendOSC send(['/bar'(3.14 42)])} %% bundle with future time tag {MySendOSC send([{OSC.timeNow}+10000 '/timedBundle'(bar 3.14 42)])} {MySendOSC send('/trigger')} */ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% Strasheela score to OSC %%% /* %% %% Transforms the nested score into a flat event list, where each note %% is represented by a bundle of the following format. Start times are %% integers measuring time in msecs from some start time 0. Durations %% are measured in seconds, pitch and amplitude in Midi, all as %% floats. %% %% [StartTime '\note'(Duration Pitch Amplitude)] %% %% The list surrounding these events is a bundle with starttime of %% score. %% declare /** %% Output start time of score object X in milliseconds (as int). %% */ fun {MakeTimeTag X} {FloatToInt {X getStartTimeInSeconds($)}*1000.0} end MyScore = {Score.makeScore sim(items:[seq(items:[note(duration:2 pitch:64 amplitude:64) note(duration:2 pitch:65 amplitude:64) note(duration:4 pitch:67 amplitude:64) note(duration:4 pitch:62 amplitude:64)]) seq(items:[sim(items:[note(duration:8 pitch:48 amplitude:64) note(duration:8 pitch:55 amplitude:64)]) sim(items:[note(duration:4 pitch:50 amplitude:64) note(duration:4 pitch:54 amplitude:64)])])] startTime:0 timeUnit:beats(4)) unit} {MyScore wait} OSCs = {MakeTimeTag MyScore} | {Sort {Out.scoreToEvents MyScore [isNote#fun {$ MyNote} %% transform function returns list of events: ie. bundle in list [[{MakeTimeTag MyNote} '\note'({MyNote getDurationInSeconds($)} {MyNote getPitchInMidi($)} {MyNote getAmplitudeInVelocity($)})]] end] unit} %% sort events by start time fun {$ X Y} X.1 =< Y.1 end} {Browse OSCs} */ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% OSC to Strasheela score %%% /* %% %% Interpret each bundle as simultaneous container with the given start time %% %% %% Expects the following OSC format %% %% '\note'(StartTime Duration Pitch Amplitude) %% declare MyOSC = [0 [0 '\note'(0 2.0 64 64)]] /** %% Expects an OSC packet and transforms it into a Strasheela textual score, where bundles are transformed into simultaneous containers. %% Bundles must contain a timetag as UNIX time msecs integer (timetags are always output by sendOSC), and this timetag is used as simultaneous startTime. %% FIXME: make time format user-controllable. %% */ fun {BundlesToSims MyOSC} case MyOSC of TimeT | Packets then sim(items:{Map Packets BundlesToSims} timeUnit:msecs startTime:TimeT) else MyOSC end end fun {MakeNote '\note'(Start Duration Pitch Amplitude)} {Score.makeScore2 note(startTime:Start duration:{FloatToInt Duration} pitch:Pitch amplitude:Amplitude) unit} end TransformedOSCs = {BundlesToSims MyOSC} MyScore = {Score.makeScore TransformedOSCs unit('\note':MakeNote sim:Score.simultaneous)} {Inspect MyScore} */ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% dumpOSC Interface %%% /* %% as above declare MyDumpOSC = {New OSC.dumpOSC init(port:1234)} {Browse {MyDumpOSC getOSCs($)}} {MyDumpOSC close} %% %% internal tests (user shouldn't do this): %% declare Xs thread Xs = {MyDumpOSC parseAll($)} end {Browse Xs} %% accessing the next line directly {Browse {MyDumpOSC.dumpOSC getS($)}} */ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% sendOSC interface %%% %%% NB: no sendOSC output is shown %%% /* %% first start some OSC server (e.g., dumpOSC, see above) at given port declare %% default host is localhost.. MySendOSC = {New OSC.sendOSC init(port:1234)} %% %% you can raw sendOSC input with cmd method %% %% bundle with future time tag %% TODO: test whether this time is correct (e.g. with SuperCollider) {MySendOSC send([{OSC.timeNow}+10000 '/foo'(bar 3.14 42)])} %% send some test message {MySendOSC cmd("/test 3.14 foo bar 42")} %% send a bundle {MySendOSC cmd("[ 1\n/test \"hi there\"\n]")} %% send two messages in one go {MySendOSC cmd("/foo 42\n/bar 42")} %% mix of bundles