%%% *************************************************************
%%% Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Torsten Anders (t.anders@qub.ac.uk)
%%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
%%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
%%% as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
%%% of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
%%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%%% GNU General Public License for more details.
%%% *************************************************************
/** %% This functor defines constraints on lists which help to express pattern in music. To combine multiple patterns to motifs see, e.g., Score.defSubscript, or the contribution Motifs.
%% */
%% instead of a list I may use a tuplet to represent a pattern?
%% * advantage: indexing is fast (!!?? do I need indexing here?)
%% * disadvantage: length is fixed (for my application this is the
%% case anyway)
%% * disadvantage: I need to change the def of various accessors of
%% the score representation to return tuplets or I always need to
%% transform a list into a tuplet
%% Idea: internally within some pattern constraints I may transform a
%% list to a tuple
%% TODO:
%% * many pattern (e.g. cycle etc.) may just unify their input list in
%% a certain order, not FD int needed! Alternative def easy: replace
%% arg of second arg with arg N (length of cycle) and use '='
%% instead of '=:'...
%% * for all pattern expecting proc/fun as arg: option to handle method as well
%% * for all higher-order procs/funs in native Oz List functor: version in Pattern which handles method as well
%% * ?? split functor into multiple functors: procs/funs processing lists of any values and procs/funs processing lists of kinded vars (i.e. FD ints)
%% !! Idea: pattern for, e.g., sequence: cycle, but each period is transposed -- how can I generalise this idea? ... VariatedCycle
%% !! idea: for patterns as cycle etc. the period length is controllable (but pre-determined, or pattern suspends), e.g. by a determined list of period lengths.
%% !!!! TODO: Pattern elements follow list of pairwise relations (specified as a list of procedures) in a cycling fashion. E.g., the contour of the pattern can be constraint to obey the list ['<:' '=<:' '<:' '>:' '>=:'] in a cycling fashion. Additionally, a domain for the interval size may be constrained.
%% -> the idea to use a list of constraint procs can be generalised, does not need to be cycle (other options: walk through and in the end keep the last proc, use as heap...)
%% -> pairwise relations ['<:' '=<:' '<:' '>:' '>=:'] could be encoded by FD ints, which can be constrained (see DirectionToSymbol)
%% ... The constraint above could be very useful for melodic structure. Can I define something similar for the rhythm (needs instead of pairwise relations some factor relations)
%% !! -> Define some pattern constraint that includes all the above options, but then specialise it for convenience (procs that call the more general proc)
%% !! TODO: All integers in the list given to the pattern are equal with the (rounded) value of envelope Env at the position (position is know e.g. by ForAllInd)
%% (Xposition - 1) / (LengthXs - 1)
%% [This pattern just samples an envelope. However, by defining it the same way other patterns are defined -- as a unary procedure with a list as arg -- I can combine this pattern with other patterns]
%% ?? If pattern length is determined, I could also define fenvs as pattern
%% !! idea: make a pattern reified -- then you may, eg., maximise the
%% number of patterns happening in a score
%% special downwards pattern forces the last value of the pattern to be well below the first one, while all others must lie between those two
%% patterns only constrain their input, they don't return
%% anything. Therefore, a nested pattern definition can not watch the
%% output pattern items to detect a nesting (ie. this does not work:
%% observe whether some pattern returns a pattern as item which then
%% gets 'inflated'). For a pattern constraint, a nesting must be
%% detected in the pattern definition.
%% !! CM allows almost all pattern args to be patterns themself
%% (eg. pattern period length) -- I will hardly go that far...
FD FS Combinator
Select(fd) at 'x-ozlib://duchier/cp/Select.ozf'
GUtils at 'x-ozlib://anders/strasheela/source/GeneralUtils.ozf'
LUtils at 'x-ozlib://anders/strasheela/source/ListUtils.ozf'
Score at 'x-ozlib://anders/strasheela/source/ScoreCore.ozf'
%% not needed for supporting Fenv object methods..
% Fenv at 'x-ozlib://anders/strasheela/Fenv/Fenv.ozf'
% Browser(browse:Browse) % temp for debugging
PlainPattern PlainPattern2
Continuous AllEqual Increasing Decreasing
Cycle Cycle2 Rotation Heap Random Palindrome Line Accumulation
Intervals AbsIntervals RestrictMaxInterval
ArithmeticSeries GeometricSeries Max Min
DxsToXs XsToDxs
ArithmeticMean Range FirstToLastDistance
WindowedPattern WindowedPatternRecursions
UseMotifs MakeIndexConstructor GetMotifIndex
MotifIndexMixin IsMotifIndexMixin MakeMotifIndexClass
MotifStartMixin IsMotifStartMixin MakeMotifStartClass
GetMotifStartNotes GetMotifStartIndices
MarkovChain MarkovChain_1
MakeLSystem MakeLSystem_B MakeLSystem2 LSystemConstsToParams
OneOverFNoise OneOverFNoiseDeterm
%% combining patterns
MapTail MapTailInd MapTailN ForTail ForTailInd ForTailN
MapNeighbours MapNeighboursInd ForNeighbours ForNeighboursInd
Map2Neighbours For2Neighbours
ApplyToRange ForRanges MapRanges
ParallelForAll ParallelMap
ForCartesianProduct MapCartesianProduct
ForCartesianProduct2 MapCartesianProduct2
Sublists AdjoinedSublists
ForPairwise MapPairwise
ForSublists MapSublists
CollectPM ForPM MapPM
SelectList SelectMultiple ApplyToN
RotateList RotateSublists
HowManyDistinct MinDistinct
HowMany Once
ForN ForPercent NDifferences ForNEither
AllTrue AllTrueR OneTrue OneTrueR SomeTrue SomeTrueR
HowManyTrue HowManyTrueR
PercentTrue PercentTrue_Range
SymbolToDirection DirectionToSymbol
Direction DirectionR Contour InverseContour ContourMatrix
Hook Stairs
DirectionChangeR LocalMaxR LocalMinR
GetLocalMax GetLocalMin ConstrainLocalMax ConstrainLocalMin
FdInts FdRanges
MkUniqueSeq MkUniqueIntervalSeq
ConjAll DisjAll
ZerosOnlyAtEnd RelevantLength
ForAllItems MapItems EqualizeParam
FenvContour FenvContour2
MotifIndexType = {Name.new}
MotifStartType = {Name.new}
/** % PlainPattern constraints Xs to a plain pattern (ie. no nesting or combination of patterns). The pattern is specified by the procedere Proc given to PlainPattern. Proc constraints a single pattern item and is called recursively. Proc expects two arguments: the current item and its predecessor in the list.
%% !! this is in effect the same as For2Neighbours..
proc {PlainPattern Xs Proc}
{PlainPattern2 Xs
proc {$ X Predecessors N}
%% ignore N
if Predecessors \= nil
then {Proc X Predecessors.1}
/** % PlainPattern2 constraints Xs to a plain pattern (ie. no nesting or combination of patterns) and is a variant of PlainPattern which adds additional control. The pattern is specified by the procedere Proc given to PlainPattern2. Proc constraints a single pattern item and is called recursively. Proc expects three arguments: the current item, a list with all previous pattern items in reverse order (last is first), the number of generations processed so far.
proc {PlainPattern2 Xs Proc}
proc {Aux ToProcess Processed N}
case ToProcess of nil then skip
{Proc ToProcess.1 Processed N}
if ToProcess.2 \= nil
then {Aux ToProcess.2 ToProcess.1|Processed N+1}
{Aux Xs nil 1}
/** %% Constrain all elements in Xs to fulfill the relation: Predecessor A X. For instance, if A is '>:' then the relation Predecessor >: X constraints all elements in Xs to decrease.
% */
%% !! renamed, was ApplyRelation
%% !! def. changed: I swapped X and Predecessor, because this was more intuitive,
%% !! TODO: define reified version of this (needs to extend/add
%% reified PlainPattern def.)
proc {Continuous Xs A}
{PlainPattern Xs
proc {$ X Predecessor}
{GUtils.constrainRelation Predecessor X A}
/** %% Constrain all elements in Xs to be greater then their predecessor in Xs.
%% */
proc {Increasing Xs}
{Continuous Xs '<:'}
/** %% Constrain all elements in Xs to be less then their predecessor in Xs.
%% */
proc {Decreasing Xs}
{Continuous Xs '>:'}
/** % Constrain all elements in the Xs to be equal.
% */
proc {AllEqual Xs}
{Continuous Xs '=:'}
/** %% Consecutive values in Xs are not equal.
%% */
proc {NoRepetition Xs}
{Continuous Xs '\\=:'}
/** %% Constraints Xs to form an "arc", i.e. there is only a single change of direction.
%% Args:
%% 'firstRel' (default '<:'): a relation atom ('<:', '=<:', '>:', '>=:')
%% 'turningPointPos' (default mid): specifies at which position within Xs the arc changes direction, positive int or atom mid
%% */
proc {Arch Xs Args}
Default = unit(firstRel: '<:'
turningPointPos: mid)
As = {Adjoin Default Args}
Pos = if As.turningPointPos == mid then
L = {Length Xs}
L div 2 + if {IsOdd L} then 1 else 0 end
else As.turningPointPos
Ys Zs
{List.takeDrop Xs Pos Ys Zs}
{Continuous Ys As.firstRel}
{Continuous {List.last Ys}|Zs
{GUtils.relationComplement As.firstRel}}
/** % Constraints all elements in Xs to fall in interval [Min, Max], including.
proc {InInterval Xs Min Max}
{ForAll Xs
proc {$ X}
X >=: Min
X =<: Max
/** % Constrains all elements in the list Xs (FD variables) to form a cycle pattern of the (shorter) list Ys (FD variables). I.e. Xs enumerates the elementes of Ys in sequential order and loops back to the first element of Ys after the last element has been reached.
% */
%% !! changed name (was Cycle). Actually, I could remove this def, as the new Cycle allows equal expressivity and is more concise. Still, specifying the pattern vars explicitly can be handy.
proc {Cycle2 Xs Ys}
{PlainPattern2 Xs
proc {$ X Predecessors N}
X =: {LUtils.nthWrapped Ys N}
/** %% Unifies every element in Xs with its Lth predecessor.
%% */
proc {Cycle Xs L}
{PlainPattern2 Xs
proc {$ X Predecessors Ignore}
if {Length Predecessors} >= L
then X = {Nth Predecessors L}
/** %% Constrains all elements in the list Xs (FD variables) to form a rotation pattern of the (shorter) list Ys (FD variables).
%% ?? unfinished doc: I probably should just do an example...
%% !! TODO: additional args/control, see CM
% */
proc {Rotation Xs Ys}
Offset = {Cell.new ~1}
L = {Length Ys}
{PlainPattern2 Xs
proc {$ X Predecessors N}
if {Int.'mod' N L} == 1
then {Cell.assign Offset
{Cell.access Offset}+1}
X =: {LUtils.nthWrapped Ys N+{Cell.access Offset}}
/** % Constrains all elements in the list Xs (FD variables) to form a palindrome pattern of the (shorter) list Ys (FD variables).
%% Elide (true | first | last | unit) allows to specify which elements in the pattern are not directly repeated when the pattern reverses direction.
%% ?? unfinished doc: I probably should just do an example...
