Index | ![]() |
eventdurs |
- FD
- LUtils at "x-ozlib://anders/strasheela/source/ListUtils.ozf"
- Score at "x-ozlib://anders/strasheela/source/ScoreCore.ozf"
- Out at "x-ozlib://anders/strasheela/source/Output.ozf"
- setup:<P/4:Setup>
- toScore:<P/3:ToScore>
- toScoreDouble:<P/3:ToScoreDouble>
- writeLilyFile:<P/3:WriteLilyFile>
- writeOnsetFile:<P/2:WriteOnsetFile>
proc{Setup Beats BeatDivisions Events Durations}
link Events with Durations. Setting a value (or narrowing the domain) in either list will update the other list.
NB: the Event list has a "courtesy one" at the end.
proc{ToScore EventsDurs BeatDivisions ScoreInstance}
Combines the Events and Durations and produces a Score object.
proc{ToScoreDouble EventDurs BeatDivisions ScoreInstance}
Combines the Events and Durations and produces a Score
* object. Repeats the events and durs -- ie 1 bar becomes 2
* bars.
proc{WriteLilyFile BaseFilename BeatDivisions MyScore}
proc{WriteOnsetFile BaseFilename EventDurs}