#title MEWER [[StrasheelaExamples][back]] [[http://percival-music.ca/software/mewer/index.html][MEWER (MEWsician's Exercises for Rhythms)]] is an online game to practice clapping or tapping rhythms. This game is for practicing rhythms, it doesn't attempt to teach people how to read the rhythms. Here direct links to the ; If you have absolutely no musical training, it won't make much sense. - [[http://percival-music.ca/software/mewer/mewer-flash.html][MEWER Flash Version]]: Requires Flash 9 or higher, and Javascript enabled. Supports microphone and keyboard input. - [[http://percival-music.ca/software/mewer/mewer-js.html][MEWER Javascript Version]]: Does not support microphone. This version **does not work in Internet Explorer**. Using the Flash version is recommended. Source code for the exercise generation (ie the Strasheela part!) is available at: http://code.google.com/p/mewes/.