and messages {MySendOSC cmd("[ 1\n/test -3.14 \"hi there\" \"3-x\" 42\n/hiThere 1 3.13\n]\n[ 1\n/test -3.14 \"hi there\" \"3-x\" 42\n]\n/hiThere 1 3.13\n/bla \"foo\" 42")} %% NB: showAll blocks, and does not show the expected output {MySendOSC showAll} {Browse hi} {MySendOSC close} */ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% OSC message round trip duration: Oz -> sendOSC -> dumpOSC -> Oz %%% %%% store time when message was started in message %%% %%% Result (measurements where taken on a 2.2 GHz Macbook Pro) using %%% UDP: round trip most times takes less than a msec, sometimes it is %%% 10 msecs, and rather seldomly even more -- that should be %%% sufficient for now ;-) %%% %%% NB: the latency is likely introduced by network irregularities %%% (because: why should other parts of the program perform %%% irregularily). Also, note that the communication between sclang %%% and scserver has a latency of about 20 msecs: evaluate one of the %%% following lines in sclang, and the server s reports the latency. %%% %%%, 1) %%% s.sendBundle(0.0, ["/s_new", "default", x = s.nextNodeID, 0, 1], ["/n_set", x, "freq", 500]); %%% /* declare %% returns some time in msecs fun {TimeNow} {Property.get ''} end MyPort = {GUtils.random 10000} + 2000 MyDumpOSC = {New OSC.dumpOSC init(port:MyPort)} MySendOSC = {New OSC.sendOSC init(port:MyPort)} {MyDumpOSC addResponder('/timetest' proc {$ Timetag Msg} End = {TimeNow} Start = Msg.1 in {Browse duration(End - Start)} end)} %% send a few timetest tmessages {MySendOSC cmd("/timetest "#{TimeNow})} */ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% OSC.buffer %%% /* declare MyBuffer = {New OSC.buffer init} {MyBuffer put(a)} {MyBuffer put(b)} {MyBuffer put(c)} {MyBuffer put(1)} {MyBuffer put(2)} {MyBuffer put(3)} {Browse {MyBuffer getAll($)}} */ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% Test timetag creation and parsing %%% %%% Send message with UNIX time timetag in msecs and transform timetags in %%% received messaged back into UNIX time in msecs. The time tags send and %%% received should be equal %%% /* declare {Init.putStrasheelaEnv sendOSC "/Users/t/Download/send+dumpOSC-OSX/sendOSC"} MyPort = {GUtils.random 10000} + 2000 MyDumpOSC = {New OSC.dumpOSC init(port:MyPort)} MySendOSC = {New OSC.sendOSC init(port:MyPort)} declare StartTime = {OSC.timeNow} {MyDumpOSC setBundleResponder(proc {$ TTag | Packets} {Inspect received( TTag-StartTime | Packets)} end)} declare {ForAll {List.number 0 10 1} proc {$ I} TTag = StartTime + (I * 1000) in {Inspect send([I * 1000 '/test'])} %% send a few timetest messages {MySendOSC send([TTag '/test'])} end} */ %% %% create HEX timetags and convert them back for testing %% /* declare %% msecs between 1900-01-01 and 1970-01-01 ConversionConstant1000 = ((70 * 365 + 17) * 86400) * 1000 Now = {OSC.timeNow} %% returns Now again {OSC.hexToDecimal1000 {VirtualString.toString {OSC.formatTimeTag Now}}} - ConversionConstant1000 %% returns 10001 {OSC.hexToDecimal1000 {VirtualString.toString {OSC.formatTimeTag 10001}}} - ConversionConstant1000 %% etc.. {OSC.hexToDecimal1000 {VirtualString.toString {OSC.formatTimeTag 10002}}} - ConversionConstant1000 {OSC.hexToDecimal1000 {VirtualString.toString {OSC.formatTimeTag 1000}}} - ConversionConstant1000 {OSC.hexToDecimal1000 {VirtualString.toString {OSC.formatTimeTag 1}}} - ConversionConstant1000 {OSC.hexToDecimal1000 {VirtualString.toString {OSC.formatTimeTag 2}}} - ConversionConstant1000 {OSC.hexToDecimal1000 {VirtualString.toString {OSC.formatTimeTag 100}}} - ConversionConstant1000 */ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% OSC.dumpOSC method parseVS (not exported anymore) %%% /* declare MyDumpOSC = {New OSC.dumpOSC init(port:1234)} %% !! blocks? {Browse {MyDumpOSC parseVS($ "/test 3.140000 \"foo\" 42")}} %% OLD %% %% OK {Browse {OSC.parseOSC "/test 