declare [S] = {ModuleLink ['x-ozlib://anders/music/sdl/ScoreCore.ozf']} {Inspector.configure widgetTreeDisplayMode false} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Important testing %% mapping etc. %% declare [S] = {ModuleLink ['x-ozlib://anders/music/sdl/ScoreCore.ozf']} {Inspector.configure widgetTreeDisplayMode false} declare N1 = {New S.note init(info: n1)} N2 = {New S.note init(info: n2)} P1 = {New S.pause init(info: p1)} P2 = {New S.pause init(info: p2)} A1 = {New S.aspect init(items: [N1 P1] info:a1)} A2 = {New S.aspect init(items: [N1 N2] info:a2)} Sim = {New S.simultaneous init(items: [N2 P2] info: sim)} Seq = {New S.sequential init(items:[P1 N1 Sim] info: seq)} fun {GetInfo X} {X getInfo($)} end % only tree mode implemented yet, therefore three explicite calls {Seq closeScoreHierarchy(mode:tree)} {A1 closeScoreHierarchy(mode:tree)} {A2 closeScoreHierarchy(mode:tree)} {N1 getContainers($)} {Seq toPPrintRecord($)} {A1 toPPrintRecord($)} %% %% The tests below only test the returned items, additionally all %% parameters of the items are returned %% %% tree mode % single level tree {Map {A1 collect($ mode:tree test:isItem)} GetInfo} == [n1 p1] % recursive call (level:all) {Map {Seq collect($ mode:tree test:isItem level:all)} GetInfo} == [p1 n1 sim n2 p2] % level:1 {Map {Seq collect($ mode:tree level:1 test:isItem)} GetInfo} == [p1 n1 sim] % arg test {Map {A1 collect($ mode:tree test:fun {$ X} {X isPause($)} end)} GetInfo} == [p1] % arg test {Map {Seq collect($ mode:tree level:all test:fun {$ X} {X isPause($)} end)} GetInfo} == [p1 p2] %% graph mode (how to check order independent?) % level:all {Map {Seq collect($ mode:graph level:all test:isItem)} GetInfo} == [p1 n1 sim a1 a2 n2 p2] %% (how to check order independent?) {Map {P1 collect($ mode:graph test:isItem)} GetInfo} == [a1 seq n1 a2 n2 sim p2] % !! untested: level arg in mode:graph (how containers are limited) %% method map {Seq map($ GetInfo mode:graph level:all test:isItem)} == [p1 n1 sim a1 a2 n2 p2] %% method forAll {Seq forAll(proc {$ X} {Browse {GetInfo X}} end mode:graph level:all test:isItem)} {Seq count($ mode:graph level:all test:isItem)} == 7 % I may configure Inspector for distict records with equal content... %{Inspector.configure widgetRelationList % ['RelationName'(fun {$ X Y} X==Y end)]} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% order of items returned by collect etc. %% declare MyScore = {Score.makeScore seq(items:{LUtils.collectN 3 fun {$} seq(items:{LUtils.collectN 3 fun {$} note(% offsetTime:0 duration:1 %% undetermined pitch and amp % pitch:60 % amplitude:1 ) end} offsetTime:0) end} startTime:0 offsetTime:0) unit} %% collect startTimes: strictly increasing order? OK {MyScore map($ getStartTime test:isNote)} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Testing SMapping.applyToContext %% declare MyNote = {Score.makeScore2 note(info:note1 duration:2 pitch:60) unit} MyScore = {Score.makeScore sim(items:[seq(items:[MyNote]) seq(items:[note(info:note2 duration:2 pitch:64)]) seq(items:[note(info:note3 duration:2 pitch:64)])] startTime:0 timeUnit:beats(4)) unit} {SMapping.applyToContext %% context {Map MyNote | {MyNote getSimultaneousItems($ test:isNote)} fun {$ X} {X getInfo($)} end} %% 'rule' Browse} %% skip application {SMapping.applyToContext %% context is nil nil Browse} %% method application {SMapping.applyToContext %% context accessor is method {MyNote getSimultaneousItems($)} Browse} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Testing SMapping.applyToContextR %% declare proc {IsConsonantR N1 N2 B} Consonance = { [3 4 7 8 9 12 15 16]} in B = {FD.reified.distance {N1 getPitch($)} {N2 getPitch($)} '=:' Consonance} end fun {MakeNote Args} {Adjoin note(duration:{ 1#2} pitch:{ 60#72} amplitude:1) Args} end {SDistro.exploreOne proc {$ MyScore} %% rhythmic structure not predetermined Voice1 = {Score.makeScore2 seq(items:{Map [note(info:note1_1) note(info:note2_2)] MakeNote}) unit} Voice2 = {Score.makeScore2 seq(items:{Map [note(info:note2_1) note(info:note2_2) note(info:note2_3) note(info:note2_4)] MakeNote}) unit} % IsContextBs RuleBs in MyScore = {Score.makeScore sim(items:[Voice1 Voice2] startTime:0 timeUnit:beats(4)) unit} {ForAll {Voice1 getItems($)} proc {$ MyNote} {SMapping.applyToContextR unit(%% context candidates are notes of other voice candidates:{Voice2 getItems($)} %% context test isContext:fun {$ X} {MyNote isSimultaneousItemR($ X)} end %% rule: applied to all context candidates. Rule must hold (i.e. return 1) for all X for which context test holds. rule:proc {$ X B} {IsConsonantR MyNote X B} end %% how many true: there are 2 consonant sim notes for each note in Voice1 (in effect, this constraints the rhythmic structure) n:2 b:1 % isContextBs:IsContextBs % ruleBs:RuleBs )} end} %{FD.distribute ff {Append IsContextBs RuleBs}} %{Browse IsContextBs#RuleBs} end unit(value:random)} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% SMapping.mapContexts and friends %% declare MyScore = {Score.makeScore sim(items:[seq(items:[note(info:a duration:1) note(info:b duration:2)]) seq(items:[note(info:c duration:2) note(info:d duration:1)])] startTime:0) unit} MyVoice1Notes = {{MyScore getItems($)}.1 getItems($)} {SMapping.mapContexts MyVoice1Notes fun {$ X} X | {X getSimultaneousItems($ test:isNote)} end fun {$ Xs} myConstraint({Map Xs fun {$ X} note(info:{X getInfo($)}) end}) end} {SMapping.forContexts MyVoice1Notes fun {$ X} X | {X getSimultaneousItems($ test:isNote)} end proc {$ Xs} {Browse myConstraint({Map Xs fun {$ X} note({X getInfo($)}) end})} end} %%%%% %% %% {SMapping.forContexts MyVoice1Notes GetSimultaneousNotes AllConsonant} %% {SDistro.exploreOne proc {$ MyScore} fun {GetSimultaneousNotes X} X | {X getSimultaneousItems($ test:isNote)} end proc {IsConsonantR Note1 Note2 B} Pitch1 = {Note1 getPitch($)} Pitch2 = {Note2 getPitch($)} %% no unisono Interval = { [3 4 7 8 9 12 15 16]} % 0 in B = { 0#1} B = {FD.reified.distance Pitch1 Pitch2 '=:' Interval} end proc {AllConsonant Xs} {Pattern.allTrue {Pattern.mapPairwise Xs IsConsonantR}} end MyVoice1Notes in MyScore = {Score.makeScore sim(items:[seq(items:[note2(duration:1 pitch:{ 60#72}) note2(duration:2 pitch:{ 60#72})]) seq(items:[note2(duration:1 pitch:{ 60#72}) note2(duration:2 pitch:{ 60#72})]) seq(items:[note2(duration:2 pitch:{ 60#72}) note2(duration:1 pitch:{ 60#72})])] startTime:0 timeUnit:beats(2)) unit} MyVoice1Notes = {{MyScore getItems($)}.1 getItems($)} %% {SMapping.forContexts MyVoice1Notes GetSimultaneousNotes AllConsonant} end unit} %%%%% %% %% SMapping.forContextsR %% declare proc {IsConsonantR N1 N2 B} Consonance = { [3 4 7 8 9 12 15 16]} in B = {FD.reified.distance {N1 getPitch($)} {N2 getPitch($)} '=:' Consonance} end fun {MakeNote Args} {Adjoin note(duration:{ 1#2} pitch:{ 60#72} amplitude:1) Args} end {SDistro.exploreOne proc {$ MyScore} %% rhythmic structure not predetermined Voice1 = {Score.makeScore2 seq(items:{Map [note(info:note1_1) note(info:note2_2)] MakeNote}) unit} Voice2 = {Score.makeScore2 seq(items:{Map [note(info:note2_1) note(info:note2_2) note(info:note2_3) note(info:note2_4)] MakeNote}) unit} in MyScore = {Score.makeScore sim(items:[Voice1 Voice2] startTime:0 timeUnit:beats(4)) unit} {SMapping.forContextsR unit(xs:{Voice1 getItems($)} %% context candidates are pairs of notes of both voices getCandidates:fun {$ Note1} {Map {Voice2 getItems($)} fun {$ Note2} Note1#Note2 end} end %% context test isContext:proc {$ Note1#Note2 B} B={Note1 isSimultaneousItemR($ Note2)} end %% rule: applied to all context candidates. Rule must hold (i.e. return 1) for all X for which context test holds. rule:proc {$ Note1#Note2 B} {IsConsonantR Note1 Note2 B} end %% for how many (notes of voice 1) shall rule hold? n:every)} end