Index | ![]() |
ET31 | |
DB | |
Out | |
C | |
Score | |
ET31 |
- MUtils at "x-ozlib://anders/strasheela/source/MusicUtils.ozf"
- LUtils at "x-ozlib://anders/strasheela/source/ListUtils.ozf"
- Score at "x-ozlib://anders/strasheela/source/ScoreCore.ozf"
- Out at "x-ozlib://anders/strasheela/source/Output.ozf"
- ET31 at "../ET31.ozf"
- <P/1:SetOffset>
- <P/1:SetDuration>
- <P/1:PlayRChord>
- <P/1:PlayPCs>
- <P/1:PlayNames>
proc{SetOffset B}
Changes globally the offset time between notes (an int, default is 0), so an arpeggio can be perceived. If global Offset = global Duration, then notes don't overlap.
proc{SetDuration Dur}
proc{PlayRChord Ratios}
Play list of Ratios (list of int pairs) in millicent precision using Csound. 1#1 denotes middle C.
Note that the resulting chord is rendered in just intonation -- in contrast to the output of, e.g., PlayPCs and PlayNames.
Duration specified globally (10 secs, int in msecs).
proc{PlayPCs PCs}
Plays 31 ET pitch class lists using Csound. 0 denotes middle C.
Duration specified globally (10 secs, int in msecs).
proc{PlayNames Names}
Plays symbolic note names expressing 31 ET pitch class lists using Csound. 0 denotes middle C.
Duration specified globally (10 secs, int in msecs).