3.140000 \"foo\" 42"}} */ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% timetag for sendOSC %% /* %% %% show time now and one second later (as VS) {Browse {OSC.formatTimeTag {OS.time}}} {Browse {OSC.formatTimeTag {OS.time}+30}} {Browse {VirtualString.toAtom {OSC.formatTimeTag {OS.time}}}} %% 1 min from now {Browse {VirtualString.toAtom {OSC.formatTimeTag {OS.time}+60}}} %% 10 minutes from now {Browse {VirtualString.toAtom {OSC.formatTimeTag {OS.time}+600}}} %% at 1 Jan 1970, 0:00 h {Browse {OSC.formatTimeTag 0}} %% create timed bundle for sendOSC {System.showInfo "[ 0x"#{VirtualString.toAtom {OSC.formatTimeTag {OS.time}+60}}#"\n" #"/west bla" #"\n]"} %% Elapsed real time in milli seconds from an arbitrary point in the past (for example, system start-up time). %% !!?? how to set that arbitrary point? Does that mean some random time point? {Property.get ''} %% returns UNIX time (i.e. the time since 00:00:00 GMT, Jan. 1, 1970 in seconds) {OS.time} {OS.gmTime} */ /* %% decimalToHex and formatHex not exported by OSC {OSC.decimalToHex 15} {OSC.decimalToHex 17} {OSC.decimalToHex 31} {OSC.formatHex {OSC.decimalToHex 31}} */ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% read OSC format with gump into Oz %%% /* \switch +gump \switch +gumpparseroutputsimplified +gumpparserverbose declare % for scanner/parser classes \insert ../OSC_Scanner.ozg \insert ../OSC_Parser.ozg %% testing the scanner: I don't need this later local % OSC_VS = "/test -3.14 \"hi there\" \"3-x\" 42" OSC_VS = "[ 1 /test -3.14 \"hi there\" \"3-x\" 42 ]" MyScanner = {New OSC_Scanner init()} proc {GetTokens} T V in {MyScanner getToken(?T ?V)} case T of 'EOF' then {System.showInfo 'End of file reached.'} else { T#V} {GetTokens} end end in {MyScanner scanVirtualString(OSC_VS)} {GetTokens} {MyScanner close()} end declare %% Testing the parser: this will be actually used.. fun {ParseOSC VS} MyScanner = {New OSC_Scanner init()} MyParser = {New OSC_Parser init(MyScanner)} Packets Status in {MyScanner scanVirtualString(VS)} {MyParser parse(packet(?Packets) ?Status)} {MyScanner close()} if Status then % {System.showInfo 'accepted'} Packets else % {System.showInfo 'rejected'} % nil %% !! tmp exception raise parserError(VS) end end end {Browse {ParseOSC "/test -3.14 \"hi there\" \"3-x\" 42"}} {Browse {ParseOSC '/test -3.14 "hi there" "3-x" 42'}} % bundle {Browse {ParseOSC "[ 1\n/test -3.14 \"hi there\" \"3-x\" 42\n]"}} % nested bundle {Browse {ParseOSC "[ 000000001\n/foo \"bar\" 3.140000 42\n]\n[ 000000001\n[ 000000001\n/foo \n/bar \n]\n/test \"hi there\" \"follow\" \n]"}} %% multiple messages.. {Browse {ParseOSC " /hiThere 1 3.13 /bla \"foo\" 42 "}} %% mix of bundles and messages {Browse {ParseOSC "[ 1 /test -3.14 \"hi there\" \"3-x\" 42 /hiThere 1 3.13 ] [ 1 /test -3.14 \"hi there\" \"3-x\" 42 ] /hiThere 1 3.13 /bla \"foo\" 42 "}} %% unfinished list of messages etc: Parser rejects (see def of ParseOSC)! {Browse {ParseOSC "[ 1 /test -3.14 \"hi there\" \"3-x\" 42 /hiThere 1 3.13 ] /hiThere 1 3.13 /bla \"foo\" 42 [ /hiThere 1 3.13 "}} */ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% %%% old stuff %%% %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% tmp: getting dumpOSC working.. %%% %%% %%% /* declare %% tmp [Socket] = {ModuleLink ['x-ozlib://anders/strasheela/OzServer/source/Socket.ozf']} %% NetCatPort = 7777 class DumpOSCInterface from Open.socket Open.text end /** %% Creates a UDP socket server. Expects a Host (e.g., 'localhost') and a PortNo and returns a server plus its corresponding client. This client is an instance of Open.socket, and is the interface for reading and writing into the socket. %% MakeServer blocks until the server listens. However, waiting until a connection has been accepted happens in its own thread (i.e. MakeServer does only block until the server listens). */ %% Copied and slightly