%%% *************************************************************
%%% Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Torsten Anders (www.torsten-anders.de)
%%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
%%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
%%% as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
%%% of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
%%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%%% GNU General Public License for more details.
%%% *************************************************************
%% The functor defines higher-order means to traverse a score and/or apply procedures (e.g. rules) on a score.
%% For instance, the functor exports a mixin class which understands various higher-order mapping methods. The methods recursively traverse an hierarchic score data structure. Mapping here means applying a given function/procedure to all elements of a specified set of items in the score, collecting or counting all items fulfilling a given predicate etc.
%% - Mikaels chord slice context may come in handy at some stage :-) But it may hard realising a constraint applicator for it without an undetermined the rhythmic structure in the problem def..
%% - There seems to be some bug in the 'flagging' of score objects: there remain flages after collect returns..
LUtils at 'ListUtils.ozf' %at 'x-ozlib://anders/music/sdl/Utils.ozf'
GUtils at 'GeneralUtils.ozf'
Score at 'ScoreCore.ozf'
%% !! functor of Strasheela core depending on extension
Pattern at 'x-ozlib://anders/strasheela/Pattern/Pattern.ozf'
% Browser(browse:Browse) % temp for debugging
FlagsMixin MappingMixin
ApplyToContext ApplyToContext2 ApplyToContextR
ForContexts MapContexts ForContextsR
PatternMatchingApply PatternMatchingApply2
ForNumericRange ForNumericRange2 ForNumericRangeArgs
ForTimeRange ForTimeRangeArgs
%% TODO: MapTimeRange MapTimeRangeArgs
MapTimeslices ForTimeslices
MapSimultaneousPairs ForSimultaneousPairs
FilterSimultaneous FindSimultaneous
/** %% [auxiliary class] adds flag support to score objects.
%% */
%% !!?? BUG: are all flags always cleanly removed?
class FlagsMixin
attr flags
/** %% [aux method] Method must not be called by user.
% */
meth initFlags @flags = {Dictionary.new} end
/** %% Adds an arbitrary flag F to self. A flag must be a literal.
meth addFlag(F)
{Dictionary.put @flags F true}
/** %% Tests whether self has flag F. Method returns a boolean.
%% @1=?B
meth hasFlag(?B F)
{Dictionary.condGet @flags F false B}
/** %% Removes flag F from self.
meth removeFlag(F)
{Dictionary.remove @flags F}
/** %% [aux method] Method should not be called by user (method removes all flags from self).
meth removeAllFlags
{Dictionary.removeAll @flags}
%% a number of aux functions for the collect method of class MappingMixin
%% (def outside to avoid redef)
fun {RemoveFlaggedItems Xs Flag}
{Filter Xs fun {$ X} {Not {X hasFlag($ Flag)}} end}
proc {FlagAll Xs Flag}
{ForAll Xs proc {$ X} {X addFlag(Flag)} end}
proc {UnFlagAll Xs Flag}
{ForAll Xs proc {$ X} {X removeFlag(Flag)} end}
%% GetContainers only required for graph case
proc {GetContainers_Graph X Level Flag ?Containers}
% bind Containers with containers of X to traverse
if (Level==all orelse ({IsInt Level} andthen Level>0))
Containers = {RemoveFlaggedItems {X getContainers($)} Flag}
{FlagAll Containers Flag}
elseif {X isTopLevel($)}
then Containers = nil
proc {GetItems_Graph X Level Flag ?Items}
% bind Items with items of X to traverse
if {X isContainer($)} andthen
(Level==all orelse Level>0)
Items = {RemoveFlaggedItems {X getItems($)} Flag}
{FlagAll Items Flag}
else Items = nil
%% no flag required for tree case
fun {GetItems_Tree X Level}
% bind Items with items of X to traverse
if {X isContainer($)} andthen
(Level==all orelse Level>0)
then {X getItems($)}
else nil
fun {DecrLevel Level}
if {IsInt Level}
then Level-1
else Level=all % 'tests' and returns level
fun {CollectAux_Graph X Level Test Flag}
Containers = {GetContainers_Graph X Level Flag}
Items = {GetItems_Graph X Level Flag}
AllItems = {Append Containers Items}
AllObjects = {LUtils.accum [AllItems
{LUtils.mappend Containers
fun {$ X} {X getParameters($)} end}
{LUtils.mappend Items
fun {$ X} {X getParameters($)} end}]
%% traverse and return
{Append {Filter AllObjects Test} % only collect objects fulfilling test
{LUtils.mappend AllItems
fun {$ X} {CollectAux_Graph X {DecrLevel Level} Test Flag} end}}
fun {CollectAux_Tree X Level Test}
Items = {GetItems_Tree X Level}
AllObjects = {Append Items
{LUtils.mappend Items
fun {$ X} {X getParameters($)} end}}
%% traverse and return
{Append {Filter AllObjects Test} % only collect objects fulfilling test
{LUtils.mappend Items
fun {$ X} {CollectAux_Tree X {DecrLevel Level} Test} end}}
proc {ForAllThreadedAux X Proc Test Mode Level Flag}
%% traverses X and all objects related to X (i.e. containers,
%% items and parameters) and applies Proc on every object which
%% returns true for Test. Traversing happens concurrently, thus
%% ForAllTreeAux does not suspend if result of getContainers,
%% getItems or getParameters is not yet fully bound.
