Extending and Improving the Documentation

The documentation formats for Strasheela have been chosen to make the documentation creation as easy as possible. As a result, there are a number of different formats for different documentation subparts. For example, the Strasheela reference is generated directly from the Strasheela source, whereas most of the other documentation is created using a Wiki-like markup format. The most important parts of the documentation and their format are briefly described in this section. You can contribute to the Strasheela documentation simply by editing the original documentation source files and creating a patch of your changes.


The Strasheela reference documentation is generated by processing the whole Strasheela source which the tool ozh. Essentially, ozh extracts those comments from the source which are surrounded by /** and */ in the following way.

/** This is my documentation. */

Your proof-reading of these documentation strings would be highly appreciated! You do not need to install ozh for this proof-reading (the ozh available at Mogul presently requires installing the obsolete Mozart 1.2.5...). Providing a patch with your corrections is sufficient, we will then care for the rest.


Most pages of the Strasheela website are created with the convenient Emacs wiki mode Muse. For example, this page was created with Muse. You can find all Muse source files of these pages in the directory strasheela/doc-source/ (all files with the extension muse). Editing these files is more convenient after you installed the Emacs Muse mode, for example, from these links (however, installing Muse is not required).

http://www.mwolson.org/static/dist/muse-latest.tar.gz or http://www.mwolson.org/static/dist/muse-latest.zip

The Muse documentation explains the installation and the Muse markup. The markup is really easy: you will probably learn it in about 30 minutes ;-) Again, proof-reading and extending these Muse files is highly appreciated! You do not need to generate the actual HTML files — we will happily do that using your patches. In case you even want to improve the generation of the HTML files itself, this process — including open issues — is briefly documented here.

Interactive Tutorial

The format for the interactive Strasheela tutorial is a simple custom XML format, which is documented here. Everyone starting with Strasheela will benefit from your proofreading of existing lessons and adding new lessons ;-)