% */
proc {Palindrome Xs Ys Elide}
L = {Length Ys}
Period = case Elide
of true then {Append {List.take Ys L-1}
{List.take {Reverse Ys} L-1}}
[] first then {Append Ys {List.take {Reverse Ys} L-1}}
[] last then {Append {List.take Ys L-1} {Reverse Ys}}
else {Append Ys {Reverse Ys}}
{PlainPattern2 Xs
proc {$ X Predecessors N}
X =: {LUtils.nthWrapped Period N}
/** Constrains all elements in the list Xs (FD variables) to form a line pattern of the (shorter) list Ys (FD variables). I.e. Xs enumerates the elements of Ys in sequential order and sticks on the last element once it has been reached.
proc {Line Xs Ys}
L = {Length Ys}
{PlainPattern2 Xs
proc {$ X Predecessors N}
I = if N < L
then N
else L
X =: {Nth Ys I}
proc {Accumulation Xs Ys}
I = {Cell.new 1}
L = {Cell.new 1}
TotalL = {Length Ys}
{ForAll Xs
proc {$ X}
Index =
%% Is I still within period
if {Cell.access I} =< {Cell.access L}
then {Cell.access I}
%% would increased period be still within Ys
if {Cell.access L}+1 =< TotalL
%% start new longer period
{Cell.assign L {Cell.access L}+1}
{Cell.assign I 1}
%% start pattern over again
{Cell.assign L 1}
{Cell.assign I 1}
X =: {Nth Ys Index}
{Cell.assign I {Cell.access I}+1}
% %% !! This is not general enough, because the order of elements are predetermined. Better reimplement this with selection constraints: X is some element in Ys, I is in domain
% proc {Random Xs Ys}
% L = {Length Ys}
% in
% {{PlainPattern2 proc {$ X Predecessors N}
% I = {GUtils.random L}+1
% in
% X =: {Nth Ys I}
% end}
% Xs}
% end
% %% this suspends until Ys is determined
% proc {Random Xs Ys}
% {ForAll Xs proc {$ X}
% X :: Ys
% end}
% end
/** %% Constraints the domain of each element in Xs to contain only the elements of Ys.
%% !! Only a random distribution enforces a random ordering here.
%% */
proc {Random Xs Ys}
{ForAll Xs proc {$ X}
{Select.fd Ys _ X}
/** %% Ys (a list of FD ints, implicitly declared) are the intervals between Xs (list of FD ints) plus an Offset (a FD int) in order to avoid negative intervals.
%% */
proc {Intervals Xs Ys Offset}
Ys = {Map2Neighbours Xs
proc {$ X1 X2 ?Interval}
Interval = {FD.decl}
Interval =: X2 - X1 + Offset
/** %% Ys (a list of FD ints, implicitly declared) are the absolute intervals between Xs (list of FD ints).
%% */
proc {AbsIntervals Xs Ys}
Ys = {Map2Neighbours Xs
proc {$ X1 X2 ?Interval}
Interval = {FD.decl}
{FD.distance X1 X2 '=:' Interval}
/** %% Restricts the maximum absolute interval between Xs (list of FD ints) to MaxInterval (FD int).
%% */
proc {RestrictMaxInterval Xs MaxInterval}
Intervals = {AbsIntervals Xs}
{ForAll Intervals proc {$ I} I =<: MaxInterval end}
/** % Constrains all elements in the list/stream Xs (FD variables) to form an arithmetic series, with the difference Difference (a FD variable) between the series members.
% */
proc {ArithmeticSeries Xs Difference}
%% !! could be more propagation on bounds (i.e. max) of Difference
{PlainPattern Xs
proc {$ X Predecessor}
X =: Predecessor + Difference
/** % Constrains all elements in the list/stream Xs (FD variables) to form an geometric series, with the quotient Quotient (a FD variable) between the series members.
% */
proc {GeometricSeries Xs Quotient}
{PlainPattern Xs
proc {$ X Predecessor}
X =: Predecessor * Quotient
/** %% Y is constrained to be the maximum element in Xs. Xs is a list of FD integers and Y is (implicitely declared) a FD integer.
%% */
proc {Max Xs Y}
{LUtils.accum Xs
fun {$ X1 X2} {FD.max X1 X2} end
/** %% Y is constrained to be the minimum element in Xs. Xs is a list of FD integers and Y is (implicitely declared) a FD integer.
%% */
proc {Min Xs Y}
{LUtils.accum Xs
fun {$ X1 X2} {FD.min X1 X2} end
/** %% Expects a list of integers considered as distances and returns a list of integers beginning with Start where the given distances apply.
%% NB: no constraint, integers can be negative.
%% */
%% TODO: create constraint variant
fun {DxsToXs Dxs Start}
fun {Aux Dxs Acc}
case Dxs of nil then nil
% X = {FD.decl} in
X = Acc + Dxs.1 in
X | {Aux Dxs.2 X}
Start | {Aux Dxs Start}
/** %% Expects a list of integers and returns the distances between them, also a list of integers.
%% NB: no constraint, integers can be negative.
%% */
%% TODO: create constraint variant
fun {XsToDxs Xs}
{Map2Neighbours Xs fun {$ X Y} Y - X end}
/** %% Constrains EncodedMean/Quotient (two FD int) to be the arithmetic means of Xs (a list of FD ints). Encoding the means by the expression EncodedMean/Quotient allows to represent means which are ratios by FD ints. In the following example, the mean is constrained to 1.5
{ArithmeticMean Xs 15 10}
%% */
proc {ArithmeticMean Xs EncodedMean Quotient}
L = {Length Xs}
Sum = {FD.decl}
Sum = {FD.sum Xs '=:'}
L * EncodedMean =: Sum * Quotient
/** %% Y (a FD int) is the distance between the maximum and the minimum value in Xs (a list of FD ints). A is a relation such as '=:' etc.
%% NB: this rule poses the Max and Min pattern on Xs.
%% */
proc {Range Xs A Y}
{FD.distance {Max Xs} {Min Xs} A Y}
/** %% Y (a FD int) is the distance between the first and the last value in Xs (a list of FD ints). A is a relation such as '=:' etc.
%% */
proc {FirstToLastDistance Xs A Y}
{FD.distance Xs.1 {List.last Xs} A Y}
/** %% [Higher-level pattern constraint] Applies the pattern constraint MyPattern to sublists of Xs (a list of FD ints). MyPattern is a binary procedure which expects a list of FD ints as first arg, and one or more single FD ints as remaining args (but see args patternArgs and includeIndex below). Yss is a list of list of FD ints, which are the accumulated "remaining args" of MyPattern. The strength of WindowedPattern lies in the fact that Yss can be further constrained!
%% Args:
%% 'windowlength' (default 3): length of Xs sublists to which is MyPattern is applied. At the end, sublists can be shorter if minwindowlength < windowlength.
%% 'minwindowlength' (default same as windowlength): minimum length of Xs sublists permitted. This setting is used as an abort condition. If the last sublist is shorter than minwindowlength, the pattern constraint application is skipped.
%% 'windowoffset' (default same as windowlength): "offset" of Xs element positions between the first elements of consecutive sublists. windowoffset must be =< than windowlength, but > 0.
%% These arguments are integers (for a static setting), but windowlength and windowoffset can also be lists of integers. In the latter case, each integer is used for a single application of MyPattern. If the given list is too short to provide a value for each individual pattern constraint application, then the last value is simply used for the remaining calls as well. In any case, the given list must at least be of length 2 (otherwise it is a static setting, and no list is required).
%% 'patternArgs' (default false): If this argument is *not* false, then MyPattern is a ternary procedure which expects a single value or a record of further args as third argument. Like for windowlength and windowoffset patternArgs, patternArgs supports a static setting (a single value, must not be a list) or a dynamic setting (a list of values). Note that static arguments can also be provided directly to the definition of MyPattern.
%% 'includeIndex' (default false): if true, then MyPattern is a ternary procedure which expects the accumulated number of recursive calls so far of as third argument. Only one of the arguments patternArgs and includeIndex must be non-false.
%% Example:
{WindowedPattern proc {$ Xs Y} {Pattern.max Xs Y} end
Xs [Ys]
%% Results in the following constraint applications
{Pattern.max {List.take Xs 2} {Nth Ys 1}}
{Pattern.max {List.take {List.drop Xs 2} 2} {Nth Ys 2}}
%% ...
%% See the test file for a few full examples.
%% */
proc {WindowedPattern MyPattern Xs Yss Args}
Defaults As
proc {Aux Xs Yss_matTransed Args I}
%% creates all args for this and recursive calls
ProcessedArgs = {Record.map Args
fun {$ X}
case X
of [A B] then A#B
[] _ | _ then X
else X#X
if {Length Xs} >= ProcessedArgs.minwindowlength.1 then
if ProcessedArgs.includeIndex.1 then
{Procedure.apply MyPattern
{List.take Xs ProcessedArgs.windowlength.1} | Yss_matTransed.1
elseif ProcessedArgs.patternArgs.1 \= false then
{Procedure.apply MyPattern
{List.take Xs ProcessedArgs.windowlength.1} | Yss_matTransed.1
{Procedure.apply MyPattern
{List.take Xs ProcessedArgs.windowlength.1} | Yss_matTransed.1}
{Aux {List.drop Xs ProcessedArgs.windowoffset.1}
{Record.map ProcessedArgs fun {$ X} X.2 end}
Defaults = unit(windowlength:3
windowoffset: As.windowlength
%% should be integer (actually, it can be list as well, but as it is only efective as an abort condition, making this dynamic can become confusing...)
minwindowlength: As.windowlength
patternArgs: false
As = {Adjoin Defaults Args}
{Aux Xs {LUtils.matTrans Yss} As 1}
/** %% [Aux for WindowedPattern] Returns the number of recursive constraint applications caused by WindowedPattern. WindowedPatternRecursions is useful, for example, to obtain the length of lists of FD ints given in Yss to WindowedPattern.
%% N is length of Xs given to WindowedPattern, Args is args given to WindowedPattern.
%% */
fun {WindowedPatternRecursions N Args}
Defaults As
fun {Aux N Args}
%% creates all args for this and recursive calls
ProcessedArgs = {Record.map Args
fun {$ X}
case X
of [A B] then A#B
[] _ | _ then X
else X#X
if N >= ProcessedArgs.minwindowlength.1 then
1 + {Aux N - ProcessedArgs.windowoffset.1
{Record.map ProcessedArgs fun {$ X} X.2 end}}
else 0
Defaults = unit(windowlength:3
windowoffset: As.windowlength
minwindowlength: As.windowlength)
As = {Adjoin Defaults Args}
{Aux N {Record.subtractList As
%% irrelevant args
[includeIndex patternArgs windowlength]}}
/** %% [Higher-level pattern constraint] UseMotifs constrains the list Xs to consist of "motif instances" declared in the list Motifs, a list of motif specs. More specifically, UseMotifs constrains that Xs is quasi the result appending declared motifs in any order and possibly with repetitions. However, UseMotifs is a constraint (e.g., the resulting order of motif instances can depend on other constraints).
%% Xs can be a list of FD ints. In this case, Motifs must be a list of list of FD its. Elements in Motifs can differ in length. For example, Xs can be the list of note pitches of a voice and Motifs defines possible "pitch motifs". Alternatively, Xs can be the list of intervals between note pitches and Motifs defines "interval motifs" which are transposable. Or Xs is a list of duration factors instead of durations and Motifs defines "duration factor motifs" which can be "stretched".
%% However, Xs is not limited to a list of FD ints, a list of other values is possible as well. For example, elements in Xs can be pairs of Pitch#Duration. In this case, an element in Motifs would also be a list of FD integer pairs. Although the motifs can differ in length, all elements of Xs and all elements of each motif must be equally nested and only differ in constrained variables so that they can be unified.
%% A motif spec can contain elements which should be ignored (i.e. don't result in any constraints). These elements are marked with '_'.
%% UseMotifs expects the following optional arguments
%% 'workOutEven': If 'workOutEven' is false (the default), then the end of Xs may only contain the beginning of a Motifs element. By contrast, Xs contains only full elements of Motifs if 'workOutEven' is true.
%% 'indices': an optional return value, a list of FD ints. For each element in Xs, indices contains an FD int which specifies to which motif index (e.g. position of its motif in Motifs) the Xs element belongs. These variables can be used, for example, to constrain that certain motifs should follow each other or to constrain how often some motif occurs.
%% Note that the argument 'indices' is particular important in case the elements in Motifs do include each other, that is some element in Motifs is fully contained as the beginning in another element of Motifs. For example, if Motifs contains [1 2] and also [1 2 2]. In this case, UseMotif would block internally as it could not decide for any motif and would not apply motif constraints anymore. This behaviour is avoided when the variables at the argument 'indices' are distributed (e.g., add a parameter to the notes to which the parameter values in Xs belong).
%% Note that this constraint processes the elements of Xs "from left to right". Constraining the next motif is always delayed until the previous motif is known, because it depends on the length of the previous motif where the next motif starts. Consequently, the distribution strategy should determine variables in that order.