{ForAllContainersThreaded X Proc Test Mode Level Flag}
{ForAllItemsThreaded X Proc Test Mode Level Flag}
proc {ProcessThreaded X Proc Test Mode Level Flag}
%% apply Proc on X and its params, if they fulfill Test and
%% are unflagged.
if {Test X} andthen {Not {X hasFlag($ Flag)}}
{Proc X}
thread % process params of X
{ForAll {X getParameters($)}
proc {$ X} if {Test X} then {Proc X} end end}
{X addFlag(Flag)}
%% recursive call
{ForAllThreadedAux X Proc Test Mode {DecrLevel Level} Flag}
proc {ForAllContainersThreaded X Proc Test Mode Level Flag}
if Mode==graph andthen
(Level==all orelse ({IsInt Level} andthen Level>0))
{ForAll {X getContainers($)}
proc {$ X}
{ProcessThreaded X Proc Test Mode Level Flag}
proc {ForAllItemsThreaded X Proc Test Mode Level Flag}
if {X isContainer($)} andthen
(Level==all orelse ({IsInt Level} andthen Level>0))
{ForAll {X getItems($)}
proc {$ X}
{ProcessThreaded X Proc Test Mode Level Flag}
% proc {ForAllThreadedAux X Proc Test}
% thread
% {ForAll X|{X getParameters($)}
% proc {$ X} if {Test X} then {Proc X} end end}
% end
% if {X isContainer($)}
% then
% thread
% {ForAll {X getItems($)}
% proc {$ X} {ForAllThreadedAux X Proc Test} end}
% end
% end
% end
/** %% [abstract class] A mixin class for various traversing and mapping methods on the whole score hierarchy.
class MappingMixin from FlagsMixin
/** %% The collect methods collects (possibly all) score objects in a list to make them accessible for, e.g., various list mapping functions. The method collects objects related to self (an item) by the value of the item attributes containers, parameters and the container attribute items. The methods supports a few features to control the collecting.
%% If feature mode
is set to tree
(the default), collect recursively collects the score objects and subobjects contained in self (i.e. both the attributes items and parameters are traversed). If mode
is set to graph
, both objects contained in self and containers self is contained in are collected (i.e. all three attributes items, parameters, and containers are traversed).
%% If feature level
is set to all
(the default), collect collects score objects recursively into arbitrary depth. However, the depth can be controlled by specifying an integer value for level
%% The feature test
expects a unary function returning a boolean or an atom representing a boolean unary method understood by all objects in self. The method collect only collects score objects fulfilling the test function/method.
%% The feature excludeSelf
expects a Boolean. If true (the default), self is not included in the result.
%% collect visits containers in depth-first fashion from left to right which affects the order of the objects in the returned list. E.g., collecting all events in a few nested sequentials in tree mode returns a list with all events ordered by start time.
%% NB: collect blocks if self is not fully initialised (e.g. created by Score.makeScore2) or if Test blocks at some object in self (e.g. because the object is only partially determined).
%% @1=?Xs
meth collect(?Xs mode:Mode<=tree level:Level<=all
test:Test<=fun {$ X} true end
TestFn = {GUtils.toFun Test}
%% !! unefficient: performs checks for Test and Level even
%% if they are not given/needed. Also order of test may be
%% unefficient
case Mode
of graph then
Flag = {Name.new}
{self addFlag(Flag)}
Xs = {LUtils.accum
[if ExcludeSelf
then nil
else {Filter [self] TestFn}
%% collect params of self
{Filter {self getParameters($)} TestFn}
{CollectAux_Graph self Level TestFn Flag}]
%% BUG: only unflags object in result Xs, but not other flagged items.. (instead, I would need to fully traverse hierarchic structure again).
%% params are never flagged
self | {Filter Xs fun {$ X} {Not {X isParameter($)}} end}
[] tree then
Xs = {LUtils.accum
[if ExcludeSelf
then nil
else {Filter [self] TestFn}
%% collect params of self
{Filter {self getParameters($)} TestFn}
{CollectAux_Tree self Level TestFn}]
/** %% The method forAll maps the procedure Proc to a number of collected score objects. Proc may also be an atom representing a method of no arguments and understood by all objects in self fulfilling Test. The method supports the features mode
, level
, test
, and excludeSelf
. These features have the same meaning as in the method collect.
% */
% !! ?? rewrite all collect code -- calling collect may suspend, but a 'threaded' forAll can reach (every ?) score object anyway...
meth forAll(Proc mode:Mode<=tree level:Level<=all
test:Test<=fun {$ X} true end
{ForAll {self collect($ mode:Mode level:Level test:Test
{GUtils.toProc Proc}}
/** %% The method traverses all score objects in self (i.e. items and parameters) and applies unary procedure (or null-ary method) Proc on every object returning true for the unary function (or unary method) Test. However, the method does not effect the object self itself -- only the parameters and (if self is a container) items of self are effected recursively. Traversing happens concurrently -- the method does not suspend even if the result of getItems or getParameters is not yet fully determined.
%% */
%% !! shall I do more fine grained 'threadening' (e.g. not only processing of all parameters/items of an item/container in an own thread, but instead the processing of each object in a thread) ?? shall the degree of threadening be user-controllable
%% I can do the process of each object in a thread by defining a thread in Proc
meth forAllThreaded(Proc mode:Mode<=tree level:Level<=all
test:Test<=fun {$ X} true end
Proc1 = {GUtils.toProc Proc}
TestFn = {GUtils.toFun Test}
Flag = {Name.new}
%% !! code doubling (see ProcessThreaded) to avoid
%% processing self (if necessary, self can easily
%% processed directly)
thread % process self parameters
{ForAll {Append if ExcludeSelf
then nil
else {Filter [self] TestFn}
{self getParameters($)}}
proc {$ X} if {TestFn X} then {Proc1 X} end end}
{self addFlag(Flag)}
{ForAllThreadedAux self Proc1 TestFn Mode Level Flag}
%% BUG: Flags are never removed from objects? Trick: only
%% flag at all if Mode==graph. see method collect for
%% more discussion..