modified from OzServer/source/Socket.oz. See doc there for further comments in code.. proc {MakeServer PortNo ?MyServer ?MyClient} proc {Accept MyClient} thread H in %% suspends until a connection has been accepted {MyServer accept(host:H acceptClass: DumpOSCInterface % Open.socket accepted:?MyClient)} {System.showInfo "% connection accepted from host "#H} end end in %% first test with TCP (the default) MyServer = {New Open.socket init} % MyServer = {New Open.socket init(type:datagram)} % protocol is UDP {MyServer bind(host:localhost takePort:PortNo)} %% no listing in case of UDP? {MyServer listen} {System.showInfo "% Socket listens at port "#PortNo} MyClient = {Accept} end %% create the UDP server before calling dumpOSC |nc to send its output here MyServer %% MyDumpOSC only bound after client connected MyDumpOSC = {MakeServer NetCatPort MyServer} % MyDumpOSC = {Socket.makeServer localhost NetCatPort MyServer} declare Term = 'xterm' %% add doc: only works on UNIX %% !!?? add warning: only works on UNIX % IsWin = {Property.get 'platform.os'} == 'win32' %% !! Oz Bug: this should be {Property.get 'platform.os'} IsMac = {Property.get 'platform.arch'} == 'darwin' X11 = '/Applications/Utilities/' % set in Strasheela env %% starts X11 if it is not running (changes focus to X11 in any case) if IsMac then {Out.exec 'open' [X11]} end % DumpOSCPath = "/Users/t/Download/send+dumpOSC-OSX/dumpOSC" DumpOSCPath = "/Users/t/c_cpp/OSC/CNMAT/dumpOSC/dumpOSC" Port = 1234 NetCat = 'nc' %% MyCmd = DumpOSCPath#" -quiet "#Port#" | "#NetCat#" localhost "#NetCatPort % MyCmd = DumpOSCPath#" "#Port#" | "#NetCat#" -u localhost "NetCatPort %% !!?? do different nc implementation have different options? %% !!?? use UDP for netcat, because dumpOSC uses UDP anyway % {Out.execNonQuitting 'xterm' % [% "-T" "\"dumpOSC to Strasheela interface\"" % "-e" "\"echo '"#MyCmd#"'; echo 'closing this windows stops OSC input to Strasheela!'; "#MyCmd#"\""]} {Out.execNonQuitting 'xterm' ["-e" "echo closing this windows stops OSC input to Strasheela!; "#MyCmd]} % {Out.execNonQuitting 'xterm' ["-e" MyCmd]} %% !! causes output 'no port[s] to connect to' /* %% this is OK (at least no such warning) ./dumpOSC -quiet 1234 | nc localhost 7777 xterm -T 'dumpOSC to Strasheela interface' -e "echo '/Users/t/c_cpp/OSC/CNMAT/dumpOSC/dumpOSC 1234 | nc localhost 7777'; echo 'closing this windows stops OSC input to Strasheela!'; /Users/t/c_cpp/OSC/CNMAT/dumpOSC/dumpOSC 1234 | nc localhost 7777" */ %% read a line {MyDumpOSC getS($)} %% OK {Out.execNonQuitting 'xterm' ["-e" "cat -"]} {Out.execNonQuitting 'xterm' ["-e" "echo cat -; cat -"]} %% terminals on Mac OS X /Applications/Utilities/ %% xterm supported by Linux and Mac OS X, so I use that per default.. However, as always, don't hardwire, and make also the option starting my dumpOSC | nc pipe user-controllable %% xterm %% for xterm, X must be running. Can I check or force that automatically. %% I can start application with following, but rerunning it starts another X11 /Applications/Utilities/ %% this does the trick (changes focus to X11) open /Applications/Utilities/ xterm -T "test title" -e "echo '$ cat -'; cat -" %% this would open a terminal, if non was open already open /Applications/Utilities/ */ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% !!?? General problem of Open.pipe if end of input is not known -- I don't think this is my problem %%% %%% see %%% %% -> message was never anwsered %% /* declare SortPipe = {New Open.pipe init(cmd:"sort") $} Input = "Here is the first line.\nAnd here is line two.