%% */
%% TODO: more efficient variant of this proc using selection constraints would support propagation. Less generic though -- Xs must be list of FD ints.
%% TODO: allow for motif value which is ignored -- no unification happens, so non-motific sections are possible (not supported yet). Possibly, this would not be a good idea -- then anything can be a solution and I can leave this constraint off entirely..
%% -> is this todo item already answered with support for '_' motif value (see do above)?
%% ?? Could I constrain how often each element in Motifs is used? Then I could also allow for "free" Motif (e.g., I may constrain that 10-30% of Xs elements are non-motif values). Also, could I define which motif follows which like in a markov chain?
%% -> I can already freely constrain motif indices (and starts of motifs) outside this constraint
proc {UseMotifs Xs Motifs Args}
Defaults = unit(workOutEven:false
% indices:_
As = {Adjoin Defaults Args}
%% If indices return value is requested, then create a list of FD ints and process it..
IndicesRequired = {HasFeature Args indices}
proc {Unify X Y}
if {FD.is X} then X = Y
elseif X == '_' then skip
elseif {IsList X} then {UnifyLists X Y}
elseif {GUtils.isRecord X} andthen {Not {GUtils.isAtom X}} then {UnifyRecord X Y}
else {Exception.raiseError
strasheela(failedRequirement X "must be an FD int, '_', a list or a record")}
proc {UnifyLists Xs Ys}
{ForAll {LUtils.matTrans [Xs Ys]}
proc {$ [X Y]} {Unify X Y} end}
proc {UnifyRecord Xs Ys}
{ForAll {LUtils.matTrans
[{Record.toList Xs}
{Record.toList Ys}]}
proc {$ [X Y]} {Unify X Y} end}
proc {Constrain I MyMotif Xs Indices N}
MotifL = {Length MyMotif}
%% at end of Xs, XsPart can be shorter than MotifL
XsPart = {List.take Xs MotifL}
%% if motifs shall work out even, then there must be enough elements
%% in Xs to bring full motif
if As.workOutEven
then N = MotifL
else N = {Length XsPart}
%% bind Indices if requested
if IndicesRequired
then {ForAll {List.take Indices N} proc {$ Index} Index=I end}
{UnifyLists if As.workOutEven then MyMotif else {List.take MyMotif N} end
proc {Aux Xs Indices}
if Xs \= nil
%% Unify the next N elements in Xs with one of the motif elements
%% Blocks until a decision can be made without search -- decisions must be done outside..
{Combinator.'or' {List.toTuple '#'
{List.mapInd Motifs
fun {$ I MyMotif}
proc {$}
{Constrain I MyMotif Xs Indices N}
%% bind Indices if requested
if IndicesRequired
then {Aux {List.drop Xs N} {List.drop Indices N}}
else {Aux {List.drop Xs N} unit}
if IndicesRequired
As.indices = {FD.list {Length Xs} 1#{Length Motifs}}
thread {Aux Xs As.indices} end
else thread {Aux Xs unit} end
/** %% [aux for UseMotifs] Returns a score item constructor (i.e. returns a function that returns score items) with added parameters for pattern motif indices. Constructor is the score item constructor to specialise (a unary function or class, e.g. HS.note). IndexParamNames is a list of atoms used to mark the added parameters (in an info tag motifIndex(IndexParamName) of these parameters).
%% The added parameters are created implicitly and not supported by the textual representation (i.e. the method toInitRecord leaves them out as well), but accessible with the function GetMotifIndex (see below) or the method getParameters (which returns a list of all parameter objects).
%% Important: for efficiency, the distribution strategy should visit early parameters with info tab 'motifIndex'. Constructors created by MakeIndexConstructor add this info tab to all index parameters.
%% NOTE: obsolete definition, use MotifIndexMixin instead.
%% */
%% TODO: redefine this (additionally?) as a mixin class
fun {MakeIndexConstructor Constructor IndexParamNames}
fun {$ Args}
AddedParams = {Map IndexParamNames
fun {$ ParamName}
{New Score.parameter
{Adjoin Args unit(addParameters: if {HasFeature Args addParameters}
then {Append Args.addParameters AddedParams}
else AddedParams
/** %% [aux for UseMotifs] Expects X, a score item with added index variable(s) and returns the index variable value (FD int) associated with the name IndexParamName (an atom), in other words the number of the motif to which X belongs. For example, all notes that are part of an instance of the motif which has been declared first have the motif index value 1 and so forth.
%% NOTE: obsolete definition, use MotifIndexMixin instead.
%% */
fun {GetMotifIndex X IndexParamName}
{{LUtils.find {X getParameters($)}
fun {$ Param}
{Param hasThisInfo($ motifIndex)} andthen
{Param getInfoRecord($ motifIndex)}.1 == IndexParamName
/** %% MotifIndexMixin extends note classes with the parameter motifIndex, in other words the number of the pattern motif to which self belongs. For example, all notes that are part of an instance of the motif which has been declared first have the motif index value 1 and so forth.
%% NOTE: the pattern motif indices are not implicitly bound to the parameter motifIndex. This has to be done explicitly using the argument indices of UseMotifs. (This is done already by constructors such as Segs.makeCounterpoint_PatternMotifs).
%% NOTE: for efficiency, the distribution strategy should visit early parameters with info tab 'motifIndex'. Constructors created by MakeIndexConstructor add this info tab to all index parameters.
%% */
%% TODO:
%% - Decide: do I need to add support for multiple index params (as supported by MakeIndexConstructor)? This would be required for, e.g., isorhythmic music with independend color and talea.
class MotifIndexMixin
feat !MotifIndexType:unit
attr motifIndex
meth initMotifIndexMixin(motifIndex:MI<=_) = M
MI = {FD.decl}
@motifIndex = {New Score.parameter init(value:MI info:motifIndex)}
{self bilinkParameters([@motifIndex])}
meth getMotifIndex(X)
X = {@motifIndex getValue($)}
meth getMotifIndexParameter(X)
X= @motifIndex
fun {IsMotifIndexMixin X}
{Score.isScoreObject X} andthen {HasFeature X MotifIndexType}
/** %% [concrete class constructor] Expects a note class, and a class that is extended with an motif index parameter (see MotifIndexMixin).
%% */
fun {MakeMotifIndexClass SuperClass}
class $ from SuperClass MotifIndexMixin
meth init(motifIndex:MI<=_
...) = M
SuperClass, {Record.subtract M motifIndex}
MotifIndexMixin, initMotifIndexMixin(motifIndex:MI)
meth getInitInfo($ ...)
/** %% MotifStartMixin extends note classes with the parameter motifStartB (0/1-int), which indicates whether a new pattern motifs starts with this note. This definition does not implicitly constraint the motifStartB parameter. Instead, this parameter should be constraint externally (e.g., by specifying {Segs.makeParametersAccessor {GUtils.toFun getMotifStart}} as an argument to motifAccessors of a counterpoint constructor defined in Segs).
%% */
class MotifStartMixin
feat !MotifStartType:unit
attr motifStartB
meth initMotifStartMixin(motifStartB:MS<=_) = M
MS = {FD.int 0#1}
@motifStartB = {New Score.parameter init(value:MS info:motifStartB)}
{self bilinkParameters([@motifStartB])}
meth getMotifStartB(X)
X = {@motifStartB getValue($)}
meth getMotifStartBParameter(X)
X= @motifStartB
fun {IsMotifStartMixin X}
{Score.isScoreObject X} andthen {HasFeature X MotifStartType}
/** %% [concrete class constructor] Expects a note class, and a class that is extended with an motifStartB parameter (see MotifStartMixin).
%% */
fun {MakeMotifStartClass SuperClass}
class $ from SuperClass MotifStartMixin
meth init(motifStartB:AR<=_
...) = M
SuperClass, {Record.subtract M motifStartB}
MotifStartMixin, initMotifStartMixin(motifStartB:AR)
meth getInitInfo($ ...)
/** %% Expects a list of notes created with MakeMotifIndexNote_MotifStart. Returns a concurrent stream of the notes that are the first note of some motif.
%% Note: results must be processed concurrently to avoid blocking.
%% */
fun {GetMotifStartNotes Notes}
thread {Filter Notes fun {$ X} {IsMotifStartMixin X}==1 end} end
/** %% Expects a list of notes created with MakeMotifIndexNote_MotifStart. Returns a concurrent stream of the motif indices (motif types) from the first note of some motif. (E.g., can be used to apply a pattern constraint to motif indices)
%% Note: results must be processed concurrently to avoid blocking.
%% */
fun {GetMotifStartIndices Notes}
%% TODO: revise: replace Segs.getMotifIndexOfNote
thread {Map {GetMotifStartNotes Notes} {GUtils.toFun getMotifIndex}} end
%% Decls is the left-hand expression of the markov chain Decl, which possibly contains the wildcard 'x'
proc {MatchesR Decls Xs B}
B = {ConjAll
{Map {LUtils.matTrans [Decls Xs]}
proc {$ [Decl X] B}
if Decl==x then B=1
else B = (Decl =: X)
/** %% Constraints Xs (a list of FD ints) to form an nth-order markov chain according to Decl. A Decl clause takes any number of predecessors into account and specifies a single successor. Decl is a list of list pairs in the form PredecessorSeq#PossibleSucessors
: after the occurance of PredecessorSeq in a sublist of Xs follows a value in PossibleSucessors. For example, the first order markov chain {MarkovChain Xs [[1]#[2 3] [2]#[1] [3]#[2]]}
causes any 1 in Xs to be followed by either 2 or 3 and any 2 by 1 etc.
%% The list in PredecessorSeq can be of any length to specify any markov chain order. However, in all clauses the length should be equal.
%% Additionally, the declaration can use the wildcard symbol 'x' which matches every FD int. For example, the clause [x 1]#[2]
states that 1 is followed by 2.
%% NB: The list of declarations in Decl specifies a number of disjunctions without any implicit 'otherwise' clause. An inappropriate Decl can cause no solution.
%% Markov chains of order N pose constraints only on sublists of length N: a clauses [x x 1]#[2]
does not simply constrain 1 to be followed by 2 but does constrain 1 with two predecessors be followed by 2. Workaround: append some aux FD ints in front of the list and remove them later again (this workaround is not automatically integrated in MarkovChain to avoid any undesired side effects -- its no foolproof trick and the user should thus be aware of it).
%% NB: MarkovChain only specifies that certain elements follow each other. In opposite to the [usual / common] definition of a markov chain, however, MarkovChain does NOT constrain the probability of certain successors.
%% */
%% ??? Besides, multiple Decl clauses on the same (sub)-predecessor lists result in multiple alternatives on the same predecessors (i.e. more specific clauses -- clauses with less wildcards -- do NOT match better than less specific clauses).
proc {MarkovChain Xs Decl}
%% the length of the first left hand side of a Decl clause
%% determines the markov chain order
Order = {Length Decl.1.1}
{ForNeighbours Xs (Order + 1)
proc {$ SubXs} % SubXs is [each] sublist of Xs of length Order + 1
{DisjAll % disj: alternative clauses in Decl
{Map Decl
fun {$ PreVals#SuccVals}
%% reified: the predecessor values PreValsVals matches
%% butlast of SubXs AND is followed by an element in SuccVals
{MatchesR PreVals {LUtils.butLast SubXs}}
{FD.reified.int SuccVals {List.last SubXs}}}
/** %% Constraints Xs (a list of FD ints) to form a first order markov chain according to Decl. Decl is a record with only integers as features and lists of integers as fields. MarkovChain_1 poses the constraints that each element in Xs with the value of the Decl feature XVal is followed by an element whose value is one of the elements in the field of XVal.
%% For example, {MarkovChain_1 Xs unit(1:[2 3] 2:[1] 3:[2])}
causes any 1 in Xs to be followed by either 2 or 3 and any 2 by 1 etc.
%% NB: MarkovChain_1 only specifies that certain elements follow each other. In opposite to the [usual / common] definition of a markov chain, however, MarkovChain_1 does NOT constrain the probability of certain successors.