/** %% The method map maps the function Fn to a number of collected score objects and returns a list with all results. Fn may also be an atom representing a unary method understood by all objects in self fulfilling Test. The method supports the features mode
, level
, test
, and excludeSelf
. These features have the same meaning as in the method collect.
%% @1=?Xs
meth map(?Xs Fn mode:Mode<=tree level:Level<=all
test:Test<=fun {$ X} true end
Xs = {Map {self collect($ mode:Mode level:Level test:Test
{GUtils.toFun Fn}}
/** %% The method map maps the function Fn (which must return a list) to a number of collected score objects and returns a list with all results appended. Fn may also be an atom representing a unary method understood by all objects in self fulfilling Test. The method supports the features mode
, level
, test
, and excludeSelf
. These features have the same meaning as in the method collect.
%% @1=?Xs
meth mappend(?Xs Fn mode:Mode<=tree level:Level<=all
test:Test<=fun {$ X} true end
Xs = {LUtils.mappend {self collect($ mode:Mode level:Level test:Test
{GUtils.toFun Fn}}
/** %% The method count counts a number of collected score objects. The method supports the features mode
, level
, test
, and excludeSelf
. These features have the same meaning as in the method collect.
%% @1=?N
meth count(?N mode:Mode<=tree level:Level<=all
test:Test<=fun {$ X} true end
N = {Length {self collect($ mode:Mode level:Level test:Test
/** %% The method filter collects a number of score objects fulfilling Fn, a the unary function returning a boolean. The method supports the features mode
, test
, and excludeSelf
. These features have the same meaning as in the method collect.
%% NB: filter must traverse all objects, therefore using collect in the definition is OK.
%% ?? order of args
%% @1=?Xs
meth filter(?Xs Fn mode:Mode<=tree level:Level<=all
Xs = {self collect($ mode:Mode level:Level test:Fn
/** %% The method find returns the first score object in self fulfilling Fn, a the unary function returning a boolean. The method supports the features mode
, level
, and excludeSelf
. These features have the same meaning as in the method collect.
%% NB: this implementation is inefficient (first collects all score objects).
%% ?? order of args
%% @1=?Xs
%% !! implementation inefficient: I first collect all...
meth find(?X Fn mode:Mode<=tree level:Level<=all
Temp = {self collect($ mode:Mode level:Level test:Fn
if Temp==nil
then X = nil
else X = Temp.1
%% The method findThreaded was intended as better means
%% accessing score contexts undetermined in the problem
%% definition for delayed constraint application. Meanwhile,
%% I realised that plain filtering with a more suitable test
%% is a better approach. The more suitable test is a reified
%% constraint together with an equality test, for example,
{ForAll {MyScore filter($ fun {$ X}
{X isNote($)} andthen
X \= MyNote andthen % ignore Note
{MyNote isSimultaneousItemR($ X)} == 1
%% Because this approach is far better than using
%% findThreaded I just remove the definition of findThreaded
%% in order to avoid confusion. I just keep the definition
%% in a comment just in case..
%% The method find returns the first score object in self for which Fn -- a unary function returning a boolean -- returns true. The search is conducted concurrently: the result score object naturally must be determined enough that Fn does not block on it, but other objects in the score can even be partially bound only and cause Fn to block.
%% If Fn would return true for multiple objects in self, it is undetermined which object is returned.
%% The method supports the features mode
, level
, test
, and excludeSelf
.. These features have the same meaning as in the method collect.
meth findThreaded(?X Fn mode:Mode<=tree level:Level<=all
test:Test<=fun {$ X} true end
MyLock = {NewLock}
%% As soon as ObjectFound is bound and if DontKillMe is unbound, then
%% KillIfFound terminates MyThread.
proc {KillIfFound MyThread DontKillMe}
{Wait ObjectFound}
if {Not {IsDet DontKillMe}}
then {Thread.terminate MyThread}
{self forAllThreaded(proc {$ Y}
thread DontKillMe in
{KillIfFound {Thread.this} DontKillMe}
if {Fn Y} % may block
lock MyLock then
DontKillMe = unit
%% kills all other "spawned" procs
ObjectFound = unit
%% bind result
X = Y
mode:Mode level:Level test:Test excludeSelf:ExcludeSelf)}
%% ?? method name
%% ?? order of args
%% @2=?Xs
% meth filterScore(?Xs Fn mode:Mode<=tree level:Level<=all)
% Xs = {self collect($ mode:Mode level:Level
% test:fun {$ X} {Not Fn} end)}
% end
meth transform(test:TestFn action:ActionProc
mode:Mode<=tree reprocess:Reprocess<=false)
%% with Reprocess=false this is same as method forAll
fun {GetItems X}
if {X isContainer($)}
then {X getItems($)}
else nil
fun {Aux Xs P}
case Xs of nil then nil %skip
[] X|Xr
Tail = if Reprocess
then {Filter
{Append {Append if Mode==graph
then {X getContainers($)}
else nil
{GetItems X}}
else Xr end
{P X} % Fun or Proc??
{Aux Tail P}
{Aux {self collect($ mode:Mode level:all test:TestFn)}
end % end method def
end % end class def
end % local end
/** %% P (a unary proc or method) is applied to Context (any data structure), if this context is not empty. An empty context is represented by nil -- for such a context the application of P is skipped.
%% NB: Application of P blocks until the context is determined.
%% */
%% !!?? where to put ApplyToContext and friends?
proc {ApplyToContext Context P}
if Context==nil
then skip
else {{GUtils.toProc P} Context}
/** %% Variant of ApplyToContext: Fn (a unary function or method) is applied to Context and the result is returned. For an empty context, nil is returned
%% */
fun {ApplyToContext2 Context Fn}
if Context==nil
then nil
else {{GUtils.toFun Fn} Context}
/** %% B=1 <-> Rule holds for N non-empty context Candidates which pass the test IsContext.
