;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;; ;; (unless (find-package :oz-server-lisp-client) (make-package :oz-server-lisp-client :nicknames '(:oz) :use '(:common-lisp))) (defsystem oz-server-lisp-client :long-description "A lisp-side client for the OzServer, which is part of Strasheela. oz-server-lisp-client allows a Lisp program to execute arbitrary Oz code by calling on the OzServer." :author "Torsten Anders" :serial t ;; the dependencies are linear. :components ((:file "lisp-client") (:file "export")) ;; oz-server-lisp-client depends on port from CLOCC ;; (http://clocc.sourceforge.net/). A version of port with an ASDF ;; system file is available, e.g., for Debian/Ubuntu as cl-port (see ;; http://packages.debian.org/unstable/devel/cl-port). For a ;; non-debian system, just get the sources ;; (e.g. cl-port_20060408.orig.tar.gz and ;; cl-port_20060408-1.diff.gz) and do ;; ;; > cd cl-port-20060408.orig ;; > patch -p1 < pathTo/cl-port_20060408-1.diff :depends-on ("port"))