%% */
proc {MarkovChain_1 Xs Decl}
{For2Neighbours Xs
proc {$ X Y}
{DisjAll % disj: alternative clauses in Decl
{Record.mapInd Decl fun {$ XVal YVals}
%% reified: the predecessor value XVal
%% is followed by an element in YVals
(X =: XVal)
{FD.reified.int YVals Y}}
/** %% N elements in Xs are pairwise distinct. Xs is a list of FD integers, N is a FD integer.
%% */
proc {HowManyDistinct Xs N}
%% Implementation inspired by Denys Duchier
%% Map all elements in Xs into a list of singleton sets. The union
%% of all these singletons is a Set whose cardiality is the number
%% of distict elements in Xs.
Set = {FS.var.decl}
Set1s = {Map Xs proc {$ X Set1}
Set1 = {FS.var.decl}
{FS.include X Set1}
{FS.card Set1 1}
{FoldL Set1s.2 FS.union Set1s.1 Set}
{FS.card Set N}
/** %% At least N elements in Xs are pairwise distinct. Xs is a list of FD integers, N is a FD integer.
%% */
proc {MinDistinct Xs N}
%% Implementation inspired by Denys Duchier
%% Map all elements in Xs into a list of singleton sets. The union
%% of all these singletons is a Set whose cardiality is the number
%% of distict elements in Xs.
Set = {FS.var.decl}
Set1s = {Map Xs proc {$ X Set1}
Set1 = {FS.var.decl}
{FS.include X Set1}
{FS.card Set1 1}
Card = {FD.decl}
{FoldL Set1s.2 FS.union Set1s.1 Set}
Card = {FS.card Set}
Card >=: N
/** %% N elements in Xs are 'as' Val, i.e. either equal, or greater etc. A states the relation of the N elements to Val (A is one of '=:', '>:', '>=:', '<:', '=<:', '\\=:').
%% Xs is a list of FD integers, Val and N are FD integers.
%% */
proc {HowManyAs Xs Val A N}
{Map Xs
proc {$ X B}
B = {FD.int 0#1}
case A
of '>:' then B =: (X >: Val)
[] '>=:' then B =: (X >=: Val)
[] '<:' then B =: (X <: Val)
[] '=:' then B =: (X =: Val)
[] '\\=:' then B =: (X \=: Val)
/** %% X {FD int} occures N (FD int) times in Xs (list of FD ints).
%% NB: weak propagation! In particular, there is NO propagation on X (except that it is explicitly limited to the union of all values in Xs).
%% */
proc {HowMany X Xs N}
%% {FD.sumD %% no improvement
{Map Xs
proc {$ SomeX B}
B = (SomeX =: X)
'=:' N}
%% Additional propagation
%% if N > 0 domain of X is union of all values in Xs
X = {Select.fd Xs {FD.decl}}
/** %% X {FD int} occures only once in Xs (list of FD ints).
%% NB: weak propagation! In particular, there is NO propagation on X (except that it is explicitly limited to the union of all values in Xs).
%% */
proc {Once X Xs}
{HowMany X Xs 1}
%% B=1 <-> X = Y
proc {UnifyR X Y B}
B = {Combinator.'reify' proc {$} X = Y end}
%% X (any unifiable value) occures N (FD int) times in Xs (list of unifiable values).
proc {HowMany2 X Xs N}
{FD.sum {Map Xs
proc {$ Y B}
B = {UnifyR X Y}
'=:' N}
/** %% Constraint Fn (a unary function returning an 0/1 int) holds for N elements in Xs. N is a FD integer.
%% */
proc {ForN Xs Fn N}
{HowManyTrue {Map Xs Fn} N}
% {FD.sum {Map Xs Fn} '=:' N}
/** %% Constraint Fn (a unary function returning an 0/1 int) holds for between Min and Max percent. Min and Max are (determined) integers.
%% */
proc {ForPercent Xs Fn Min Max}
{PercentTrue_Range {Map Xs Fn} Min Max}
% L = {IntToFloat {Length Xs}}
% MinDomain = {FloatToInt L * {IntToFloat Min} / {IntToFloat 100}}
% MaxDomain = {FloatToInt L * {IntToFloat Max} / {IntToFloat 100}}
% in
% {ForN Xs Fn {FD.int MinDomain#MaxDomain}}
/** %% N elements of Xs hold the constraint Fn1, the rest holds Fn2. Fn1 and Fn2 are unary functions returning an 0/1 int, N is a FD integer.
%% */
proc {ForNEither Xs Fn1 Fn2 N}
{ForN Xs
proc {$ X ?B}
B = {Fn1 X}
{FD.exor B {Fn2 X}
/** %% Xs and Ys are similar lists of the same length, but N elements differ. Xs and Ys are lists of FD integers, N is a FD integer.
%% */
proc {NDifferences Xs Ys N}
{ForN {LUtils.matTrans [Xs Ys]}
proc {$ [X Y] ?B}
B = {FD.decl}
B = (X \=: Y)
/** %% Bs is a list of 0/1 integers (not implicitly declared). All elements in Bs are true (i.e. all elements are 1).
%% */
proc {AllTrue Bs}
{FD.sum Bs '=:' {Length Bs}}
/** %% Reified version of AllTrue.
%% */
proc {AllTrueR Bs B}
B = {FD.reified.sum Bs '=:' {Length Bs}}
/** %% Bs is a list of 0/1 integers (not implicitly declared). Exactly on element in Bs is true (i.e. one element is 1 and the rest is 0).
%% */
proc {OneTrue Bs}
% {FD.sumD Bs '=:' 1} % should I do more propagation?
{FD.sum Bs '=:' 1}
/** %% Reified version of OneTrue.
%% */
proc {OneTrueR Bs B}
B = {FD.reified.sum Bs '=:' 1}
/** %% Bs is a list of 0/1 integers (not implicitly declared). At least one element in Bs is true (one element certainly is 1, the rest can be 0 or 1).
%% */
proc {SomeTrue Bs}
{FD.sum Bs '>:' 0}
/** %% Reified version of SomeTrue.
%% */
proc {SomeTrueR Bs B}
B = {FD.reified.sum Bs '>:' 0}
/** %% Bs is a list of 0/1 integers (not implicitly declared) and N is a FD int (implicitly declared): N elements in Bs are true (i.e. 1).
%% */
proc {HowManyTrue Bs N}
N = {FD.decl}
{FD.sum Bs '=:' N}
/** %% Reified version of HowManyTrue.
%% */
proc {HowManyTrueR Bs N B}
N = {FD.decl}
B = {FD.reified.sum Bs '=:' N}
/** %% The first N (a FD int) elements in Bs (a list of 0/1-ints) are true (i.e. 1).
%% In other words, N is the position of the first element in Bs that is 0. If there is no 0 in Bs, then N = {Length Bs}.
%% (In principle, elements of Bs can be larger than 1, larger values still count as true.)
%% */
proc {FirstNTrue Bs N}
AuxN = {LUtils.findPosition Bs
fun {$ B} (B =: 0) == 1 end}
if AuxN == nil then N = {Length Bs}
else N = AuxN
%% Redundant constraints for somewhat improving propagation (only effective once some element is 0 already). This constraint does not reduce N to its minimum domain value, though.
%% NOTE: should I remove this?
{FD.impl {FS.reified.include 0 {GUtils.intsToFS Bs}}
{Combinator.'reify' proc {$} {Select.fd Bs N 0} end}
% %% implementation 3
% %% negate all elements in Xs and multiply them by their position, then collect min non-0 element
% %% How to access first non-0 element?
% {List.mapInd Xs
% proc {$ I X ?Y}
% Y = {FD.decl}
% Y =: {FD.nega X} * I
% end}
% %% TODO
% proc {FirstNTrueR}
% end
/** %% Bs is a list of 0/1 integers (not implicitly declared) and Percent is a FD int (implicitly declared): Percent % elements in Bs are true (i.e. 1).
%% NOTE: Percent is rounded to integer value -- complementary percent values don't necessarily sum up to exactly 100 (e.g., 1/3 corresponds to 33 percent and 2/3 to 66 percent). Also, there is only a single solution for Percent for a specific determined list Bs (e.g., Bs = [1 1 0] <-> Percent = 66; Percent = 65 causes fail in this case).
%% Summary: PercentTrue is highly restricted for defining soft of probabilistic CSPs -- I would need true soft multiplication and division propagators instead.
%% */
%% implements: Percent / 100 = N / L
proc {PercentTrue Bs Percent}
L = {Length Bs}
N = {HowManyTrue Bs}
Aux = {FD.decl}
Percent = {FD.int 0#100}
%% Percent = N * 100 / L
Aux =: N * 100
Percent = {FD.divI Aux L}
/** %% Like PercentTrue, but a range is specified: the percentage of true values in Bs is between MinPercent and MaxPercent (both FD ints, not implicitly declared).
%% If MinPercent or MaxPercent are undetermined in the CSP, they might be undetermined in the solution too.
%% */
%% TODO:
%% - define variant of PercentTrue_Range where only MaxPercent is constrained
proc {PercentTrue_Range Bs MinPercent MaxPercent}
Percent = {PercentTrue Bs}
MinPercent =<: Percent
Percent =<: MaxPercent
/** %% Constrains the percentage how many corresponding elements in Xs and Ys (lists of FD ints) are equal. The percentage is specifies by the range Min to Max (both FD ints, not implicitly declared).
%% */
proc {PercentEqual_Range Xs Ys Min Max}
Bs = {Map {LUtils.matTrans [Xs Ys]} fun {$ [X Y]} (X =: Y) end}
{PercentTrue_Range Bs Min Max}
/** %% WhichTrue constraints the Ith element in Bs to be true. Bs is a list of 0/1 integers and I is a FD int. Only a single element of Bs is true (i.e. 1).
%% */
proc {WhichTrue Bs I}
{OneTrue Bs}
%% I is the index of the element which is 1
{Select.fd Bs I 1}
/** %% Returns 0/1-int in B whether Y is either the maximum or the minimum in [X, Y, Z]. X, Y, Z and B are FD integers. Y must either be greater or smaller than both X and Z (i.e. the values 1 1 2 represent not a direction change).
%% */
proc {DirectionChangeR X Y Z ?B}
{FD.conj (X <: Y) (Y >: Z)}
{FD.conj (X >: Y) (Y <: Z)}
% /** %% Variant of DirectionChangeR that addresses repetitions. Like DirectionChangeR, DirectionChange2R returns a 0/1-int in B whether Y is either the maximum or the minimum in [X, Y, Z]. X, Y, Z and B are FD integers. However, DirectionChange2R is defined such that X and Y might be equal values, but Y and Z must not be equal. For example, the values 1 1 2 do represent a direction change.
% %% So, if DirectionChange2R is used to identify direction changes in a longer list then the last element of a repeated local max/min is considered a direction change. However, also if there is no actual direction change, but at least one repeated value then the last is considered the direction change.
% %% */
% proc {DirectionChange2R X Y Z ?B}
% {FD.disj
% {FD.conj (X =<: Y) (Y >: Z)}
% {FD.conj (X >=: Y) (Y <: Z)}
% B}
% end
/** %% Returns 0/1-int in B whether Y is the maximum in [X, Y, Z]. X, Y, Z and B are FD integers.
%% */
proc {LocalMaxR X Y Z ?B}
B = {FD.conj (X <: Y) (Y >: Z)}
/** %% Returns 0/1-int in B whether Y is the minimum in [X, Y, Z]. X, Y, Z and B are FD integers.
%% */
proc {LocalMinR X Y Z ?B}
B = {FD.conj (X >: Y) (Y <: Z)}
/** %% Returns the local maxima in Xs (list of FD ints). The result is again a list of FD ints, shorter than Xs.
%% NB: repeated local max are ignored completely (see Pattern.directionChangeR), and so are the first and last element in Xs.
%% */
fun {GetLocalMax Xs}
{Map {Filter {MapNeighbours Xs 3 GUtils.identity}
fun {$ [X1 X2 X3]} {LocalMaxR X1 X2 X3} == 1 end}
fun {$ [_ X _]} X end}
/** %% Returns the local minima in Xs (list of FD ints). The result is again a list of FD ints, shorter than Xs.
%% NB: repeated local min are ignored completely (see Pattern.directionChangeR), and so are the first and last element in Xs.