%% Args is a record with the five feats 'candidates', 'isContext', 'rule', 'n' and 'b'. Candidates is a list of context candidates (any data). IsContext (a unary function or method) expects such a context candidate and returns a 0/1-int reflecting whether the context is a valid or not. Rule (a unary function or method) is a reified constraint applied to any context candidate returning a 0/1-int. N (the atom 'any' or a FD int) specifies for how many contexts IsContext holds (i.e. returns 1). B=1 constrains that Rule holds for all these contexts. Nevertheless, Rule may hold for more candidates.
%% Candidates, IsContext, and Rule are required arguments. N is optional (default is 'any') and B is optional (default is 1).
%% NB: some internal FD ints (in IsContextBs and RuleBs) possibly remain undetermined.
%% */
%% Arguments given by record to make call of ApplyToContextR with its 5 args better read-able
proc {ApplyToContextR Args}
Defaults = unit(%% list of context candidates or null-ary fun/method returning list of candidates
%% * candidates:nil
%% reified fun/method checking context
%% * isContext:proc {$ MyContext B} skip end
%% reified fun/method applied to context
%% * rule:proc {$ MyContext B} skip end
%% atom 'any' or FD int
%% 0/1 int
As = {Adjoin Defaults Args}
IsContextBs % list of 0/1-int
%% IsContextBs and RuleBs accessible as optional Args features
% if {HasFeature Args isContextBs}
% then IsContextBs = Args.isContextBs
% end
% if {HasFeature Args ruleBs}
% then RuleBs = Args.ruleBs
% end
IsContextBs = {Map As.candidates
fun {$ ContextC}
if ContextC==nil
then 0 % never enforce rule on empty context
else {{GUtils.toFun As.isContext} ContextC}
RuleBs = {Map As.candidates
fun {$ ContextC}
{{GUtils.toFun As.rule} ContextC}
% if ContextC==nil
% then 0 % never enforce rule on empty context
% else {{GUtils.toFun As.rule} ContextC}
% end
if As.n \= any
then As.n = {Pattern.howManyTrue IsContextBs}
As.b = {Pattern.allTrueR
{Map {LUtils.matTrans [IsContextBs RuleBs]}
fun {$ [IsContextB RuleB]}
{FD.impl IsContextB RuleB}
%% old doc:
% %% B=1 <-> P holds for N non-empty context candidates of X which pass a user specified test.
% %% GetContextCandidates (a unary function or method) expects X (any data structure) and returns a list of contexts (any data structure) of X. IsContext (a unary function or method) expects such a context candidate and returns a 0/1-int reflecting whether the context is a context of X or not. To this end, GetContextCandidates is usually defined such that X is part of the returned context. For instance, each context candidate may be represented by a record of the form unit(x:X simObjects:Sims ...)
% %% P (a unary function or method) is a reified constraint applied to any context candidate returning a 0/1-int. N (a FD int) specifies for how many contexts IsContext holds (i.e. returns 1). B=1 constrains that P holds for all these contexts.
% %%
% %% existing: objects in context
% proc {ApplyToContextR X GetContextCandidates IsContext N P B}
% ContextCs = {{GUtils.toFun GetContextCandidates} X}
% IsContextBs = {Map ContextCs % list of 0/1-int
% fun {$ ContextC}
% if ContextC==nil
% then 0 % never apply P on empty context
% else {{GUtils.toFun IsContext} ContextC}
% end
% end}
% in
% N = {Pattern.howManyTrue IsContextBs}
% B = {Pattern.allTrueR
% {Map {LUtils.matTrans [ContextCs IsContextBs]}
% fun {$ [ContextC IsContextB]}
% {FD.impl IsContextB
% {{GUtils.toFun P} ContextC}}
% end}}
% end
/** %% P (a unary proc) is applied to the context of every element in Xs (a list) for which the context is not empty.
%% GetContext (a unary function) returns the context of an element in Xs. A context may be any data structure (e.g. a list or record of Strasheela objects). An empty context is reprented by nil, for such contexts the application is skipped.
%% NB: Application of P blocks until the context is determined (i.e. until GetContext returns value).
%% */
proc {ForContexts Xs GetContext P}
{ForAll Xs proc {$ X} {ApplyToContext {GetContext X} P} end}
/** %% Fn (a unary function) is applied to the context of every element in Xs (a list) for which the context is not empty. The results are collected and returned.
%% GetContext (a unary function) returns the context of an element in Xs. A context may be any data structure (e.g. a list or record of Strasheela objects). An empty context is reprented by nil. For an empty context the application is skipped and nothing is collected in the result.
%% NB: Application of P blocks until the context is determined (i.e. until GetContext returns value).
%% */
fun {MapContexts Xs GetContext Fn}
{LUtils.mappend Xs
fun {$ X}
Context = {GetContext X}
if Context==nil then nil
else [{Fn Context}]
/** %% N=every <-> Rule holds for the context of every element in Xs (context candidates of each element returned by GetCandidates) which passes the test IsContext.
%% Args is a record with the five feats 'xs', 'getCandidates', 'isContext', 'rule', and 'n'. GetCandidates (a unary function) returns a list of context candidates (any data) of an element in Xs (a list). IsContext (a unary function or method) expects such a context candidate and returns a 0/1-int reflecting whether the context is a valid or not. Rule (a unary function or method) is a reified constraint applied to any context candidate returning a 0/1-int. N (the atom 'every' or a FD int) specifies for how many elements of Xs at least one non-empty context candidate complies both IsContext and Rule.
%% Xs, GetCandidates, IsContext, and Rule are required arguments. N is optional (default is 'every').
