4 Reference

The Help module provides two classes and one procedure.

4.1 Hyperlink class

The Hyperlink class manages pages :

The format used for storing pages is a list composed of two different types of elements :

For example the default parser will transform : Hello <b>world</f|times 20> into "Hello "|f|"world"|'/f'(1:"times 20")|nil. As shown, all tags have been transformed into records whose features are the parameters of the tags. The list is composed of strings that are the text to insert and of these records that are the tags notification.

The tags definition are also stored in a dictionary. The name of the tag is used as the key in the dictionary. The definition of a tag may have three different forms (single tag, starting tag of paired tags, ending tag of paired tags) :

The procedure defined by the tags are called when the tag is met. The parameter of this procedure is bound to a record providing the following informations :

The Hyperlink class implements the following methods :

4.2 DefaultBind procedure

The DefaultBind takes a Hyperlink object as parameter and binds default commands for tags. The previous chapter lists all these bindings. However these bindings are different :

4.3 HelpClass class

The HelpClass class inherits from the Hyperlink class and extends it to offer a complete GUI. This class voerwrites and implements the following methods :

Donatien Grolaux
Version 1.1.1 (20000613)