%% */
fun {GetLocalMin Xs}
{Map {Filter {MapNeighbours Xs 3 GUtils.identity}
fun {$ [X1 X2 X3]} {LocalMinR X1 X2 X3} == 1 end}
fun {$ [_ X _]} X end}
/** %% Apply the pattern constraint P (a unary proc expecting a stream of FD ints) to the local maxima in Xs.
%% NOTE: This constraint can be expensive, because the constraint application is delayed until the local max are known. Also, note that elements in Xs are processed in their order. Predetermining which elements are local max improves efficiency (e.g., with a contour constraint). Moreover, P should be able to concurrently process a stream (instead of a list only).
%% */
proc {ConstrainLocalMax Xs P}
thread Ys = {GetLocalMax Xs} end
thread {P Ys} end
/** %% Same as ConstrainLocalMax for local minima.
%% */
proc {ConstrainLocalMin Xs P}
thread Ys = {GetLocalMin Xs} end
thread {P Ys} end
/** %% Transforms one of the three direction symbols '-', '=' and '+' to the corresponding integer from 0, 1, or 2 representing a direction as used by constraints such as Direction and Contour.
%% */
fun {SymbolToDirection Symbol}
Dict = unit('-':0 '=':1 '+':2)
/** %% Transforms one of the integers 0, 1, and 2 representing a direction to the corresponding symbol from '-', '=' and '+'.
%% */
fun {DirectionToSymbol Direction}
Dict = unit(0:'-' 1:'=' 2:'+')
/** %% Dir is constrained to the direction of the interval between X1 and X2. An interval 'upwards' (the predecessor is smaller than the successor) is represented by 2, an 'horizontal' interval (the predecessor and the successor are equal) is represented by 1, and an interval 'downwards' by 0.
%% X1, X2, and Dir are all FD integers, Dir is implicitly declared.
%% */
%% !! Does not propagate well: e.g. Dir = {FD.int [0 1]} propagates, but Dir = {FD.int [1 2]} does not
%% !! Determined Dir (upwards or downwards) does not propagate (i.e. does not remove domain values in X1 and/or X2 which are not upwards respectively downwards).
proc {Direction X1 X2 Dir}
IsUp = {FD.decl}
IsEq = {FD.decl}
IsDown = {FD.decl} % for propagation only
Dir = {FD.int 0#2}
IsUp =: (X1 <: X2)
IsEq =: (X1 =: X2)
IsDown =: (X1 >: X2) % for propagation only
1 =: IsUp + IsEq + IsDown % for propagation only
%% IsUp \=: IsEq % ?? not implicit, but is it helpful -- causes failure?
%% Represented like binary number:
%% nothing true: down: 00 = 0
%% second digit true: horizontal: 01 = 1
%% first digit true: up: 10 = 2
% Dir =: (2*IsUp) + IsEq
Dir = {FD.sumC [2 1] [IsUp IsEq] '=:'}
/** %% DirectionR is the reified version of Direction. B=1 <-> 'Dir represents the direction between X1 and X2'. An interval 'upwards' (the predecessor is smaller than the successor) is represented by 2, an 'horizontal' interval (the predecessor and the successor are equal) is represented by 1, and an interval 'downwards' by 0.
%% X1, X2, Dir and B are all FD integers. Dir is explicitly constrained to be in 0#2 and B in 0#1.
%% */
proc {DirectionR X1 X2 Dir B}
IsUp = {FD.decl}
IsEq = {FD.decl}
Dir = {FD.int 0#2} % i.e. IsUp and IsUp exclude each other
IsUp =: (X1 <: X2)
IsEq =: (X1 =: X2)
%% IsUp \=: IsEq % not implicit
%% Represented like binary number:
%% nothing true: down: 00 = 0
%% second digit true: horizontal: 01 = 1
%% first digit true: up: 10 = 2
%% !!??
% B =: (Dir =: (2*IsUp) + IsEq)
B = {FD.reified.sumC [2 1] [IsUp IsEq] '=:' Dir}
/** %% Dirs is constrained to the contour of Xs: each element in Dirs represents the direction of an interval between two neighbouring elements in Xs. An interval 'upwards' (the predecessor is smaller than the successor) is represented by 2, an 'horizontal' interval (the predecessor and the successor are equal) is represented by 1, and an interval 'downwards' by 0.
%% Xs and Dirs are both lists of FD integers. The list Xs is one element longer than the list Dirs.
%% */
%% !!?? soll ich zunaechst version fuer nur einzelne Werte def. und pattern fuer List ist damit def.?
proc {Contour Xs Dirs}
Dirs = {Map2Neighbours Xs Direction}
/** %% Xs and Ys are both contours of equal length (i.e. both lists of FD ints with domain 0#2). Ys is the inversion of Xs (and vice versa).
%% */
proc {InverseContour Xs Ys}
{ForAll {LUtils.matTrans [Xs Ys]}
proc {$ [X Y]}
[{FD.equi (X=:0) (Y=:2)}
{FD.equi (X=:1) (Y=:1)}
{FD.equi (X=:2) (Y=:0)}]
/** %% ContourMatrix is a constraint similar in concept to Contour, but is more precise (and computationally more expensive). Dirs (FD list, implicitly created) is constrained to the contour matrix of Xs (FD list), unfolded into a list. Each element in Dirs represents the direction of an interval between two elements in Xs, i.e. {Direction {Nth Xs Pos_I} {Nth Xs Pos_J}}. Dir collects the results of Pos_I#Pos_J in the order [1#2 1#3 .. 1#N 2#3 .. 2#N .. N-1#N].
%% In Dirs, an interval 'upwards' is represented by 2, an 'horizontal' interval is represented by 1, and an interval 'downwards' by 0.
%% ?? This concept stems from [R. Morris, 1987].
%% */
proc {ContourMatrix Xs Dirs}
Positions = {LUtils.mappend {List.number 1 {Length Xs} 1}
fun {$ I}
{Map {List.number I+1 {Length Xs} 1}
fun {$ J} I#J end}
Dirs = {Map Positions fun {$ I#J}
X1 = {Nth Xs I}
X2 = {Nth Xs J}
{Direction X1 X2}
/** %% Pattern that constraints contour of Xs, e.g., to be primarily ascending or descending. DirectionOfContour constrains that the minimum number of occurances of directions Dir (FD in 0#2) between elements in Xs (list of FD) is Min (FD int), measured in percent. For example, {DirectionOfContour Xs {SymbolToDirection '+'} 75} constrains that at least 75 percent of the intervals between elements in Xs are ascending.
%% */
proc {DirectionOfContour Xs Dir Min}
{Map2Neighbours Xs
fun {$ X1 X2} {DirectionR X1 X2 Dir} end}
Min 100}
/** %% Restricts the occurances of "changes of direction" (local min/max) in Xs.
%% Args:
%% min (default 3): minimal number of elements in X without a direction change (i.e. change of direction occurs at position min+1 the earliest).
%% max (default false): maximal number of elements in X without a direction change (ignored if false).
%% Note: if a local max/min is repeated, then this does not count as a change of direction!
%% */
proc {Undulating Xs Args}
Defaults = unit(min: 3
max: false)
As = {Adjoin Defaults Args}
DirChangeBs = {MapNeighbours Xs 3
fun {$ [X Y Z]} {DirectionChangeR X Y Z} end}
{ForNeighbours DirChangeBs As.min
proc {$ Ys} {FD.sum Ys '=<:' 1} end}
if As.max \= false then
{ForNeighbours DirChangeBs As.max
proc {$ Ys} {FD.sum Ys '>=:' 1} end}
/** %% Contour constraint where all intervals go in the same directions except one. The interval which goes in the opposite direction always either goes up or down (no repetition).
%% Args
%% 'oppositePos' (default last): position of the interval which goes in opposite direction (integer or 'last')
%% 'oppositeDir': direction of the interval which goes in opposite direction (FD int).
%% 'repetition' (default false): Boolean specifying whether there can be repetitions among the "other" intervals.
%% Naming: value sequence forms a "hook" if oppositePos is last or 1.
%% */
proc {Hook Xs Args}
Default = unit(oppositePos: last
oppositeDir: _
repetition: false)
As = {Adjoin Default Args}
L1 = {Length Xs}-1
Dirs = {FD.list L1 0#2}
OppositePos = if {IsInt As.oppositePos}
then As.oppositePos
else L1
Opposite = {Nth Dirs OppositePos} = As.oppositeDir
MostDirs = {Append {List.take Dirs OppositePos-1}
{List.drop Dirs OppositePos}}
RepetitionDir = {SymbolToDirection '='}
{Contour Xs Dirs}
Opposite \=: RepetitionDir
{ForAll MostDirs
proc {$ Dir} Dir \=: Opposite end}
if As.repetition == false then
{ForAll MostDirs
proc {$ Dir} Dir \=: RepetitionDir end}
/** %% Pattern where segments of Args.n elements in Xs (FD ints) follow continuous relation As.rel. For n=2, the result is similar to a common pitch sequence for Organ pedal.
%% Args
%% 'n' (default 2):
%% 'rel' (default '<:'):
%% Note: presently only works if length of Xs is multiple of Args.n.
%% */
proc {Stairs Xs Args}
Default = unit(n:2
As = {Adjoin Default Args}
Sublists = {Map {List.number 0 As.n-1 1}
fun {$ I} {LUtils.everyNth Xs As.n I} end}
{ForAll Sublists proc {$ Sublist} {Continuous Sublist As.rel} end}
{ForAll {LUtils.matTrans Sublists}
proc {$ Sublist2} {Continuous Sublist2 As.rel} end}
%% elements of first sublist always complement dir than following
%% elements of last sublist
{ForAll {LUtils.matTrans
[Sublists.1.2 {LUtils.butLast {List.last Sublists}}]}
proc {$ Sublist2}
{Continuous Sublist2 As.rel}
/** %% Constraints the domain bounderies of the elements in Xs (FD integers). Mins specifies the mininum and and Max the maximum domain value for each element in Xs.
%% */
proc {FdInts Xs Mins Maxs}
{ForAll {LUtils.matTrans [Xs Mins Maxs]}
proc {$ [X Min Max]}
%{Browse unit(x:X max:Max min:Min)}
{FD.int Min#Max X}
/** %% Constraints the domain bounderies of the elements in Xs (FD integers). Mids specifies the middle domain value and Ranges the width between the minimum and maximum domain value for each element in Xs.
%% */
proc {FdRanges Xs Mids Ranges}
{ForAll {LUtils.matTrans [Xs Mids Ranges]}
proc {$ [X Mid Range]}
%% if Range is odd, the half added to Mid for Max is by 1 larger
HalveRange = Range div 2
Min = Mid - HalveRange
Max = Mid + HalveRange + (Range mod 2)
{FD.int Min#Max X}
%% Combining Patterns:
%% ?? shall all these Fns move into LUtils
/** %% Collects the results of applying the unary function Fn (expecting a list) to Xs and recursively to the tail of each list Fn was applied to.
%% For instance, {MapTail [1 2 3 4] fun {$ Xs} Xs end}
returns [[1 2 3 4] [2 3 4] [3 4] [4]]
%% */
fun {MapTail Xs Fn}
case Xs
of nil then nil
[] X|Xr
then {Fn X|Xr} | {MapTail Xr Fn}
/** %% Similar to MapTail, but Fn is a binary function expecting the index as first argument.
%% */
fun {MapTailInd Xs Fn}
fun {Aux I Xs}
case Xs
of nil then nil
[] X|Xr
then {Fn I X|Xr} | {Aux I+1 Xr}
{Aux 1 Xs}
/** %% Similar to MapTailInt, but Fn is only applied to the first N lists.
%% In case N > {Length Xs}, an exception is raised.
%% */
fun {MapTailN Xs N Fn}
fun {Aux I Xs}
if I > N
then nil
else X|Xr = Xs in
{Fn I X|Xr} | {Aux I+1 Xr}
if N > {Length Xs}
then raise insufficiantArgs(MapTailN Xs N Fn) end
{Aux 1 Xs}
/** %% Applies the unary procedure P (expecting a list) to Xs and recursively to the tail of each list P was applied to.