%% NB: some internal FD ints (in IsContextBs and RuleBs) possibly remain undetermined.
%% */
%% I figure, I don't need an arg B and therefore substituted it with arg N for pragmatic reasons. Nevertheless, with some proc-name ending in 'R' (as ForContextsR) I expect an 0/1-int as last arg..
%% Arguments given by record to make call of ForContextsR with its 5 args better read-able
%% ??!! do I need to be careful not to apply popagators IsContext multiple times? E.g., I may apply multiple rules on same context 'sim notes' with different number of violations (N):
proc {ForContextsR Args}
Defaults = unit(%% list of values
%% * xs:nil
%% unary fun/method returning list of candidates
%% * getCandidates:fun {$ X} nil end
%% reified fun/method checking context
%% * isContext:proc {$ MyContext B} skip end
%% reified fun/method applied to context
%% * rule:proc {$ MyContext B} skip end
%% atom 'every' or FD int
As = {Adjoin Defaults Args}
N = {FD.decl}
if As.n == every
then N = {Length As.xs}
else N = As.n
N = {FD.sum {Map As.xs
proc {$ X B}
unit(candidates:{As.getCandidates X}
n:any % explicit default
% %% Applies P (a unary procedure) to the context returned by GetContext (a unary fun) of every sublist of Xs as specified by Ranges.
% %%
% proc {ForContextOfRanges Xs Ranges GetContext P}
% {ForContext {LUtils.ranges Xs Ranges}
% GetContext P}
% end
% %% [old doc]
% %% B=1 <-> P holds for every sublist of Xs as specified by Ranges and the context of each sublist.
% %%
% proc {ForContextOfRangesR Xs Ranges GetContextCandidates IsContext P N}
% {ForContextR {LUtils.ranges Xs Ranges}
% GetContextCandidates IsContext P N}
% end
/** %% Apply unary procedure P (expecting a list) to the sublist from Xs (a list) matching PatternMatchingExpr (a list of atoms: a single 'x' and any number of 'o' in any order). PatternMatchingExpr expresses a sublist of Xs positionally related to Self (an element of Xs). The atom 'x' in PatternMatchingExpr reprents Self and one or more 'o' atoms around 'x' express predecessors or successors of Self in Xs. For instance, {PatternMatchingApply Self Xs [o o x] P}
applies P to the list consisting in the two predecessors of Self in Xs and Self (in that order).
%% PatternMatchingApply reduces to skip in case there is no matching sublist in Xs (e.g. the PatternMatchingExpr = [o x] and X is already the first element in Xs).
%% An exeception is raised in case Self is not contained in Xs or there is no 'x' in PatternMatchingExpr.
%% BTW: PatternMatchingApply corresponds roughly to the rule application mechanism of PWConstraints. However, PWConstraints always applies a rule to all object sets matching the pattern whereas PatternMatchingApply applies the rule only to a single set (or score context). That way, the user controls to which matching sets the rule is applied.
%% PWConstraints introduces also pattern vars denoting numeric indices which can not be mixed with the other pattern variables. ForNumericRange (see below) defines a similar alternative rule application mechanism.
%% BTW: PatternMatchingApply allows to apply a procedure to non-uniform context (e.g. a single chord and multiple notes related by their position): a part of the context (e.g. the single note) is not contained in Xs but in the lexical scope of P.
%% */
proc {PatternMatchingApply Self Xs PatternMatchingExpr P}
{PatternMatchingApply2 Self Xs PatternMatchingExpr P
proc {$} skip end}
/** %% Generalised variant of PatternMatchingApply: in case no sublist in Xs matches PatternMatchingExpr, PatternMatchingApply2 does _not_ reduce to skip (as PatternMatchingApply) but instead applies the null-ary procedure ElseP.
%% */
proc {PatternMatchingApply2 Self Xs PatternMatchingExpr P ElseP}
PosSelfInXs = {LUtils.position Self Xs}
%% only single 'x' in PatternMatchingExpr allowed and every
%% other element must be 'o'. In case of multiple 'x' use first,
%% and all other elements in PatternMatchingExpr are also
%% interpreted as non-x.
PosSelfInPattern = {LUtils.position 'x' PatternMatchingExpr}
StartPatternInXs EndPatternInXs
%% !!?? these exceptions really needed?
if PosSelfInXs==nil then raise noSelfIn(Xs) end end
if PosSelfInPattern==nil then raise noXIn(PatternMatchingExpr) end end
StartPatternInXs = PosSelfInXs - PosSelfInPattern + 1
EndPatternInXs = StartPatternInXs + {Length PatternMatchingExpr} - 1
if StartPatternInXs < 1 then {ElseP} %% ?? < 1
elseif EndPatternInXs > {Length Xs} then {ElseP}
else {P {LUtils.sublist Xs StartPatternInXs EndPatternInXs}}
/** %% Applies unary procedure P to each element in Xs which index is expressed by Decl. Decl is a list which contains single index integers, or index range pairs of the form Min#Max (Min and Max are integers). Alternatively, Decl can also be a single pair or a single integer.
%% BTW: ForNumericRange corresponds roughly to one of the rule application mechanisms of Situation. The rule applicator `mapIndex' in some earier Strasheela publications is the function equivalent. However, the CMJ paper on this matter introduces a more complex function under the name `mapIndex' which corresponds to ForNumericRangeArgs without the ElseP argument.
%% */
proc {ForNumericRange Xs Decl P}
{ForNumericRange2 Xs Decl P proc {$ X} skip end}
/** %% Generalised variant of ForNumericRange: to every element in Xs to which P is not applied, ElseP (a unary procedure) is applied instead.