\nLast line." {SortPipe write(vs:Input)} {Browse {SortPipe read(list: $)}} {SortPipe close} */ %% %% do I want/need to explicitly read stdin with Open.file? %% /* */ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% Perl: simple test %%% %%% move this into Output-test.oz %%% /* declare MyShell = {New init} {MyShell showAll} %% watch stdout {MyShell cmd("/Users/t/perl/")} %% !! this works! {MyShell cmd("/Users/t/perl/")} %% now, send OSC packets with sendOSC (from commandline) {MyShell close} */ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% Perl: Net-OpenSoundControl %%% /* declare ServerPath = "/Users/t/Download/Net-OpenSoundControl-0.05/examples/" MyShell = {New init} {MyShell showAll} %% receive input from port 7777 %% watch stdout {MyShell cmd(ServerPath)} %% !!! again, I don't see the output! %% now, send OSC packets with sendOSC (from commandline) {MyShell close} */ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% sendOSC interface %%% /* %% %% sendOSC works, but no output is shown.. %% declare MySendOSC = {New OSC.sendOSC init(port:1234)} %% !! showAll blocks, and does not show the expected output {MySendOSC showAll} {Browse hi} %% OK {MySendOSC cmd("/test 3.14 foo bar 42")} {MySendOSC close} */ /* declare SendOSCPath = "/Users/t/Download/send+dumpOSC-OSX/sendOSC" MySendOSC = {New init(cmd:SendOSCPath args:["-h" localhost 1234])} %% !! showAll block, and does not show the expected output {MySendOSC showAll} {Browse hi} %% OK {MySendOSC cmd("/test 3.14 foo bar 42")} {MySendOSC close} */ /* %% %% why is sendOSC output (and dumpOSC output) not shown with method showAll? %% % this causes redirection of stdout, and greeting message is not shown anymore $ ./sendOSC -h localhost 1234 > ~/tmp/test.log % however, noting ends up in ~/tmp/test.log either $ cat ~/tmp/test.log $ %% Is the output written in some unstandard way, which may be the reason why I don't get it into Oz? %% .. at the second try it worked! %% ! no output is created when I close process with ^C, but with ^D it works fine! %% -> this means no output is redirected during runtime, only afterwards.. %% !!?? does sendOSC need some special signal sent for writing its output? % when I do piping, the writing is also delayed $ ./sendOSC -h localhost 1234 | cat % shows noting % doing ^C then quits the pipe and still shows nothing % doing ^D instead, quits the pipe and then shows the greeting .. %% On the commandline, this works as expected. But not when started from Oz.. $ /dumpOSC 1234 | cat %% %% dumpOSC redirects slightly different: no redirection during runtime, but if program is terminated with ^C, the output is written. ^D, on the other hand, has no effect for dumpOSC. %% %% !! does output immediately! $ .dumpOSC 1234 | cat %% %% It appears, sendOSC and dumpOSC are not written according to UNIX standards. There text output is blocking when redirected. %% %% %% when dumpOSC is executed with (either directly or in sh) and then closed, no output is shown %% %% likewise, when sendOSC is executed with and then closed, no output is shown %% %% %% questions: %% - do sendOSC/dumpOSC (and perhaps python) need any special UNIX signals to cause them output %% - if so, can I send these signals from Oz? %% %% %% !!?? can I flush the buffer for stdin? %% -> the Open.pipe method flush "Blocks until all requests for reading and writing have been performed." That doesn't help me.. %% */ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% dumpOSC interface %%% /* %% after running this, send OSC messages at port 1234 (e.g., with sendOSC) declare MyDumpOSC = {New OSC.dumpOSC init(port:1234)} %% !! nothing at all happens yet, parseAll blocks -- even after closing MyDumpOSC {Browse {MyDumpOSC parseAll($)}} {Browse hi} {MyDumpOSC close} */ /* % stupid test: enter some command in init method, but never any cmd method: this works % NB: it shows: shell has died! declare MyShell = {New init(cmd:"ls" args:["-l" "/users/"])} {MyShell showAll} {MyShell close} */ /* declare DumpOSCPath = "/Users/t/Download/send+dumpOSC-OSX/dumpOSC" MyShell = {New init(cmd:DumpOSCPath args:[1234])} {MyShell showAll} {MyShell close} */ /* %% ;) somewhat desperate try -- still doesn't work. declare %% !! tmp PATH DumpOSCPath = "/Users/t/Download/send+dumpOSC-OSX/dumpOSC" MyShell = {New init} {MyShell showAll} {MyShell cmd(DumpOSCPath#" 1234 | cat")} % {MyShell cmd(DumpOSCPath#" 1234 -quiet")} %% after running this, send OSC messages at port 1234 (e.g., with sendOSC) %% !! nothing is output to stdout?? {MyShell close} */ /* %% telling bash that it is interactive (option "-i"): makes still no difference declare %% !! tmp PATH DumpOSCPath = "/Users/t/Download/send+dumpOSC-OSX/dumpOSC" MyShell = {New init(cmd:"bash" args:["-i"])} {MyShell showAll} {MyShell cmd("ls ~")} {MyShell cmd(DumpOSCPath#" 1234")} % {MyShell cmd(DumpOSCPath#" 1234 -quiet")} %% after running this, send OSC messages at port 1234 (e.g., with sendOSC) %% !! nothing is output to stdout?? {MyShell close} */ /* %% In contrast to using it on the commandline, in this exammple dumpOSC does not produce any output to the log file -- even not after {MyShell close} was called. %% %% How does {MyShell close} close/kill the shell? declare %% !! tmp PATH DumpOSCPath = "/Users/t/Download/send+dumpOSC-OSX/dumpOSC" MyShell = {New init} {MyShell showAll} {MyShell cmd(DumpOSCPath#" 1234 &> /Users/t/tmp/test.log")} % {MyShell cmd(DumpOSCPath#" 1234 -quiet")} %% after running this, send OSC messages at port 1234 (e.g., with sendOSC) %% !! nothing is output to stdout?? {MyShell close} */ /* %% why does this not work?? On which channel is output shown? %% -> I tried on commandline: dumpOSC outputs at stdout %% Same problem as with python?? declare %% !! tmp PATH DumpOSCPath = "/Users/t/Download/send+dumpOSC-OSX/dumpOSC" MyShell = {New init} {MyShell showAll} {MyShell cmd(DumpOSCPath#" 1234")} % {MyShell cmd(DumpOSCPath#" 1234 -quiet")} %% after running this, send OSC messages at port 1234 (e.g., with sendOSC) %% !! nothing is output to stdout?? {MyShell close} */ /* % cat test: works fine declare MyShell = {New init(cmd:"cat" args:["-"])} {MyShell showAll} {MyShell cmd(test)} {MyShell close} */ /* % stupid test: enter some command in init method, but never any cmd method: this works % NB: it shows: shell has died! declare MyShell = {New init(cmd:"ls" args:["-l" "/users/"])} {MyShell showAll} {MyShell close} */ /* declare S = {New init} {S showAll} {S cmd("cd /Users/t/Download/send+dumpOSC-OSX/")} {S cmd("ls -la")} %% !! Silence {S cmd("./dumpOSC 1234")} %% OK: causes error: line 1: ./dumpOS: No such file or directory %% so the command was found then before {S cmd("./dumpOS 1234")} %% !! Silence: same symptoms (not necessarily same problem..) {S cmd("python")} {S cmd("1 + 2")} %% works but no output shown {S cmd("./sendOSC -h localhost 1234")} {S cmd("/test")} {MyShell close} */ /* %% test on plain command line with sed shows that output of dumpOSC contains non-print characters: there is a special line end (but perhaps this is just the newline char..) ./dumpOSC 1234 | sed l dumpOSC version 0.2 (6/18/97 Matt Wright). Unix/UDP Port 1234 $ dumpOSC version 0.2 (6/18/97 Matt Wright). Unix/UDP Port 1234 Copyright (c) 1992,96,97,98,99,2000,01,02,03 Regents of the University of C\ alifornia.$ Copyright (c) 1992,96,97,98,99,2000,01,02,03 Regents of the University of California. /test $ /test -> you can tick this: there are no nonprintable characters in the dumpOSC output. "Long lines are folded, with the point of folding indicated by displaying a backslash followed by a new-line. The end of each line is marked with a ``$''." (see man sed for details on representation of nonprintable characters) */ /* %% using dumpOSC-wrapper declare MyShell = {New init} {MyShell showAll} {MyShell cmd("cd ~/c_cpp/OSC/CNMAT/dumpOSC")} {MyShell cmd("./dumpOSC-wrapper")} {MyShell close} */ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% old stuff: formatting of binary OSC messages %%% %%% /* /** %% Expects