%% */
proc {ForTail Xs P}
case Xs
of nil then skip
[] X|Xr
then {P X|Xr}
{ForAllTail Xr P}
/** %% Similar to ForTail, but P is a binary procedure expecting the index as first argument.
%% */
proc {ForTailInd Xs P}
proc {Aux I Xs}
case Xs
of nil then skip
[] X|Xr
then {P I X|Xr}
{Aux I+1 Xr}
{Aux 1 Xs}
/** %% Similar to ForTail, but P is only applied to the first N lists.
%% In case N > {Length Xs}, an exception is raised.
%% */
proc {ForTailN Xs N P}
proc {Aux I Xs}
if I > N
then skip
else X|Xr = Xs in
{P I X|Xr}
{Aux I+1 Xr}
{Aux 1 Xs}
/** %% Chop Xs into overlapping subsequences of length N. For example, {Sublists [a b c d] 2} results in [[a b] [b c] [c d]].
%% */
%% !! I can not easily move this into ListUtils: depends on Pattern.mapTailN
fun {Sublists Xs N}
SubListNr = {Length Xs} - N + 1
{MapTailN Xs SubListNr
fun {$ I SubXs}
{List.take SubXs N}
/** %% Chops Xs into non-overlapping subsequences of length N. For example, {AdjoinedSublists [a b c d e f] 2} results in [[a b] [c d] [e f]].
%% */
fun {AdjoinedSublists Xs N}
SubListNr = {Length Xs} - N + 1
{LUtils.remove {MapTailN Xs SubListNr
fun {$ I SubXs}
if I mod N == 1
then {List.take SubXs N}
else nil
fun {$ X} X==nil end}
/** %% Traverses through list Xs by mapping the unary function Fn (expecting a list) on each list of N (an int > 0) neighboring elements in Xs. The length of returned list is by N-1 shorter then Xs.
%% For instance, {MapNeighbours [1 2 3 4 5] 3 fun {$ Xs} Xs end}
returns [[1 2 3] [2 3 4] [3 4 5]]
%% NB: MapNeighbours returns nil for N > {Length Xs}
%% BTW: this pattern substitutes the most common pattern matching rule application mechanism of PWConstraints.
%% */
%% Name change: old MapNeighbours is now Map2Neighbours
fun {MapNeighbours Xs N Fn}
{Map {Sublists Xs N} Fn}
/** %% Similar to MapNeighbours, but Fn is a binary function expecting the index as first argument.
%% */
fun {MapNeighboursInd Xs N Fn}
{List.mapInd {Sublists Xs N} Fn}
/** %% Similar to MapNeighbours, but P is a unary procedure applied to each list of N neighboring elements in Xs without a return value.
%% */
%% Name change: old ForNeighbours is now For2Neighbours
proc {ForNeighbours Xs N P}
{ForAll {Sublists Xs N} P}
/** %% Similar to ForNeighbours, but P is a binary procedure expecting the index as first argument.
%% */
proc {ForNeighboursInd Xs N P}
{List.forAllInd {Sublists Xs N} P}
/** %% Traverses through Xs by mapping the binary function Fn on neighboring elements in Xs. The length of returned list is by one shorter then Xs.
%% !!?? move into LUtils
fun {Map2Neighbours Xs Fn}
{List.zip {List.take Xs {Length Xs}-1} Xs.2 Fn}
/** %% Traverses through Xs by applying the binary procedure Proc on neighboring elements in Xs.
%% {For2Neighbours [1 2 3] P} -> {P 1 2} {P 2 3}
%% !!?? move into LUtils
%% !! name changed, was ForAll2Neighbours
proc {For2Neighbours Xs Proc}
for X in {List.take Xs {Length Xs}-1}
Y in Xs.2
do {Proc X Y}
/** %% Applys P (a unary proc expecting a list) to the sublist of Xs (a list) that consists in the Start-th (and int) to the End-th (and int) elements (including).
%% */
%% !!?? worth def?
proc {ApplyToRange Xs Start#End P}
{P {LUtils.range Xs Start End}}
/** %% Applies P (a unary proc expecting a list) to each sublist of Xs (a list) that is declared by a range in Ranges. Ranges is a list consisting in integers and/or pairs of the form Start#End (two integers).
%% */
proc {ForRanges Xs Ranges P}
{ForAll {LUtils.ranges Xs Ranges} P}
/** %% Collects the results of applying Fn (a unary function expecting a list) to each sublist of Xs (a list) that is declared by a range in Ranges. Ranges is a list consisting in integers and/or pairs of the form Start#End (two integers).
%% */
fun {MapRanges Xs Ranges Fn}
{Map {LUtils.ranges Xs Ranges} Fn}
/** %% Traverses all lists in Xss in parallel and sequentially applies the unary procedure Proc (which expects a list as arg) on all first list elements, all second list elements etc. All sublists in Xss must be of same length.
%% */
proc {ParallelForAll Xss Proc}
for Xs in {LUtils.matTrans Xss}
do {Proc Xs}
/** %% Traverses all lists in Xss in parallel and sequentially applies the unary function Fn (which expects a list as arg) on all first list elements, all second list elements etc. The results of Fn are bound sequentially to the elements in Ys. All sublists in Xss and Ys must be of same length.
%% */
proc {ParallelMap Xss Fn Ys}
Xs in {LUtils.matTrans Xss}
Y in Ys
do {Fn Xs Y}
/** %% Applies the binary procedure P on all possible combinations of Xs and Ys. The order of applications is [{P X1 Y1} {P X1 Y2} ... {P X1 Yn} {P X2 Y1} ... {P Xn Yn}].
%% */
proc {ForCartesianProduct Xs Ys P}
{ForAll Xs
proc {$ X}
{ForAll Ys
proc {$ Y}
{P X Y}
/** %% Collects in Zs the result of applying the binary function Fn on all possible combinations of Xs and Ys. The order in Zs is [{Fn X1 Y1} {Fn X1 Y2} ... {Fn X1 Yn} {Fn X2 Y1} ... {Fn Xn Yn}].
%% */
proc {MapCartesianProduct Xs Ys Fn Zs}
LYs = {Length Ys}
{List.forAllInd Xs
proc {$ I X}
{List.forAllInd Ys
proc {$ J Y}
%% !! Nth is unefficient
{Fn X Y {Nth Zs ((I-1)*LYs)+J}}
{List.drop Zs {Length Xs}*LYs} = nil % determine tail
%% collect all combinations
fun {CollectCartesianProduct2 Xss}
L = {Length Xss}
case L of nil then nil
[] 1 then {Map Xss.1 fun {$ X} [X] end}
[] 2 then {MapCartesianProduct Xss.1 {Nth Xss 2}
fun {$ X Y} [X Y] end}
Rest = {CollectCartesianProduct2 Xss.2}
{MapCartesianProduct Xss.1 Rest
fun {$ X Ys} X|Ys end}
/** %% Collects the result of applying the unary procedure Fn (expecting a list) on all possible sublist combinations of Xss (a list of lists). ForCartesianProduct2 is a generalisation of ForCartesianProduct of a arbitrary number of lists to combine.
%% */
proc {ForCartesianProduct2 Xss P}
{ForAll {CollectCartesianProduct2 Xss} P}
/** %% Collects the result of applying the unary function Fn (expecting a list) on all possible sublist combinations of Xss (a list of lists).
%% */
fun {MapCartesianProduct2 Xss Fn}
{Map {CollectCartesianProduct2 Xss} Fn}
/** %% Applies the binary procedure P on all pairwise combinations of Xs, i.e. {P Xs1 Xs2} .. {P Xs1 XsN} {P Xs2 Xs3} .. {P XsN-1 XsN}.
%% */
proc {ForPairwise Xs P}
case Xs of nil then skip
X1 = Xs.1
{ForAll Xs.2 proc {$ X2} {P X1 X2} end}
{ForPairwise Xs.2 P}
/** %% Collects the result of applying the binary function Fn on all pairwise combinations of Xs, i.e. [{Fn Xs1 Xs2} .. {Fn Xs1 XsN} {Fn Xs2 Xs3} .. {Fn XsN-1 XsN}].
%% */
fun {MapPairwise Xs Fn}
case Xs of nil then nil
X1 = Xs.1
{Map Xs.2 fun {$ X2} {Fn X1 X2} end}
{MapPairwise Xs.2 Fn}}
/** %% Applies P (a unary procedure expecting a list) to any sublist in Xs (i.e. any list of succeeding elements in Xs).
%% */
proc {ForSublists Xs P}
{ForAll {List.number 1 {Length Xs} 1}
proc {$ I}
{ForAll {List.number I {Length Xs} 1}
proc {$ J}
{P {LUtils.sublist Xs I J}}
/** %% Applies Fn (a unary function expecting a list) to any sublist in Xs (i.e. any list of succeeding elements in Xs) and returns all collected results in a list.
%% */
fun {MapSublists Xs Fn}
{LUtils.mappend {List.number 1 {Length Xs} 1}
fun {$ I}
{Map {List.number I {Length Xs} 1}
fun {$ J}
{Fn {LUtils.sublist Xs I J}}
% /** %% Applies P (a unary procedure expecting a list) on all sublists of Xs which match the pattern matching expression PatternExpr. See the doc of MapPattern for details.
% %%
% %% !! the present implementation of ForPattern is not fully generalised. '*' must only occur as first element of PatternExpr or not at all.
% %% */
% proc {ForPattern Xs PatternExpr P}
% if PatternExpr.1 == '*'
% %% pattern starts with Kleene star
% then
% %% the positions of '?' in PatternExpr are the positions of
% %% the matching variables in each sublist
% Indices = {LUtils.positions '?' PatternExpr.2}
% PatternLength = {Length PatternExpr.2}
% in
% {ForNeighbours Xs PatternLength
% proc {$ Sublist} {P {Map Indices fun {$ I} {Nth Sublist I} end}} end}
% %% no Kleene star
% else
% Indices = {LUtils.positions '?' PatternExpr}
% in
% {P {Map Indices fun {$ I} {Nth Xs I} end}}
% end
% end
% /** %% Applies Fn (a unary function expecting a list) on all sublists of Xs which match the pattern matching expression PatternExpr.
% %% MapPattern uses a very simple pattern matching language with only three symbols: '?', '_', and '*'. '?' indicates a single element in Xs which is included in the argument list of Fn. '_' indicates a single element in Xs which is excluded from the argument list of Fn. '*' indicates a zero or more elements in Xs which are excluded from the argument list of Fn.
% %% Thus, the length of the argument list of Fn equals the number of '?' in PatternExpr. Besides, the elements in the argument list of Fn occur in the same order as in Xs.
% %% For example,
% %% {MapPattern [a b c d e] ['*' '?' '_' '?'] fun {$ [X1 X2]} [X1 X2] end}
% %% returns [[a c] [b d] [c e]]
% %%
% %% !! the present implementation of MapPattern is not fully generalised. '*' must only occur as first element of PatternExpr or not at all.
% %% */
% fun {MapPattern Xs PatternExpr Fn}
% if PatternExpr.1 == '*'
% %% pattern starts with Kleene star
% then
% %% the positions of '?' in PatternExpr are the positions of
% %% the matching variables in each sublist
% Indices = {LUtils.positions '?' PatternExpr.2}
% PatternLength = {Length PatternExpr.2}
% in
% {MapNeighbours Xs PatternLength
% fun {$ Sublist} {Fn {Map Indices fun {$ I} {Nth Sublist I} end}} end}
% %% no Kleene star
% else
% Indices = {LUtils.positions '?' PatternExpr}
% in
% [{Fn {Map Indices fun {$ I} {Nth Xs I} end}}]
% end
% end
fun {CollectPMAux Xs PatternExpr MatchingXs}
if PatternExpr==nil orelse Xs==nil
then [{Reverse MatchingXs}]
else case PatternExpr.1
of 'x' then {CollectPMAux Xs.2 PatternExpr.2 Xs.1|MatchingXs}
[] '?' then {CollectPMAux Xs.2 PatternExpr.2 MatchingXs}
[] '*' then
%% minimal length: length of pattern without all occurances of '*'
MinL = {Length {Filter PatternExpr.2
fun {$ X} X \= '*' end}}
{FoldL {MapTail Xs
fun {$ Sublist}
if {Length Sublist} >= MinL
then {CollectPMAux Sublist PatternExpr.2 MatchingXs}
else nil
Append nil}
/** %% Implements a pattern matching language very similar to the pattern matching language of PMC from PWConstraints.