%% */
proc {ForNumericRange2 Xs Decl P ElseP}
FullDecl = if {IsList Decl} then Decl else [Decl] end
XsLength = {Length Xs}
%% instead, I could use LUtils.ranges and then flatten
AllIs = {LUtils.mappend FullDecl fun {$ X}
case X
of Min#Max then {List.number Min Max 1}
[] Val then [Val]
else {Exception.raiseError
strasheela(failedRequirement X
"format of declaration must be either Min#Max (integer pair) or I (single int).")}
unit % never returned
%% create tuple which contains P at all positions contained in
%% AllIs and ElseP at all other positions.
MatchingPs = {MakeTuple unit XsLength}
MaxX = {List.last {Arity MatchingPs}}
{ForAll AllIs
proc {$ X}
if X > MaxX orelse X < 1
then {Exception.raiseError
strasheela(failedRequirement X "ForNumericRange2: Value outside position range in given list.")}
MatchingPs.X = P
{Record.forAll MatchingPs proc {$ X} if {IsFree X} then X = ElseP end end}
%% apply respective proc to each element in Xs
{List.forAllInd Xs proc {$ I X} {MatchingPs.I X} end}
/** %% Applies binary procedure P to each element in Xs which index is expressed by Decl -- together with additional arguments for that index. To all other elements of Xs the unary procedure ElseP is applied instead.
%% Decl is a list which contains single index integers plus constraint arguments in the form Ind#Args, or index ranges plus constraint arguments in the form (Min#Max)#Args. The index Ind and the range boundaries Min and Max are integers. Alternatively, Decl can be a single index Ind#Args or a single range (Min#Max)#Args.
%% P expects an item as first argument and its respective Args as second argument (Args can thus be any date).
%% ForNumericRangeArgs implements a generalised variant of ForNumericRange (and ForNumericRange2) which implements an extended syntax for Decl.
%% The rule applicator `mapIndexArgs' in earier Strasheela publications is the function equivalent. However, the CMJ paper on this matter introduces a more complex function under the name `mapIndex' which corresponds to ForNumericRangeArgs without the ElseP argument.
%% */
proc {ForNumericRangeArgs Xs Decl P ElseP}
FullDecl = if {IsList Decl} then Decl else [Decl] end
XsLength = {Length Xs}
%% instead, I could use LUtils.ranges and then flatten
IsWithArgs = {LUtils.mappend FullDecl fun {$ X}
case X
of (Min#Max)#Args % andthen {IsList Args} % and Min and Max are both ints and Min < Max
{Map {List.number Min Max 1}
fun {$ I} I#Args end}
[] I#Args % andthen {IsInt I} andthen I =< XsLength andthen {IsList Args}
then [I#Args]
else {Exception.raiseError
strasheela(failedRequirement X
"format of declaration must be either (Min#Max)#Args or I#Args.")}
unit % never returned
%% create tuple which contains P at all positions contained in
%% AllIs and ElseP at all other positions.
MatchingPs = {MakeTuple unit XsLength}
{ForAll IsWithArgs proc {$ I#Args} MatchingPs.I = Args end}
%% apply respective proc to each element in Xs
{List.forAllInd Xs
proc {$ I X}
Args = MatchingPs.I in
if {IsFree Args} % is their an index for X in Decl?
then {ElseP X}
else {P X Args}
/** %% Applies unary procedure P to each element in Xs that falls in the time frames expressed by Decl (as defined by Score.atTimeR Score.inTimeframeR). Decl is a list which contains single time points (ints), or time frame pairs of the form Start#End (Start and End are integers). Alternatively, Decl can also be a single pair or a single integer.
%% */
%% TODO: extensive testing
proc {ForTimeRange Xs Decl P}
FullDecl = if {IsList Decl} then Decl else [Decl] end
{List.forAllInd FullDecl
proc {$ I TimeSpec}
case TimeSpec of
Start#End then Items in
thread Items = {Score.getItemsInTimeframe Xs Start End unit} end
thread {ForAll Items P} end
[] Time then Items in
Items = {LUtils.cFilter Xs
fun {$ X} ({Score.atTimeR X Time} == 1) end}
thread {ForAll Items P} end
strasheela(failedRequirement TimeSpec
"format of declaration must be either Start#End (integer pair) or Time (single int).")}
/** %% Generalised variant of ForTimeRange: to every element in Xs to which P is not applied, ElseP (a unary procedure) is applied instead.
%% */
%% Todo if you need it...
% proc {ForTimeRange2 Xs Decl P ElseP}
% %% Call ForTimeRange2
% %% Additionally, check whether there are holes between times in Decl and appply ElseP to those missing time frames
% end
/** %% Applies binary procedure P to each element in Xs that falls in the time frames expressed by Decl (as defined by Score.atTimeR Score.inTimeframeR) -- together with additional arguments for that time frame.
%% Decl is a list which contains single time points (ints) plus constraint arguments in the form Time#Args, or time frame pairs plus constraint arguments in the form (Start#Time)#Args (Start and End are integers). Alternatively, Decl can be a single time point Time#Args or a single range (Start#End)#Args.
%% P expects an item as first argument and its respective Args as second argument (Args can thus be any date).
%% */
%% TODO: extensive testing
proc {ForTimeRangeArgs Xs Decl P}
FullDecl = if {IsList Decl} then Decl else [Decl] end
{List.forAllInd FullDecl
proc {$ I TimeSpec}
case TimeSpec of
(Start#End)#Args then Items in
thread Items = {Score.getItemsInTimeframe Xs Start End unit} end
thread {ForAll Items proc {$ X} {P X Args} end} end
[] Time#Args then Items in
Items = {LUtils.cFilter Xs
fun {$ X} ({Score.atTimeR X Time} == 1) end}
thread {ForAll Items proc {$ X} {P X Args} end} end
strasheela(failedRequirement TimeSpec
"format of declaration must be either Start#End (integer pair) or Time (single int).")}
%% TODO: MapTimeRange
%% TODO: MapTimeRangeArgs
/** %% Traverses Xs (a list of temporal items) and returns list of those items which sound somewhen within time window Start-End. Nevertheless, these items may also start before or sound longer then this time window, and they do not need to last over the whole time window.
