Oz/Mozart Documentation

Strasheela uses the multi-paradigm programming language Oz as its user-interface and for its implementation. Oz (and its implementation Mozart) comes with extensive documentation. This page lists sources which are of particular importance for Strasheela.

The Mozart Programming System — the central Oz/Mozart web site.

Introductory Material

Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming — a very good programming textbook using Oz for its examples (may rival the classical Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Abelson and Sussman).

Tutorial of Oz — an introduction to Oz and Mozart.

Finite Domain Constraint Programming in Oz. A Tutorial — an introduction to constraint programming in Oz.

Problem Solving with Finite Set Constraints in Oz. A Tutorial — an introduction to finite set constraint programming in Oz.

Mozart Documentation — provides further tutorials.

Reference Material

Mozart Documentation — the entry point to the voluminous Oz documentation set.

A Virtual Manual for Mozart/Oz — a wiki attempting to integrate the many sources of Mozart/Oz documentation.


Programming Constraint Services — this book explains the space-based constraint model, the operational foundation of Strasheela (the original PhD thesis is still available as well).

Selected Research Papers on Oz — lists many further related publications.

Contributed Mozart Packages

Select — selection constraints for finite domains and for finite sets.

IOzSeF — a toolbox for building custom search engines, which also provides many ready-made search engines.

XRI and LP — a constraint system over real numbers and a linear programming solver.

GEOZ — a Gecode port to Mozart (work in progress).

MOGUL: the MOzart Global User Library — a repository of Mozart packages.