inheritance tree
class definition
[abstract class] Defines reflection capabilities for objects. Please note: this class uses undocumented Oz features, which are possibly not intended for end users ;-)
class Reflection (Inheritance-free)
- getAttr($ A)
Returns the value at attribute A.
- getAttrNames($)
Returns a list of all attributes (atoms) defined for self.
- getAttrSources($)
Alias for getAttrNames.
meth getAttributes($) {self getAttrNames($)} end
/** %% Returns a record where the features are the attributes defined for self and the values are the classes which define these attributes.
- getClass($)
- getClassName($)
Returns the print name of the class of self as specified in its definition. The name is an atom derived from a variable and thus starting with a capital letter, e.g., 'ScoreObject'.
- getFeat($ F)
Returns the value at feature F.
- getFeatNames($)
Returns a list of all features (atoms) defined for self.
- getFeatSources($)
Returns a record where the features are the features defined for self and the values are the classes which define these features.
- getFeatures($)
Alias for getFeatNames.
- getInitArgDefaults($)
Returns a record where the features are all supported arguments of the init method of self with their default as value (_ indicates that no default exist).
NB: this method relies on the correct implementation of the method getInitArgs for its class and all its superclasses.
- getInitArgSources($)
- getMethNames($)
Returns a list of all methods (atoms) defined for self.
- getMethSources($)
Returns a record where the features are the methods defined for self and the values are the classes which define these methods.