%% (Similar to Score.getItemsInTimeframe, but certain differences to validate extra def, e.g., CTest expects three args here).
%% */
fun {FilterInTimeWindow Xs Start End CTest}
{LUtils.cFilter Xs
fun {$ X}
({X getStartTime($)} <: End) == 1 andthen
({X getEndTime($)} >: Start) == 1 andthen
{CTest X Start End}
/** %% Applies Fn (unary function expecting list of items) to sublists of Items (list of items) which are positioned within certain "time slices". A time slice is defined by a start and end time, the items within a timeslice include those that start before or sound longer then this time slice, but some part of them must occur within the time slice. A sequence of time slices with regular durations is defined by the args startTime, endTime (required arg!) and step.
%% Args:
%% startTime (default 0): int specifying start of first time slice.
%% endTime (no default!): int specifying end of last time slice. NOTE: make sure the value given to endTime is determined (i.e. usually not simply {MyScore getEndTime($)}).
%% step (default 1): int specifying size of all time slices.
%% 'test': a Boolean function or method for pre-filtering Items.
%% 'cTest': a Boolean function {F X Start End} applied within the concurrent filtering of Items. X is an item, Start and End are the start and end time of the time window.
%% Note: this constraint applicator requires a variable ordering (distribution strategy) like left-to-right in order to have its constraints applied as early as possible.
%% */
%% TODO:
%% - if consecutive time frames have identical set of objects: consider skipping (i.e. avoid re-applying constraints to the same objects)?
fun {MapTimeslices Items Fn Args}
Defaults = unit(test: fun {$ X} true end
cTest: fun {$ X Start End} true end
startTime: 0
% endTime: _
step: 1)
As = {Adjoin Defaults Args}
FilteredItems = {Filter Items {GUtils.toFun As.test}}
Times = {List.number As.startTime As.endTime As.step}
{Pattern.map2Neighbours Times
fun {$ Start End}
thread {Fn {FilterInTimeWindow FilteredItems Start End As.cTest}} end
% {Pattern.map2Neighbours Times
% fun {$ Start End}
% TimeWindowItems
% in
% thread TimeWindowItems = {FilterInTimeWindow FilteredItems Start End As.cTest} end
% thread {Fn TimeWindowItems} end
% end}
/** %% Similar to MapTimeslices, but P is unary procedure expecting list of items.
%% */
proc {ForTimeslices Items P Args}
Defaults = unit(test: fun {$ X} true end
cTest: fun {$ X Start End} true end
startTime: 0
% endTime: _
step: 1)
As = {Adjoin Defaults Args}
FilteredItems = {Filter Items {GUtils.toFun As.test}}
Times = {List.number As.startTime As.endTime As.step}
{Pattern.for2Neighbours Times
proc {$ Start End}
thread {P {FilterInTimeWindow FilteredItems Start End As.cTest}} end
% {Pattern.for2Neighbours Times
% proc {$ Start End}
% TimeWindowItems
% in
% thread TimeWindowItems = {FilterInTimeWindow FilteredItems Start End As.cTest} end
% thread {P TimeWindowItems} end
% end}
/** %% [aux def] Returns the list of temporal containers in with X is recursively contained, starting with the most nested container (top-level container is last).
%% */
fun {GetTemporalContainersRecursively X}
C = {X getTemporalContainer($)}
case C of nil then nil
else C | {GetTemporalContainersRecursively C}
/** %% [aux def] For two score objects from the same score, find the outmost temporal score object in the score topologies by which their nesting differs and return the position of this object in its temporal container. Returns a pair of integers (the two positions).
%% */
fun {FindHierarchicDifferencePosition X Y}
fun {Aux X_Nestings Y_Nestings}
if X_Nestings == nil orelse Y_Nestings == nil
then {Exception.raiseError
strasheela(failedRequirement X#Y
"Score objects cannot have different \"hierarchic difference positions\" (e.g., this error occurs if one of the objects is the top-level container).")}
unit % never returned..
if X_Nestings.1 == Y_Nestings.1
then {Aux X_Nestings.2 Y_Nestings.2}
%% first score objects in hierarchy by which X and Y differ: return their positions
else {X_Nestings.1 getTemporalPosition($)}#{Y_Nestings.1 getTemporalPosition($)}
%% list of temporal containers and score object with top-level container first
X_Nestings = {Reverse X | {GetTemporalContainersRecursively X}}
Y_Nestings = {Reverse Y | {GetTemporalContainersRecursively Y}}
{Aux X_Nestings Y_Nestings}
/** %% MapSimultaneousPairs traverses Xs (a list of score objects), applies the binary function Fn to pairs of simultaneous score objects, and returns the collected results.
%% MapSimultaneousPairs applies {Fn X Y ?Result} to all pairs X and Y, where X is an element in Xs and Y is a score object which is simultaneous to X, but which is not necessarily contained in Xs. In order to avoid applying the same constraint twice in case both X and Y are contained in Xs, there is an additional restriction related to the hierarchic nesting of X and Y. Simplified, this restriction states that the container of Y must be at a lower position than the container of X -- which usually means that Y is in a higher voice than X. However, MapSimultaneousPairs is more general and works for arbitrary nesting.
%% Args:
%% 'test': a Boolean function or method for pre-filtering potential Y values.