an Oz string (without any null characters) and pads it with null characters according to the OSC Spec. Returns VS. %% */ fun {MakeOscString MyString} L = {Length MyString} Min0ToAdd = 1 X = {Int.'mod' L+Min0ToAdd 4} N = if X==0 then Min0ToAdd else 5-X end in MyString#{Map {List.make N} fun {$ _} 0 end} end */ /* %% test {MakeOscString "hithere"} {MakeOscString "hi there"} {MakeOscString "hi there"} */ /* /** %% Expects an Oz integer (in interval [-2^8 / 2, 2^8 / 2 - 1]) and returns a 32-bit big-endian two's complement integer represented my a list of 4 chars. %% */ %% interval: [~{Pow 2 8*4} div 2 {Pow 2 8*4} div 2 - 1] fun {MakeOscInt MyInt} %% !! Check range if MyInt >= 0 then {IntTo4Chars MyInt} else {Map {IntTo4Chars MyInt} TwosComplement} end end /** %% Transforms X (a char) into its two's complement (quasi bit flipping plus 1). %% */ %% see's_complement %% for details how to do two's complement integers... fun {TwosComplement X} {BinaryToDecimal {BitwiseOr {DecimalToBinary X}}} end /** %% Transform int X into a list of 4 chars representing this int as 32 bit int. %% This is only fine for [unsigned] int. %% */ fun {IntTo4Chars X} fun {Aux X Accum} Rem = X mod 256 % {Pow 2 8}=256, i.e. 8 bit for singe char Quot = X div 256 in if Quot == 0 then Rem|Accum else {Aux Quot Rem|Accum} end end Result = {Aux X nil} L = {Length Result} in if L > 4 %% !! tmp exception then raise tooLargeInt(X) end else N = 4 - L in {Append {Map {List.make N} fun {$ _} 0 end} Result} end end */ /* {IntTo4Chars 256} {IntTo4Chars 255} {IntTo4Chars 257} */ /* /** %% Expects an integer and returns its binary representation as list of 0/1-ints. %% */ fun {DecimalToBinary X} fun {Aux X Accum} Rem = X mod 2 Quot = X div 2 in if Quot==0 then Rem|Accum else {Aux Quot Rem|Accum} end end in {Aux X nil} end */ /* {DecimalToBinary 255} */ /* /** %% Expects a binary (list of 8 0/1-ints) and returns the corresponding integer (plain int). %% */ fun {BinaryToDecimal Bins} Factors = unit(128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1) in %% !! tmp exception if {Length Bins} \= 8 then raise uncorrectLength(Bins) end end {LUtils.accum {List.mapInd Bins fun {$ I X} X * Factors.I end} Number.'+'} end {BinaryToDecimal [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0]} {BinaryToDecimal [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]} {BinaryToDecimal [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1]} {BinaryToDecimal [0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0]} */ /* declare */ /* /** %% Expects a binary (list of 8 0/1-ints) and returns the complement of this binary number (i.e., "flips all bits"). %% */ fun {BitwiseOr Bins} {Map Bins fun {$ X} if X==0 then 1 else 0 end end} end */ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% number encoding is somewhat complex (I need to control exact byte size of number representation). So, for now I simply represent numbers by strings containing numbers.. %% /** %% %% */ %% !!?? how to create a 32-bit big endian two's complement integer? Oz supports Ints of arbitrary size... % fun {MakeOscInt32 MyInt} % end /* %% Oz floats are internally represented in double precision (64 bits) using the IEEE floating point standard. %% is this string a 32 bit float spec?? {Float.toString ~1.1234567e~8} %% have arbitrarily big ints always converted to floats?? {Float.toString {Int.toFloat 123456789}} %% is this 32 bit?? {Float.toString 1.0} %% a BitArray or BitString proably don't help me -- I can not output them %% neither does ByteString: thats intended for textual data.. {BitString.make 32 [1 3]} {ByteString.make 12} {BitString.toList {BitString.make 32 [1 3]}} %% ?? 7 {ByteString.width {ByteString.make 0.123456789}} declare X = 12345 Rem = X - {Pow 2 8*4} declare X = 257 Rem = X - {Pow 2 8} %% Rem=1 declare X = 65537 Rem = X - {Pow 2 8*2} */