unit(value:random)} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% SMapping.forNumericRange %% %% b c d f {SMapping.forNumericRange [a b c d e f g] [2#4 6] proc {$ X} {Browse X} end} %% exception {SMapping.forNumericRange [a b c d e f g] [2#4 9] proc {$ X} {Browse X} end} %% exception {SMapping.forNumericRange [a b c d e f g] [2#4 blau] proc {$ X} {Browse X} end} %% elseCase#a b c d elseCase#e f elseCase#g {SMapping.forNumericRange2 [a b c d e f g] [2#4 6] proc {$ X} {Browse X} end proc {$ X} {Browse elseCase#X} end} %% a#[hi] noMatch#b c#[there] d#[there] noMatch#e {SMapping.forNumericRangeArgs [a b c d e] [1#[hi] (3#4)#[there]] proc {$ X Args} {Browse X#Args} end proc {$ X} {Browse noMatch#X} end} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% SMapping.patternMatchingApply %% %% [b c d] {SMapping.patternMatchingApply c [a b c d e] [o x o] proc {$ Xs} {Browse Xs} end} %% [a b] {SMapping.patternMatchingApply b [a b c d e] [o x] proc {$ Xs} {Browse Xs} end} %% [b c] {SMapping.patternMatchingApply b [a b c d e] [x o] proc {$ Xs} {Browse Xs} end} %% skip {SMapping.patternMatchingApply a [a b c d e] [o x o] proc {$ Xs} {Browse Xs} end} %% skip {SMapping.patternMatchingApply e [a b c d e] [o x o] proc {$ Xs} {Browse Xs} end} %% exception {SMapping.patternMatchingApply c [a b c d e] [o y o] proc {$ Xs} {Browse Xs} end} %% exception {SMapping.patternMatchingApply bla [a b c d e] [o x o] proc {$ Xs} {Browse Xs} end} %% [b c d] {SMapping.patternMatchingApply2 c [a b c d e] [o x o] proc {$ Xs} {Browse Xs} end proc {$} {Browse elseCase} end} %% else case {SMapping.patternMatchingApply2 e [a b c d e] [o x o] proc {$ Xs} {Browse Xs} end proc {$} {Browse elseCase} end} %% else case {SMapping.patternMatchingApply2 a [a b c d e] [o x o] proc {$ Xs} {Browse Xs} end proc {$} {Browse elseCase} end} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% SMapping.mapTimeslices, SMapping.forTimeslices %% declare MyScore = {Score.make sim([seq([note(offsetTime: { 0#1} duration: 1 pitch: 1) note(duration: 1 pitch: 2) note(duration: 2 pitch: 3) note(duration: 2 % has start time 5 or 6 pitch: 4) note(duration: 2 pitch: 5) note(duration: 2 pitch: 6)]) seq([note(duration: 2 pitch: 11) note(duration: 2 pitch: 12) note(offsetTime: 1 duration: 1 pitch: 13) %% The note pairs up to here should be processed by SMapping.mapTimeslices below, but the fourth note pair is delayed until this offset time is determined %% BUG: all are delayed note(offsetTime: { 0#1} % has start time 6 or later duration: 2 pitch: 14) note(offsetTime: { 0#1} duration: 2 pitch: 15) note(offsetTime: { 0#3} duration: 2 pitch: 16)]) seq([note(duration: 2 pitch: 21) note(duration: 1 pitch: 22) note(duration: 2 pitch: 23) note(duration: 2 % has start time 6 pitch: 24) note(duration: 2 pitch: 25) note(duration: 2 pitch: 26)])] startTime:0 timeUnit: beats) unit} %% Now bind undetermined offset time {{Nth {{Nth {MyScore getItems($)} 1} getItems($)} 1} getOffsetTime($)} = 1 %% BUG ? undetermined offset time of note with pitch 1 causes blocking of time slice start=1 end=2 and others %% Problem occurs, because program does not know in which time slice the first notes of all parts will occur together %% Is that OK, because these time slices are after this note and will not cause problems with left-to-right variable ordering? {SMapping.forTimeslices {MyScore collect($ test:isNote)} proc {$ Xs} {Browse {Map Xs fun {$ X} {Adjoin unit(start: {X getStartTime($)} 'end': {X getEndTime($)}) {X toInitRecord($)}} end}} end unit(endTime: {FD.reflect.max {MyScore getEndTime($)}})} {Browse {SMapping.mapTimeslices {MyScore collect($ test:isNote)} fun {$ Xs} {Map Xs fun {$ X} {Adjoin unit(start: {X getStartTime($)} 'end': {X getEndTime($)}) {X toInitRecord($)}} end} end unit(endTime: {FD.reflect.max {MyScore getEndTime($)}})}} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% SMapping.forSimultaneousPairs / SMapping.mapSimultaneousPairs %% declare N1 N2 MyScore = {Score.makeScore sim(items:[seq(items:[note(handle:N1 info:n1 duration:2)]) seq(items:[note(handle:N2 info:n2 duration:2)])] startTime:0 timeUnit:beats) unit} {MyScore toInitRecord($)} {SMapping.mapSimultaneousPairs [N1] fun {$ X Y} {X getInfo($)}#{Y getInfo($)} end unit(test: isNote)} %% -> nil {SMapping.mapSimultaneousPairs [N2] fun {$ X Y} {X getInfo($)}#{Y getInfo($)} end unit(test: isNote)} %% -> [[n2]#[n1]] {SMapping.forSimultaneousPairs [N2] proc {$ X Y} {Browse {X getInfo($)}#{Y getInfo($)}} end unit(test: isNote)} %% browses [n2]#[n1] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% declare MyScore = {Score.make sim([seq([note(offsetTime: { 0#1} duration: 1 pitch: 1) note(duration: 1 pitch: 2) note(duration: 2 pitch: 3) note(duration: 2 % has start time 5 pitch: 4) note(duration: 2 pitch: 5) note(duration: 2 pitch: 6)]) seq([note(duration: 1 pitch: 11) note(duration: 2 pitch: 12) note(offsetTime: 1 duration: 1 pitch: 13) %% The note pairs up to here should be processed by SMapping.mapTimeslices below, but the fourth note pair is delayed until this offset time is determined note(offsetTime: { 0#1} % has start time 5 or later duration: 1 pitch: 14) note(offsetTime: { 0#1} duration: 2 pitch: 15) note(offsetTime: { 0#3} duration: 2 pitch: 16)]) seq([note(duration: 2 pitch: 21) note(duration: 1 pitch: 22) note(duration: 2 pitch: 23) note(duration: 2 % has start time 5 pitch: 24) note(duration: 2 pitch: 25) note(duration: 2 pitch: 26)])] startTime:0 timeUnit: beats) unit} {SMapping.forSimultaneousPairs {MyScore collect($ test:isNote)} proc {$ X Y} {Browse {Adjoin unit(start: {X getStartTime($)} 'end': {X getEndTime($)}) {X toInitRecord($)}} #{Adjoin unit(start: {Y getStartTime($)} 'end': {Y getEndTime($)}) {Y toInitRecord($)}}} end unit(test: isNote)} %% BUG: blocks -- should return what it can so far, i.e. a list with unbound end? {SMapping.mapSimultaneousPairs {MyScore collect($ test:isNote)} fun {$ X Y} {Adjoin unit(start: {X getStartTime($)} 'end': {X getEndTime($)}) {X toInitRecord($)}} #{Adjoin unit(start: {Y getStartTime($)} 'end': {X getEndTime($)}) {Y toInitRecord($)}} end unit(test: isNote)} %% Now bind undetermined offset time {{Nth {{Nth {MyScore getItems($)} 1} getItems($)} 4} getOffsetTime($)} = 1 {{Nth {{Nth {MyScore getItems($)} 1} getItems($)} 5} getOffsetTime($)} = 0 {{Nth {{Nth {MyScore getItems($)} 1} getItems($)} 6} getOffsetTime($)} = 0 {{Nth {{Nth {MyScore getItems($)} 1} getItems($)} 4} getOffsetTime($)} = 3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% SMapping.forSimultaneousPairs -- with partially determined score %% declare N1 N2 N3 N11 N12 N13 MyScore = {Score.make sim([seq([note(handle:N1 duration: 2 pitch: 1) note(handle:N2 duration: 1 pitch: 2) note(handle:N3 duration: 2 pitch: 3)]) seq([note(handle:N11 duration: 2 pitch: 11) %% This note is already known to be in time window 1-4 note(handle:N12 offsetTime: { 0#1} % duration: 1 pitch: 12) note(handle:N13 pitch: 13)])] startTime:0 timeUnit:beats) unit} %% BUG: does not work if sim notes are not contained in given list {SMapping.forSimultaneousPairs [N1 N2 N3] proc {$ N_1 N_2} {Browse {Pattern.mapItems [N_1 N_2] toInitRecord}} end unit(test: isNote)} {SMapping.forSimultaneousPairs {MyScore collect($ test:isNote)} proc {$ N_1 N_2} {Browse {Pattern.mapItems [N_1 N_2] toInitRecord}} end unit(test: isNote)} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% MapScore %% declare MyScore = seq(info:test items:[note(duration:4 pitch:60) note(duration:4 pitch:62) note(duration:4 pitch:64)] startTime:0 timeUnit:beats(4) ) %% no processing {Browse {SMapping.mapScore MyScore fun {$ X} X end}} %% add feat bla %% Note: all score objects get it added, but not beats(4) {Browse {SMapping.mapScore MyScore fun {$ X} {Adjoin unit(bla:hallo) X} end}}