%% CollectPM returns in a list any list of elements from Xs (a list) which match the PatternExpr (a list of pattern symbols).
%% The pattern matching language of CollectPM introduces three symbols: '*' is a place-holder matching 0 or more elements, '?' is a place-holder matching exactly one element and 'x' represents a pattern matching 'variable' (see Anders PhD thesis: Sec on PMC in survey II). For example, the PatternExpr [? * x x] matches any pair of subsequent elements of Xs except for the first pair: {CollectPM [a b c d] [? * x x]} returns [[b c] [c d]].
%% */
fun {CollectPM Xs PatternExpr}
{CollectPMAux Xs PatternExpr nil}
/** %% Applies P (a unary procedure expecting a list) on all lists of elements from Xs (a list) which match the pattern matching expression PatternExpr (a list of pattern symbols). See CollectPM for details.
%% */
proc {ForPM Xs PatternExpr P}
{ForAll {CollectPM Xs PatternExpr}
/** %% Applies Fn (a unary function expecting a list) on all lists of elements from Xs (a list) which match the pattern matching expression PatternExpr (a list of pattern symbols) and returns the results in a list. See CollectPM for details.
%% */
fun {MapPM Xs PatternExpr Fn}
{Map {CollectPM Xs PatternExpr}
/** %% 'Zips' the sublists of Xss together in Ys by sequentially alternating between the sublists in Xss. E.g. {Zip [[1 2 3] [10 12 14]]} returns [1 10 2 12 3 14].
%% NB: there is also List.zip which does something different.
%% */
%% !! all sublists of Xss must be of same length??
%% !!?? unfinished: this will be generalised by specifying OuterIs
%% and InnerIs from outside... Other, perhaps more easy option:
%% transform the input Xss before processing
proc {Zip Xss Ys}
L1 = {Length Xss}
%% two parallel patterns of indexes: index in Xss und index
%% in sublist of Xss.
L2 = {Length Xss.1}
%% !! inefficient: I am generating full lists even if Ys is
%% rather short and I don't use the whole pattern
OuterIs = {Flatten
{LUtils.collectN L2
fun {$}
{List.mapInd {MakeList L1}
fun {$ I X} X=I end}
InnerIs = {Flatten
{List.mapInd {MakeList L2}
fun {$ I X}
{LUtils.collectN L1
fun {$}
%% !! Nth / NthWrapped is unefficient
{List.forAllInd Ys
proc {$ I Y}
OuterI = {LUtils.nthWrapped OuterIs I}
InnerI = {LUtils.nthWrapped InnerIs I}
{Nth {Nth Xss OuterI} InnerI} = Y
/** %% Ys is some transformation of Xs. Fns is a list of binary procedures (both arguments are lists) which represent possible transformations. I (an argument which may be interesting as an output) is an index into Fns, a decision for I is equivalent with a decision for a certain transformation function. The domain of I is implicitly constrained to 1#{Length Fns}.
%% The length of the two arguments of each Fn must correspond with the lengths of Xs and Ys for a success. A mismatch causes the respective Fn to be ruled out in the disjuction.
%% See also GUtils.applySelected.
%% */
%% !! I may redefine this proc with the help of GUtils.applySelected
proc {TransformDisj Xs Fns I Ys}
FnsL = {Length Fns}
I :: 1#FnsL % just to make sure...
% fun {MakeOrClause I Xs PartYs}
% {Record.mapInd {MakeTuple '#' FnsL}
% fun {$ I X} % ignore X
% proc {$ Then}
% I = I
% proc {Then}
% {{Nth Fns I} Xs} = PartYs
% end
% end
% end}
% end
fun {MakeOrClause Xs PartYs}
{Record.mapInd {MakeTuple '#' FnsL}
fun {$ FnI X} % ignore X
proc {$}
I = FnI
{{Nth Fns I} Xs} = PartYs
{Combinator.'or' {MakeOrClause Xs Ys}}
/** %% Out of a list of lists of FD ints in Xss the Ith (a FD int) list Ys is selected (a list of FD ints). All lists in Xss and Ys must be of the same length.
%% */
proc {SelectList Xss I Ys}
for Xs in {LUtils.matTrans Xss}
Y in Ys
{Select.fd Xs I Y}
/** %% Is (a list of FD ints) are the indices into Xs (a list of FD ints) at whose positions the values are Ys (a list of FD ints).
%% Is and Ys are of equal length, Xs will often be longer than Ys.
%% NB: Is are always increasing to reduce symmetries (i.e. multiple solutions with the same Xs).
%% BTW: usage example: constrain only specific elements in Xs (i.e. Ys) by a pattern and constrain also the position of the elements to select (e.g. see examples/increasingTendency.oz).
%% Or: constrain that at the Is values in Xs the direction changes (access predecessor and successor of each Y, e.g., by {Select.fd Xs I-1 Y}).
%% */
proc {SelectMultiple Xs Is Ys}
{ForAll {LUtils.matTrans [Is Ys]}
proc {$ [I Y]}
{Select.fd Xs I Y}
{Increasing Is}
/** %% Applies P (a procedure expecting a list) to a sublist of N (an integer) elements out of Xs (a list of FD ints). Note that the sublist does not need to consist in neighbouring elements of Xs (but sublist elements are in the same order as in Xs).
%% NB: Is and Ys is not necessaily fully determined. However, not determining these values also avoids fully exploring multiple symmetric solutions (i.e. solutions with equal Xs).
%% */
%% !!?? worth def?
proc {ApplyToN Xs N P}
L = {Length Xs}
Is = {FD.list N 1#L}
Ys = {FD.list N 0#FD.sup}
{SelectMultiple Xs Is Ys}
{P Ys}
%%% patterns on items
/** %% Performs List.forAll on a list of items, but Meth can be a method or procedure.
%% */
proc {ForAllItems Items Meth}
{ForAll Items {GUtils.toFun Meth}}
/** %% Performs List.map on a list of items, but Meth can be a method or function.
%% */
fun {MapItems Items Meth}
{Map Items {GUtils.toFun Meth}}
/** %% Expects two lists of items (both of the same length) and an Accessor (unary function or method). The variables returned by the Accessor are constrained to be equal for Items at corresponding positions in the two lists. Example: items at corresponding positions in the two lists are constrained to start at the same time.
{EqualizeParam Items1 Items2 getStartTime}
%% */
proc {EqualizeParam Items1 Items2 Accessor}
Item1 in Items1
Item2 in Items2
{{GUtils.toFun Accessor} Item1} =: {{GUtils.toFun Accessor} Item2}
%% nice idea in principle, but doing {MyPattern {MapItems Items Accessor} Args} is more simple..
% /** %% Pattern constraint applicator for parameter of a list of Items (a list of Items). Accessor is a unary method or function, and MyPattern is a procedure expecting a list of FD ints.
% %%
% %% Example:
% {ForParams MyNotes getPitch Increasing}
% %% */
% proc {ForParams Items Accessor MyPattern}
% {ForParams2 Items Accessor MyPattern nil}
% end
% /** %% Like ParamPattern, but MyPattern can expect more arguments. More specifically, MyPattern is a procedure expecting a list of FD ints as first arguments and zero or more furher arguments. OtherPatternArgs is a list of additional arguments to MyPattern.
% %%
% %% Example:
% {ForParams2 MyNotes getPitch Continuous ['<:']}
% %% */
% proc {ConstrainParams2 Items Accessor MyPattern OtherPatternArgs}
% {Procedure.apply MyPattern
% {MapItems Items Accessor} | OtherPatternArgs}
% end
%%% Using Fenvs
/** %% Restricts the upper and lower domain boundary of a list of FD ints (Xs) by two Fenvs. Each fenv is "sampled" where the number of samples is the lengt of Xs, and these samples are then used as domain boundaries.
%% Remember that fenv values are always floats, these are internally rounded to integers.
%% */
proc {FenvBoundaries Xs FenvUpperDom FenvLowerDom}
N = {Length Xs}
UpperDoms = {Map {FenvUpperDom toList($ N)} FloatToInt}
LowerDoms = {Map {FenvLowerDom toList($ N)} FloatToInt}
{ForAll {LUtils.matTrans [Xs UpperDoms LowerDoms]}
proc {$ [X Upper Lower]} X :: Lower#Upper end}
/** %% Expects a fenv, and returns its contour with N (int) directions encoded as expected by Pattern.direction.
%% */
%% TODO: FenvToMatrixContour
fun {FenvToContour MyFenv N}
{Map2Neighbours {MyFenv toList($ N+1)}
fun {$ Y1 Y2}
if Y1 < Y2 then {SymbolToDirection '+'}
elseif Y1 == Y2 then {SymbolToDirection '='}
else {SymbolToDirection '-'}
/** %% Constraints the contour of the elements in Xs (FD ints) to follow the contour of MyFenv (a fenv). Internally, Pattern.contour is used.
%% */
proc {FenvContour Xs MyFenv}
{Contour Xs {FenvToContour MyFenv {Length Xs}-1}}
/** %% Variant of FenvContour: each interval either follows the direction of MyFenv -- or performs a repetition. For example, if for a certain interval the corresponding subsection of MyFenv ascends then the interval has either the direction '+' or '=' (expressed with the symbols supporterd by SymbolToDirection). Nevertheless, horizontal sections of MyFenv constrain interval directions to '=' only.
%% */
proc {FenvContour2 Xs MyFenv}
Up = {SymbolToDirection '+'}
Down = {SymbolToDirection '-'}
Repeat = {SymbolToDirection '='}
fun {FenvToContour2 MyFenv N}
{Map2Neighbours {MyFenv toList($ N+1)}
fun {$ Y1 Y2}
if Y1 < Y2 then {FD.int [Repeat Up]}
elseif Y1 > Y2 then {FD.int [Down Repeat]}
else Repeat
{Contour Xs {FenvToContour2 MyFenv {Length Xs}-1}}
/** %% Contour Dirs2 (List of FD ints) quasi paraphrases original contour Dirs1 (List of FD ints). In at maximum MaxErrorPercent (FD int) and at least MinPercentError (FD int) cases, an ascending or descending value of Dir1 can be a constant value in Dir2 while constant values can be ascending or descending. In other words the direction values are either the same or differ by one. Dirs1 and Dirs2 must be of same length.
%% */
proc {ApproximateContour Dirs1 Dirs2 MinPercentError MaxErrorPercent}
{Map {LUtils.matTrans [Dirs1 Dirs2]}
proc {$ [Dir1 Dir2] B}
{FD.distance Dir1 Dir2 '=<:' 1}
B = (Dir1 \=: Dir2)
MinPercentError MaxErrorPercent}
/** %% Ys (List of FD ints) quasi paraphrases original Xs (List of FD ints). At maximum MaxErrorPercent (FD int) and at least MinPercentError (FD int) values of Ys can arbitrarily differ from Xs. Xs and Ys must be of same length.
%% */
proc {Approximate Xs Ys MinPercentError MaxErrorPercent}
{Map {LUtils.matTrans [Xs Ys]}
fun {$ [X Y]}
X \=: Y
MinPercentError MaxErrorPercent}
%%% Unfinished
%% !! TODO: This is not general enough, because the order of elements are predetermined. Better reimplement this with selection constraints: in principle like the def of random. But collect also all index values and constraint a period of indexes by FD.distinct.
proc {Heap Xs Ys}
Heap = {Cell.new Ys}
{ForAll Xs
proc {$ X}
CurrHeap = {Cell.access Heap}
L = {Length CurrHeap}
I = {GUtils.random L}+1
NewHeap = (if L==1
then Ys
else {Append
{List.take CurrHeap I-1}
{List.drop CurrHeap I}}
X =: {Nth CurrHeap I}
{Cell.assign Heap NewHeap}
/** %% Rotates Xs (a list of arbitrary elements) I times: each time the first element of Xs is put at the end of Xs.