%% 'cTest': a Boolean function or method applied within the concurrent filtering done for isSimultaneousItemR. See doc of the Score.item method getSimultaneousItems for details.
%% Note that MapSimultaneousPairs even works if the rhythmical structure is indetermined in the CSP definition, but it will block until the rhythmic structure is determined enough to tell which score objects are simultaneous. Therefore, a distribution strategy which determines the rhythmical structure relatively early (e.g., left to right) is recommended.
%% See ForSimPairs doc for an example.
%% BUG: does not work for score with partially undetermined temporal structure -- which makes this def pretty useless for CSPs so far.
%% */
fun {MapSimultaneousPairs Xs Fn Args}
Defaults = unit(test: fun {$ X} true end
cTest: fun {$ X} true end)
As = {Adjoin Defaults Args}
Aux = {Map Xs
fun {$ X}
{X getSimultaneousItems($ cTest: {GUtils.toFun As.cTest}
test:fun {$ Y}
{{GUtils.toFun As.test} Y} andthen
Y \= X andthen
PosX#PosY = {FindHierarchicDifferencePosition
X Y}
%% Y must be in "voice" with lower position, i.e. usually a higher voice (e.g. printed in an upper staff). Voice is in quotes, because this def works for arbitrary nestings
PosX > PosY
fun {$ Y} {Fn X Y} end}
{Flatten Aux}
/** %% ForSimultaneousPairs traverses Xs (a list of score objects) and applies the binary procedure P to pairs of simultaneous score objects.
%% ForSimultaneousPairs applies {P X Y} to all pairs X and Y, where X is an element in Xs and Y is a score object which is simultaneous to X, but which is not necessarily contained in Xs. In order to avoid applying the same constraint twice in case both X and Y are contained in Xs, there is an additional restriction related to the hierarchic nesting of X and Y. Simplified, this restriction states that the container of Y must be at a lower position than the container of X. However, ForSimultaneousPairs is more general and works for arbitrary nesting.
%% Args:
%% 'test': a Boolean function or method for pre-filtering potential Y values.
%% 'cTest': a Boolean function or method applied within the concurrent filtering done for isSimultaneousItemR. See doc of the Score.item method getSimultaneousItems for details.
%% Note that ForSimultaneousPairs even works if the rhythmical structure is indetermined in the CSP definition, but it will block until the rhythmic structure is determined enough to tell which score objects are simultaneous. Therefore, a distribution strategy which determines the rhythmical structure relatively early (e.g., left to right) is recommended.
%% NB: if Xs is notes of a single container, then container of this voice must be higher position than container of sim notes to which constraints should be applied -- otherwise nothing happens.
%% Examples:
%% Application of a harmonic constraint to all pairs of simultaneous notes. This approach works for any number of voices and arbitrarily complex rhythmic structures.
{ForSimultaneousPairs {MyScore collect($ test:isNote)} IsConsonant unit(test:isNote)}
%% Application of a harmonic constraint to all note pairs consisting of a bass note and a note from a higher voice. MyBass is a container which contains all the bass notes.
{ForSimultaneousPairs {MyBass collect($ test:isNote)} IsConsonant unit(test:isNote)}
%% BUG: does only work for sim notes that are already contained in Xs? Possibly this is only a bug in the documentation..
%% */
proc {ForSimultaneousPairs Xs P Args}
Defaults = unit(test: fun {$ X} true end
cTest: fun {$ X} true end)
As = {Adjoin Defaults Args}
{ForAll Xs
proc {$ X}
SimItems in
%% getSimultaneousItems internally uses LUtils.cFilter, which supports
%% concurrent processing (e.g., can return a partially determined list)
SimItems = {X getSimultaneousItems($ cTest: {GUtils.toFun As.cTest}
test:fun {$ Y}
Y \= X andthen
{{GUtils.toFun As.test} Y} andthen
PosX#PosY = {FindHierarchicDifferencePosition
X Y}
%% Y must be in "voice" with lower position, i.e. usually a higher voice (e.g. printed in an upper staff). Voice is in quotes, because this def works for arbitrary nestings
PosX > PosY
thread {ForAll SimItems proc {$ Y} {P X Y} end} end
/** %% Traverses Xs (a list of temporal items) and returns those from Xs which are simultaneous with Y (a temporal item).
%% Uses internally LUtils.cFilter, i.e. returns score objects as soon as enough information is available whether or not they are simultaneous, but not necessarily in their order in Xs.
%% Implicitly wraps filtering in a thread.
%% */
fun {FilterSimultaneous Xs Y}
{LUtils.cFilter Xs
fun {$ X} ({Y isSimultaneousItemR($ X)} == 1) end}
/** %% Traverses Xs (a list of temporal items) and returns the first which is simultaneous with Y (a temporal item).
%% Uses internally LUtils.cFind, i.e. returns score objects as soon as enough information is available whether or not they are simultaneous, but not necessarily in their order in Xs.
%% Implicitly wraps filtering in a thread.
%% */
fun {FindSimultaneous Xs Y}
{LUtils.cFind Xs
fun {$ X} ({Y isSimultaneousItemR($ X)} == 1) end}
/** %% Expects a _textual_ score MyScore (a record) and applies Fn to every contained textual score object. Returns a score where the score object are replaced by the results of Fn. However, any 'items' features are ignored in the result of Fn. Instead, the original nesting is preserved.
%% NB: presently, only tree topology is supported
%% */
fun {MapScore MyScore Fn}
fun {MapItems X}
if {HasFeature X items}
then {Adjoin unit(items:{Map X.items
fun {$ Y} {MapScore Y Fn} end})
%% keep orig label
{Label X}}
else {Label X}
{Adjoin {Fn MyScore} {MapItems MyScore}}