%% */
fun {RotateList Xs I}
if I =< 0
then Xs
else {RotateList {Append Xs.2 [Xs.1]} I-1}
/** %% Expects a list Xs and returns a variant in which every Nth sublist is rotated. For example, if N=2 then every two elements are swapped. I specifies how far the rotation conducted. For example, if N=3 and I=1 then every sublist triple is rearranged such that the first in the triple becomes the last. If I=2 then this operation is done twice (in effect the last in the triple becomes the first).
%% */
fun {RotateSublists Xs N I}
{Map {AdjoinedSublists Xs N}
fun {$ Ys} {RotateList Ys I} end}}
/** %% Y (FD int, implicitly declared) is the average of Xs (list of FD ints).
%% */
proc {Average Xs Y}
Sum = {FD.decl}
Y = {FD.decl}
Sum = {FD.sum Xs '=:'}
Y = {FD.divI Sum {Length Xs}}
/** %% Returns a list of determined values sorted according to an L-system. Axiom is the first pattern period (a list) and N is the number of periods (an integer). N=0 results in the axiom. Rules is a unary function, whose argument is the last pattern value and which returns the next period (a list). Rules can be defined, e.g., by a case expression.
%% NB: MakeLSystem works best with determined values and is thus no constraint as many other definitions in this functor. Nevertheless, symbols of the L-system can be replaced by variables (e.g. using LUtils.replace). See ./testing/Pattern-test.oz for examples.
%% */
%% !! This is not consistent with other pattern defs. I cannot
%% easily use undetermined variables here (instead of
%% e.g. symbols). Shall I perhaps change the defs of other patterns
%% accordingly?
%% !! CM: arg generations sets number of rewrite generations, after that pattern repeats last generation like a cycle pattern.
fun {MakeLSystem Axiom N Rules}
fun {Aux Xs N}
if N=<0 then nil
else Next = {LUtils.mappend Xs Rules}
in {Append Next {Aux Next N-1}}
{Append Axiom {Aux Axiom N}}
/** %% This function is a variant of MakeLSystem which is more convenient to use. It also returns a list of determined values sorted according to an L-system. As in MakeLSystem, N is the number of periods (an integer) and Axiom is the first pattern period (a list). Constants is a list of symbols which always remain fixed (a list of atoms). In contrast to MakeLSystem, Rules is a record which defines a mapping how a symbol is replaced in the following generation. The features in the record denote the L-system symbols for each mapping. The values at these features are typically unary functions. The function returns a list with the symbols of the next generation. For example, the Algae example (example 1 at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lindenmayer_system) is defined as follows.
{MakeLSystem_B 5 nil [a] unit(a: fun {$ _} [a b] end
b: fun {$ _} [a] end)}
%% The function expects the symbol it replaces as argument. This can be used, for example to hand over symbol arguments in parameterised L-systems. In case this function argument is not required, it is possibly for convenience to replace the function by its return value. The next example demonstrates a simple parameterised L-system.
{MakeLSystem_B 5 nil [a(1)] unit(a: fun {$ a(I)} [a(I+1) b] end
b: [a(1)])}
%% */
fun {MakeLSystem_B N Constants Axiom Rules}
FullRules = {Adjoin Rules
{List.toRecord unit {Map Constants fun {$ X} X#[X] end}}}
%% Each L-system generation is terminated by the symbol '|'. The function Pattern.makeLSystem all N generations in a single list. The symbol '|' at the end of each generation with is then used for a generation-wise splitting in order to return only the last generation.
{MakeLSystem {Append Axiom ['|']} N
fun {$ R}
L = {Label R}
if {HasFeature FullRules L}
if {IsProcedure FullRules.L}
then {FullRules.L R}
else FullRules.L
%% otherwise rule (for '|')
else [R]
/** %% Returns a list of determined values sorted according to an L-system. Similar to MakeLSystem, however MakeLSystem2 allows the definition of context sensitive L-systems, systems which look not only at single values, but also at predecessors and/or successors (in the former period/generation). Rules is function of three arguments: the whole pattern so far in reverse order (i.e. a list with the direct predecessor first), the current value and the succeeding values (a list). The first argument is nil in the very first iteration. The third arg of Rules is list with successors of X in proceeding generation (normal order) excluding later generations. This arg is nil at any end of a period. Rules may, e.g., define an if or a case statement and can freely access all its arguments (e.g. to define the current element is x and the butfirst is y).
%% NB: MakeLSystem works best with determined values and is no constraint as most other definitions in this functor. Nevertheless, symbols of the L-system can be replaced by variables (e.g. using LUtils.replace). See ./testing/Pattern-test.oz for examples.
%% */
fun {MakeLSystem2 Start N Rules}
Result = {Cell.new nil}
proc {AddToResult Xs}
{Cell.assign Result {Append {Reverse Xs} {Cell.access Result}}}
proc {Aux Xs N} % Xs is previous generation/period
if N==0 then skip
else Next = {FoldL
{List.mapInd Xs
fun {$ I X}
{List.drop {Cell.access Result} {Length Xs}+1-I}
{List.drop Xs I}}
Append nil}
{AddToResult Next}
{Aux Next N-1}
{AddToResult Start}
{Aux Start N-1}
{Reverse {Cell.access Result}}
/** %% [Convenience for L-systems] Transform the result of an L-system (Xs, a list of atoms or records) which contain constants into a result with parameters. Put differently, collects the constant symbols (atoms) as parameters into their preceeding L-system variable symbol (atom or record). The resulting parameterised L-system variables are records whose features are the constants following them before the next L-system variable. The feature values specify how often this constant occured before the next non-constant. The L-system variable labels are specified in Vars (a list of atoms), everything else is considered a constant.
%% Note that this function requires that the first element is always an L-system variable.
%% */
fun {LSystemConstsToParams Xs Vars}
case Xs of nil then nil
fun {MakeFullVar ThisVar VarConsts}
Dict = {NewDictionary}
{ForAll VarConsts proc {$ X} {Dictionary.put Dict X {Dictionary.condGet Dict X 0}+1} end}
{Adjoin {Dictionary.toRecord {Label ThisVar} Dict}
ThisVar = Xs.1
NextVarPos = {LUtils.findPosition Xs.2 fun {$ X} {Member {Label X} Vars} end}
case NextVarPos of nil
%% Xs.1 is last var
then {MakeFullVar ThisVar Xs.2} | nil
{MakeFullVar ThisVar {List.take Xs.2 NextVarPos-1}}
| {LSystemConstsToParams {List.drop Xs.2 NextVarPos-1} Vars}
/** %% Returns a list of determistically created floats according to 1/f noise (i.e. x_n = (x_{n-1} + x_{n-1}^2) mod 1). L is the length of the list and Start is the first list value.
%% spectrum: 1/f noise falls -3dB per octave.
%% */
%% !!?? is the used formula sound, formula from astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/fractals/1onfnoise/. For more information look at: www.firstpr.com.au/dsp/pink-noise/
proc {OneOverFNoiseDeterm L Start Xs}
Xs = {List.make L}
Xs.1 = Start
{For2Neighbours Xs
proc {$ X1 X2}
fun {MyMod X}
%% defines mod 1 for float, i.e. returned float is in
%% interval [0,1]
if X > 0.0
then X - {Floor X}
else X + {Ceil X}
X2 = {MyMod X1 + X1*X1}
/** %% Constraints a list of FD integers to random values according to 1/f noise (i.e. x_n = (x_{n-1} + x_{n-1}^2) mod 1). All Xs are in the domain 0#Max.
%% This constraint is quasi deterministic -- determining a single variable determines the whole list only by constraint propagation.
%% !! Currently, Max is fixed to 100
%% */
proc {OneOverFNoise Xs} % Max
Max = 100
Divisor = Max %(Max div 10 * Max div 10)
Xs ::: 0#Max
{For2Neighbours Xs
proc {$ X1 X2}
X2 = {FD.modI (X1 + {FD.divI X1*X1 Divisor}) Max}
/** %% Returns a unary procedure which constraints its argument (a list of FD ints). The returned procedure is applied to multiple FD integer lists; the procedure pairwise 'unifies' the FD integers of each list. MaxDeviation (an integer) determines how far each constrained interval may differ from its restriction.
%% This pattern can, e.g., be used to define a canon.
%% Please note: MkUniqueSeq must be called within the constraint script, otherwise the rule blocks.
%% */
fun {MkUniqueSeq MaxN MaxDeviation}
%% !! RuleInts don't get necessarily determined
%% RuleIntervals are the intervals to 'unify' the motifs with
RuleInts = {FD.list MaxN 0#FD.sup}
proc {$ Xs}
{ParallelForAll [Xs
%% Xs may be shorter then Ruleints
{List.take RuleInts {Length Xs}}]
proc {$ [InX RuleX]}
{FD.distance InX RuleX '=<:' MaxDeviation}
/** %% Returns a unary procedure which constraints its argument (a list of FD ints). The returned procedure is applied to multiple FD integer lists; the procedure 'unifies' the interval sequence between the FD integers of each list. MaxDeviation (an integer) determines how far each constrained interval may differ from its restriction.
%% This pattern can, e.g., be used to define a canon with a free transposition.
%% Please note: MkUniquePitchSeqFn must be called within the constraint script, otherwise the rule blocks.
%% */
%% !! Refactor: this defs uses much of MkUniqueSeq
fun {MkUniqueIntervalSeq MaxN MaxDeviation}
%% !! RuleIntervals don't get necessarily determined
%% RuleIntervals are the intervals to 'unify' the motifs with
RuleIntervals = {FD.list MaxN-1 0#FD.sup}
MaxInterval = FD.sup div 2 % to avoid neg. FD ints
proc {$ Xs}
InIntervals = {Map2Neighbours Xs
proc {$ X1 X2 InInterval}
InInterval = {FD.decl}
InInterval =: (X2 - X1) + MaxInterval
%{Browse mkUniqueIntervalSeq(xs:Xs intervals:InIntervals)}
{ParallelForAll [InIntervals
%% InIntervals may be shorter then RuleIntervals
{List.take RuleIntervals {Length InIntervals}}]
proc {$ [InInterval RuleInterval]}
{FD.distance InInterval RuleInterval '=<:' MaxDeviation}
/** %% B is constrained to 1 in case the sum of all elements in Xs equals the length of Xs and B is 0 otherwise. This is a shorthand for multiple nested FD.conj
%% !! All elements in Xs must be 0#1 integers (i.e. no more than 1), as this constraint computes simply the sum.
%% */
proc {ConjAll Xs ?B}
{FD.reified.sum Xs '=:' {Length Xs} B}
/** %% B is constrained to 1 in case the sum of all elements in Xs is >= 1 and B is 0 otherwise. This is a shorthand for multiple nested FD.disj.
%% */
proc {DisjAll Xs ?B}
{FD.reified.sum Xs '>=:' 1 B}
% %% Proc has two arguments and constraints two neighboring cycle periods (I can do transposition this way, but I can not change the cycle length)
% %% SelectFn has two arguments, Xs (needed?) and N (the period number) and returns a list of FD vars specifying the period. ConstraintProc has three arguments, a list containing the predecessor period, a list containing the current period and the current period number. The proc constraints the period.
% %%
% proc {VariatedCycle Xs Ys SelectFn ConstraintProc}
% end
/** %% Constrains Xs (list of FD ints) such that any zeros only occur at the end of Xs.
%% Possible usage: when constraining the 'length' of a list, 'non existing' list elements are encoded by zeros. This constraint avoids symmeries in such a CSP: 'non-existing' list elements occur at the end of the list.
%% */
proc {ZerosOnlyAtEnd Xs}
{For2Neighbours Xs
proc {$ X Y} {FD.impl (X=:0) (Y=:0) 1} end}
/** %% Constrains N (a FD int, implicitly declared) to the position of the first occurence of a zero in Xs (list of FD ints).
%% Possible usage: when constraining the 'length' of a list, 'non existing' list elements are encoded by zeros. This constraint returns the effectiv length of the list.
%% This pattern rule implies the semantics of ZerosOnlyAtEnd.
%% */
%% Def by Raphael Collet (?? I added constrain on N)
proc {RelevantLength Xs N}
N = {FD.int 0#{Length Xs}}
{List.forAllInd Xs proc {$ I X} (X >: 0) = (N >=: I) end}